2016 Presidential Race Topic

Posted by bad_luck on 1/29/2016 5:16:00 PM (view original):
moy, I'm surprised you're able to type with both hands wrapped around trump's **** all the time.
The federal government is censoring 37 pages of emails from Hillary Clinton's private email server, saying they contain information considered "top secret." The move marks the first time her State Department emails have been accorded such a high level of classification and comes just days before the Iowa caucuses.
1/29/2016 5:40 PM
So what do you think that means?
1/29/2016 6:04 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 1/29/2016 6:04:00 PM (view original):
So what do you think that means?
That she's a total ******* idiot
1/29/2016 7:19 PM
...and she broke the law and should be in orange.

This is worse then Nixon.

1/29/2016 8:37 PM
Posted by raucous on 1/29/2016 8:37:00 PM (view original):
...and she broke the law and should be in orange.

This is worse then Nixon.

Only difference was Nixon was a Republican and didn't have millions to buy his way out of trouble
1/30/2016 2:44 PM
Posted by moy23 on 1/29/2016 1:36:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 1/29/2016 1:07:00 PM (view original):
A) I'm not overly concerned about polls.   Do you think Trump's remarks to/about Kelly/Fiorina caused some backlash?   Do you think he'd like to avoid that again?
B) Not sending money to Mexico isn't conveying "power".  That's akin to smacking your neighbor's 8 y/o because there's nothing he can do about it.

A. Maybe. Maybe he was up big in Iowa and he didn't want to face Ted Cruz? He accomplished both avoiding Cruz and Kelly last night, while raising $6 million for vets and getting Evangelical support (Huck and Santorum).... And in the end he wins Iowa.

Like Trump said to O'Reilly... The debate is not THAT important. He's won 6 debates already. The media is making it a bigger deal than what it really is.

B. Money is power. We can agree to disagree. I think a wall can be built, and paid for by Mexico. I wouldn't care if we paid for it as long as it made it more difficult for illegals to get in this country.
See point A... From the last Iowa poll that came out today (and Trump still leads)... "If Iowa Republicans didn't like Trump's decision to skip this week's debate, there's little sign they're holding it against him. 46% of likely caucusgoers say they don't care that he boycotted Fox News event, the final match-up before the vote. Just 29% say they disapprove, while 24% approve of Trump's choice, which was announced the day this poll went into the field."... The media made this out to be a bigger deal than it was
1/30/2016 11:08 PM
Posted by moy23 on 1/29/2016 11:36:00 AM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 1/29/2016 11:28:00 AM (view original):
Posted by moy23 on 1/29/2016 11:18:00 AM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 1/29/2016 11:08:00 AM (view original):
Are you talking about her?   Cha-ching, her bank account got bigger.    She's playing the Trump game.    And, IMO, she beat Trump at it last night.
Speaking of Trumps game he brought in 4 million viewers a couple nights ago for his interview with O'Reilly.
Again, the Kardashians have a lot of viewers. 

Seriously, Trump is a trainwreck and people like to see what he'll say next.  He's very entertaining.    Is that Presidential material?   I don't think so.

I watched most of last night's debate.   As a debate, it was better.   For entertainment, not so much.   I know Trump is smart but, in this election, he bring entertainment.  I just think the people supporting him are also captivated by dangling, shiny things.   Like fish.

The debate was missing taxes and healthcare last night. Two biggies for me.

I like that trump is talking about not getting screwed over by other countries in trade deals. No one else is. He was right on in debate 6 when he said Boeing is building a factory in China, and Jeb disagreed. It's recent news, that's why Jeb didn't know..... Trump gets the markets, he gets finance, he gets business. I think he can help despite his bombastic demeanor.

Cruz is another Obama..... He won't get a single democrat in congress to vote his way, and he most likely won't get establishment republicans either. They hate him.... So it'd be 4 more years of congressional standoffs with Cruz.

Marco just wants the job because its cool to be Prez. I've seen guys like him. Smooth talkers with little experience that think they are ready for the big time. He should start showing up in the Senate for the job he has, get some experience, and then run in 8 years.
Hard to believe it comes down to the billionaire bombastic businessman, the guy who can't get along with anyone on both sides the aisle in congress, and the guy who doesn't show up to work but expects a promotion.... vs the criminal and the self-proclaimed socialist. Way to go America.
1/30/2016 11:25 PM
1/31/2016 8:11 AM
1/31/2016 12:32 PM
1/31/2016 12:34 PM
1/31/2016 12:35 PM
  First I'll need a facelift and Botox. Like John Kerry.  Come up with an excuse why I'm out of the limelight for awhile or else I'll actually have to fall over and hurt myself.  OH WAIT!  I already did.  Then put Bills old crew into operation plusewise my new improved team of side steppers and dancers around the issues and hiders of the truth along with the liars and magicians to make me palatable to enough of American voters and all the illegal votes we get plusewise all those we can steal again.  The Americans can't touch us in the city.  We take what we want.  We can make it up as we go and the Americans don't have a chance.  We only need one more.  After that, the Americans will be too broke and weak to fight back.  We will defeat a whole culture and civilization with a velvet glove.  It's nothing new.  I want to congratulate all the smart people who were in with me early enough and stayed with me.  You will be rewarded.  The rest of you who thought you had a good thing or would get rewarded will be rewarded by being ignored or not being thrown in jail.  All the rest of you weakling losers will go down.  We will take everything.  The world is too big and complicated now.  Only a few of us, like me, are smart enough and worthy of ruling the rest of you.  You understand.  If you don't…. I will make you.  Understand?  
1/31/2016 12:57 PM
1/31/2016 1:07 PM
  If your parents vote for me I will give you a puppy.  And an Obama phone.  Plusewise it's all FREE!
1/31/2016 1:21 PM
WASHINGTON — Despite his controversial comments about Mexican immigrants, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump is the favorite among Latino Republicans, according to new polling results revealed to The Post.

Thirty eight percent favor Trump, followed by Cuban American Ted Cruz (15 percent), Jeb Bush (14 percent) and Cuban American Marco Rubio (8 percent), according to the national poll conducted by the Beck Research for the American Federation for Children.

“If you’re trying to stop Trump – this poll should trouble you,” said pollster Deborah Beck.
1/31/2016 6:03 PM
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2016 Presidential Race Topic

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