Moral Obligation? Topic

I worked til midnight tonight finishing a project. Got home and checked on wife and kids. Had a quick snack... cheese sandwich with mayo and glass of lemonade. Checked the Gonzaga score on my tablet. Checked my email. Saw a sitemail/ email from emy1013. Responded to emy1013 via sitemail. Got on HD. Set my lineup for my sucky Vermont team. Washed my hands, flossed my teeth, rinsed with Listerine, brushed my teeth, rinsed with Act.

Went back to my tablet, and i then read through HD forums, including this thread. Surprised to see emy addressing and then doubling down on the Angmar thing. Surprised that MikeT23 remembered the specifics of information i shared with him last June or July... he must have saved my sitemail. Read through posts about how i need to show some nuts on this thread.

To answer emy's response to my original comment about Angmar... i had said that i recently noticed the ghostship Angmar in a random port... by recently, it was in December, in Naismith, in Div-1, at Georgetown, in Season 91. After 27 years in the dark (Season 64 Abilene Christian), Angmar appeared for 1 season at Georgetown, then vanished again.
4/4/2017 1:41 AM
No more on this topic from me
I've said my piece, nothing more to add to this thread.

That was too much to hope for. You were still full of bile, under great pressure, and now your bile is splattered all over this thread. Man, that must have been building up for some time.
4/4/2017 2:39 AM
"You talk about all the negativity turning potential coaches away and then turn into a straight hypocrite as you post your next negative comment, and your next, and next, and next."

True that. As some have already noted, Mikey and Spudhole are the 2016/2017 forum cancers that do more to drive people AWAY from the forums than anything else. They are too hard headed/immature to realize that and never will......
4/4/2017 6:33 AM
Posted by shoe3 on 4/3/2017 11:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by emy1013 on 4/3/2017 5:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/3/2017 2:59:00 PM (view original):
The evidence is circumstantial. If I was going to cheat, that's how I'd do it. But the timing, 1st/2nd day of recruiting, makes it look REALLY suspicious. And he never answered if he scouted Canada with his D1 team. If nothing else, he could have answered that one. If he did scout Canada with D1, well, there's a problem.

Liars and cheats are sneaky bastards. Coming out and saying "He's talking about me but I didn't cheat" doesn't prove anything. Someone was going to figure it out and tell everyone. Stepping forward could have just been a pre-emptive strike. Take nothing from it.
And coming out and saying "That looks fishy so I know he MUST have cheated" doesn't prove anything either Johnnie Cochran. Again, maybe he did, maybe he didn't but you're the one making the accusation so prove it. Just because you THINK something happened doesn't mean that it DID happen. You're related to Etta, aren't you?
Point of order, Johnnie Cochran was best known as a defense attorney, so technically you or Benis should probably own that reference.
Ooooh I call dibs on Johnnie!
4/4/2017 6:59 AM
Posted by npb7768 on 4/4/2017 1:42:00 AM (view original):
I worked til midnight tonight finishing a project. Got home and checked on wife and kids. Had a quick snack... cheese sandwich with mayo and glass of lemonade. Checked the Gonzaga score on my tablet. Checked my email. Saw a sitemail/ email from emy1013. Responded to emy1013 via sitemail. Got on HD. Set my lineup for my sucky Vermont team. Washed my hands, flossed my teeth, rinsed with Listerine, brushed my teeth, rinsed with Act.

Went back to my tablet, and i then read through HD forums, including this thread. Surprised to see emy addressing and then doubling down on the Angmar thing. Surprised that MikeT23 remembered the specifics of information i shared with him last June or July... he must have saved my sitemail. Read through posts about how i need to show some nuts on this thread.

To answer emy's response to my original comment about Angmar... i had said that i recently noticed the ghostship Angmar in a random port... by recently, it was in December, in Naismith, in Div-1, at Georgetown, in Season 91. After 27 years in the dark (Season 64 Abilene Christian), Angmar appeared for 1 season at Georgetown, then vanished again.
I wasn't playing HD last June/July. The information I received was from an account that was created yesterday. I'm not interested in being a pawn in the spat between you/emy.
4/4/2017 7:00 AM
Posted by emy1013 on 4/4/2017 12:28:00 AM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/3/2017 10:44:00 PM (view original):
Yeah, I'm not reading all that because someone sent me some "interesting" info.

Seems my boy emy has some aliases. emy1013, dcy0827, and angmar

Seems he's used them for some "suspicious" activity. Like taking teams for 1 season, teams with 6 openings, near schools his other aliases coach. Seems my mystery informant thinks he did that to scout for his other schools. I haven't verified any of this but, emy, is it true? Not the scouting part, I'm sure you'll say that didn't happen, but the alias taking schools near your other username's schools?

Is this a thing?
Yep, those are all my ID's (one is my son's), I've never made any secret of that. Cleared that through CS many years ago, even before the "1000 mile" rule was even in effect.

As far as the "accusations", people can believe whatever they want to believe, this is the internet remember. Your mystery informant, who is npb7768 (no need to hide that) has his own little theory about what he thinks he knows. He's not right but if it makes him feel any better I'll let him go on thinking whatever he wants to think. Hell, he can think any ID being used in the game is mine for all I care. See that's the big difference between me, you, and your "mystery informant" Npb. I wait until I have proof, I don't operate on "assumptions", "maybes", "probablys", or "hunches". And by the way, since you're very obviously reading this thread Npb, I have to say that it is extremely weak, gutless, and nutless to try to hide in the shadows and have someone else do your extremely misguided "dirty work".

If it REALLY makes you and your boy Npb feel better, I'll go on and admit right here that I've used every cheat code, loophole, and unethical move in the book to win every single game I've EVER won in HD. How's that, feel better now? What else would you two intellectual giants like me to admit to? hacking the opposing coaches ID's and changing their game plans against my team? Absolutely. You mean people, don't do that? Hell, I'll tell you that I was the second gunman on the grassy knoll if it'll help you sleep at night.

You've made several comments in different threads about what a new user just visiting the forums would think about the community here Mikey. You might want to take a good, long, hard look into the mirror because your toxicity in the forums (well, both you and Dud's) is the very FIRST thing I noticed after I returned to use up my remaining credits. Both of you do more to turn new users away with the garbage and smartass comments you post than the rest of the community (minus Only) combined. You talk about all the negativity turning potential coaches away and then turn into a straight hypocrite as you post your next negative comment, and your next, and next, and next.
Mike when we were in the same conference he hacked my lineup and made me play Zone.

4/4/2017 7:48 AM
Yeah, I'd pretend I read his post but that would be a lie. I told him to "shorten it up" and he went longer. I guess he thinks his words are important.
4/4/2017 8:27 AM
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/4/2017 8:27:00 AM (view original):
Yeah, I'd pretend I read his post but that would be a lie. I told him to "shorten it up" and he went longer. I guess he thinks his words are important.
Ha! Says the guy with over 50 THOUSAND posts. Again, hypocrite thy name is MikeT.
4/4/2017 9:14 AM
Thanks for being succinct. My posts are short. Easy to elevate post count. Doesn't mean I read that long-winded nonsense you post.
4/4/2017 9:18 AM
Posted by npb7768 on 4/4/2017 1:42:00 AM (view original):
I worked til midnight tonight finishing a project. Got home and checked on wife and kids. Had a quick snack... cheese sandwich with mayo and glass of lemonade. Checked the Gonzaga score on my tablet. Checked my email. Saw a sitemail/ email from emy1013. Responded to emy1013 via sitemail. Got on HD. Set my lineup for my sucky Vermont team. Washed my hands, flossed my teeth, rinsed with Listerine, brushed my teeth, rinsed with Act.

Went back to my tablet, and i then read through HD forums, including this thread. Surprised to see emy addressing and then doubling down on the Angmar thing. Surprised that MikeT23 remembered the specifics of information i shared with him last June or July... he must have saved my sitemail. Read through posts about how i need to show some nuts on this thread.

To answer emy's response to my original comment about Angmar... i had said that i recently noticed the ghostship Angmar in a random port... by recently, it was in December, in Naismith, in Div-1, at Georgetown, in Season 91. After 27 years in the dark (Season 64 Abilene Christian), Angmar appeared for 1 season at Georgetown, then vanished again.
That one season was also the first time I could qualify with a Big East team with that account. Also happened to be the last season I had worth of credits. Also happened to be extremely near the switch from 2.0 to 3.0 (which I don't really care for yet). Simple enough. Nothing to see here. Why would I just leave credits behind and let them expire without using them up?
4/4/2017 9:18 AM
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/4/2017 9:18:00 AM (view original):
Thanks for being succinct. My posts are short. Easy to elevate post count. Doesn't mean I read that long-winded nonsense you post.
So....short attention span then, huh? Lemme guess, part of the Instant Gratification Generation.

Good luck with your HD career Mike, you're gonna need it. Peace.
4/4/2017 9:20 AM
No, just not interested in long-winded nonsense from internet fools. Waste of time. I waste enough.
4/4/2017 9:21 AM
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/4/2017 9:18:00 AM (view original):
Thanks for being succinct. My posts are short. Easy to elevate post count. Doesn't mean I read that long-winded nonsense you post.
Don't lie. You have plenty of posts that are multiple paragraphs.
4/4/2017 10:14 AM
I have but I do my best not to. You have to play to your audience. They want to "talk" not "listen".
4/4/2017 10:37 AM
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/4/2017 10:37:00 AM (view original):
I have but I do my best not to. You have to play to your audience. They want to "talk" not "listen".
So why bother?
4/4/2017 10:55 AM
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