TRUMP: Best President ever Topic


You are not a Jew. Not remotely. You are not a journalist. No way! You are also demented.

That is what. Like I said I tell my kids to stay away and ignore people like you. While you have the right to your beliefs and free speech. I consider your speech hate speech on the level of hate groups such as BLM and the KKK. All set.

You are exactly what this country is NOT about.
5/8/2018 10:43 AM
FWIW, I don't think tang is racist. I think he's just very, very, very naive about the world outside central Kansas.

Sure it would be nice if there was a yellow brink road for everyone to follow, where they'd get what they want at the end just by asking, but that isn't reality.
5/8/2018 11:13 AM
He may not be racist but his ignorance cause major racial divides. He of course is too dumb to see that and that makes him and those like him very dangerous. I am all set with him.
5/8/2018 11:15 AM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/8/2018 10:43:00 AM (view original):

You are not a Jew. Not remotely. You are not a journalist. No way! You are also demented.

That is what. Like I said I tell my kids to stay away and ignore people like you. While you have the right to your beliefs and free speech. I consider your speech hate speech on the level of hate groups such as BLM and the KKK. All set.

You are exactly what this country is NOT about.
I am a Jew, and I am a journalist.

I really don't see how my speech is hate speech.
5/8/2018 11:34 AM
based on what he has said, cccp, tang is just as jewish as you are. I still don't see why you're allowed to say you are jewish but an agnostic, but he can't be Jewish and a Christian? I don't see a difference. Well, the difference I do see is at least he is still saying God exists. You say he does not.
5/8/2018 11:59 AM
#1) Both my parents are Jewish and his are not
#2) He celebrates nothing of the traditions and does not see himself as a Jew
#3) You cannot be a Christian and a Jew at the same time
#4) I am a Jew for all the traditions I just don't believe in the higher power. He actually chose a different religion. More specifically I don't believe in the higher power or that Jesus was the Messiah. He believes Jesus was the Messiah so he cannot be a Jew.
#5) He is anti Israel and I am pro Israel

You disagree with me but to me he is as Jewish as Bill Cosby. AKA he is not.

But he played that card to fit his warped narrative.
5/8/2018 12:06 PM
Posted by tangplay on 5/8/2018 11:34:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/8/2018 10:43:00 AM (view original):

You are not a Jew. Not remotely. You are not a journalist. No way! You are also demented.

That is what. Like I said I tell my kids to stay away and ignore people like you. While you have the right to your beliefs and free speech. I consider your speech hate speech on the level of hate groups such as BLM and the KKK. All set.

You are exactly what this country is NOT about.
I am a Jew, and I am a journalist.

I really don't see how my speech is hate speech.
And therein lies the problem. BLM and KKK don't see how their speech is hate speech either. You need professional help. I say that with all due respect.
5/8/2018 12:07 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/8/2018 12:06:00 PM (view original):
#1) Both my parents are Jewish and his are not
#2) He celebrates nothing of the traditions and does not see himself as a Jew
#3) You cannot be a Christian and a Jew at the same time
#4) I am a Jew for all the traditions I just don't believe in the higher power. He actually chose a different religion. More specifically I don't believe in the higher power or that Jesus was the Messiah. He believes Jesus was the Messiah so he cannot be a Jew.
#5) He is anti Israel and I am pro Israel

You disagree with me but to me he is as Jewish as Bill Cosby. AKA he is not.

But he played that card to fit his warped narrative.
#1) This doesn't disqualify you from being a Jew. Only your mother has to be Jewish.
#2) I do actually. I had a bar mitzvah and we celebrate a couple of Jewish holidays. I identify as a Eastern European Jew.
#3) Yeah, you can.
#4) I am not a Jew in religion but I am in heritage. This does not disqualify me from being a Jew.
#5) I am NOT anti-Israel. I am pro-Israelis and I think that Israel is the best in the Middle East but Netenyahu is corrupt. I can be pro-Israel and not support everything they do.

You don't have to believe me, but it is hurtful when you continue to slander me and make up false accusations. I know that I am Jewish and I just hope that you will one day believe me.
5/8/2018 12:21 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/8/2018 12:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/8/2018 11:34:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/8/2018 10:43:00 AM (view original):

You are not a Jew. Not remotely. You are not a journalist. No way! You are also demented.

That is what. Like I said I tell my kids to stay away and ignore people like you. While you have the right to your beliefs and free speech. I consider your speech hate speech on the level of hate groups such as BLM and the KKK. All set.

You are exactly what this country is NOT about.
I am a Jew, and I am a journalist.

I really don't see how my speech is hate speech.
And therein lies the problem. BLM and KKK don't see how their speech is hate speech either. You need professional help. I say that with all due respect.
How can I get professional help when I don't understand what the problem is? If you really think my speech is hate speech, explain why.
5/8/2018 12:22 PM
When you put one race above another that is hate speech. In your narrative African American persons are inferior and lack "privilege". You point at some stupid stats. The NBA is 75% black. The NBA is not racist at all. Sometimes stats are just misleading. For a while RBs in the NFL were not very good. That position is coming back. This doesn't mean RBs are useless. Stats again can be misleading.

This country has made significant progress but the morality has declined and hence the rise of single parenthood. This afflicts all races. But some more than others. Jews, Indians, Asian Americans generally stay as families and raise kids in two parent households as a result these kids become successful adults.

You are so deranged in your worthless crusade that you cannot see that. You just jump to racism each and every time. You call Bibi a criminal but I have not seen you once denounce Iran, Lybia, Syria, Iraq, Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah. Not once. You really think Bibi is more corrupt than the heads of those regimes?

Your stupidity and ignorance is dangerous. And the fact that you cannot see that is mind boggling.
5/8/2018 12:35 PM
Posted by tangplay on 5/8/2018 12:21:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/8/2018 12:06:00 PM (view original):
#1) Both my parents are Jewish and his are not
#2) He celebrates nothing of the traditions and does not see himself as a Jew
#3) You cannot be a Christian and a Jew at the same time
#4) I am a Jew for all the traditions I just don't believe in the higher power. He actually chose a different religion. More specifically I don't believe in the higher power or that Jesus was the Messiah. He believes Jesus was the Messiah so he cannot be a Jew.
#5) He is anti Israel and I am pro Israel

You disagree with me but to me he is as Jewish as Bill Cosby. AKA he is not.

But he played that card to fit his warped narrative.
#1) This doesn't disqualify you from being a Jew. Only your mother has to be Jewish.
#2) I do actually. I had a bar mitzvah and we celebrate a couple of Jewish holidays. I identify as a Eastern European Jew.
#3) Yeah, you can.
#4) I am not a Jew in religion but I am in heritage. This does not disqualify me from being a Jew.
#5) I am NOT anti-Israel. I am pro-Israelis and I think that Israel is the best in the Middle East but Netenyahu is corrupt. I can be pro-Israel and not support everything they do.

You don't have to believe me, but it is hurtful when you continue to slander me and make up false accusations. I know that I am Jewish and I just hope that you will one day believe me.
#1) I say it does. Opinions vary.
#2) Then why did you convert to Christianity? Unfulfilled were you?
#3) Can you be a cat and a dog at the same time too?
#4) In what sort of heritage are you a Jew? Name some traditionally Jewish foods you eat.
#5) How is Bibi more corrupt than Obama was. Please explain.
5/8/2018 12:37 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/8/2018 12:35:00 PM (view original):
When you put one race above another that is hate speech. In your narrative African American persons are inferior and lack "privilege". You point at some stupid stats. The NBA is 75% black. The NBA is not racist at all. Sometimes stats are just misleading. For a while RBs in the NFL were not very good. That position is coming back. This doesn't mean RBs are useless. Stats again can be misleading.

This country has made significant progress but the morality has declined and hence the rise of single parenthood. This afflicts all races. But some more than others. Jews, Indians, Asian Americans generally stay as families and raise kids in two parent households as a result these kids become successful adults.

You are so deranged in your worthless crusade that you cannot see that. You just jump to racism each and every time. You call Bibi a criminal but I have not seen you once denounce Iran, Lybia, Syria, Iraq, Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah. Not once. You really think Bibi is more corrupt than the heads of those regimes?

Your stupidity and ignorance is dangerous. And the fact that you cannot see that is mind boggling.
I don't put one race above another. African Americans are not inferior. This is my entire point. You say that they struggle because their culture is inferior. This is the true dangerous argument. I already refuted the 75% black stuff, and RBs were never useless, but for a time, they were undervalued and underused. Every stat tells a story.

Yeah, but why? Are those cultures just superior?

Dude. Pay attention please. In my last post I just said that Israel is better than every other country around them. Please keep up.

5/8/2018 1:07 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/8/2018 12:37:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/8/2018 12:21:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/8/2018 12:06:00 PM (view original):
#1) Both my parents are Jewish and his are not
#2) He celebrates nothing of the traditions and does not see himself as a Jew
#3) You cannot be a Christian and a Jew at the same time
#4) I am a Jew for all the traditions I just don't believe in the higher power. He actually chose a different religion. More specifically I don't believe in the higher power or that Jesus was the Messiah. He believes Jesus was the Messiah so he cannot be a Jew.
#5) He is anti Israel and I am pro Israel

You disagree with me but to me he is as Jewish as Bill Cosby. AKA he is not.

But he played that card to fit his warped narrative.
#1) This doesn't disqualify you from being a Jew. Only your mother has to be Jewish.
#2) I do actually. I had a bar mitzvah and we celebrate a couple of Jewish holidays. I identify as a Eastern European Jew.
#3) Yeah, you can.
#4) I am not a Jew in religion but I am in heritage. This does not disqualify me from being a Jew.
#5) I am NOT anti-Israel. I am pro-Israelis and I think that Israel is the best in the Middle East but Netenyahu is corrupt. I can be pro-Israel and not support everything they do.

You don't have to believe me, but it is hurtful when you continue to slander me and make up false accusations. I know that I am Jewish and I just hope that you will one day believe me.
#1) I say it does. Opinions vary.
#2) Then why did you convert to Christianity? Unfulfilled were you?
#3) Can you be a cat and a dog at the same time too?
#4) In what sort of heritage are you a Jew? Name some traditionally Jewish foods you eat.
#5) How is Bibi more corrupt than Obama was. Please explain.
#1) Yeah, but this isn't an opinion. "According to halakha, to determine a person's Jewish status (Hebrew: yuhasin) one needs to consider the status of both parents. If both parents are Jewish, their child will also be considered Jewish, and the child takes the status of the father (e.g., as a kohen). If either parent is subject to a genealogical disability (e.g., is a mamzer) then the child is also subject to that disability. If one of the parents is not Jewish, the rule is that the child takes the status of the mother (Kiddushin 68b, Shulchan Aruch, EH 4:19).[14] The ruling is derived from various sources including Deuteronomy 7:1–5, Leviticus 24:10, Ezra 10:2–3.[14] Accordingly, if the mother is Jewish, so is her child, and if she is not Jewish, neither is her child considered Jewish"
#2) My parents are Christian. I believe in Christianity.
#3) Can you be an atheist and a Jew at the same time?
#5) Uh... what? Where does Obama fit into this?
5/8/2018 1:11 PM
Posted by tangplay on 5/8/2018 1:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/8/2018 12:35:00 PM (view original):
When you put one race above another that is hate speech. In your narrative African American persons are inferior and lack "privilege". You point at some stupid stats. The NBA is 75% black. The NBA is not racist at all. Sometimes stats are just misleading. For a while RBs in the NFL were not very good. That position is coming back. This doesn't mean RBs are useless. Stats again can be misleading.

This country has made significant progress but the morality has declined and hence the rise of single parenthood. This afflicts all races. But some more than others. Jews, Indians, Asian Americans generally stay as families and raise kids in two parent households as a result these kids become successful adults.

You are so deranged in your worthless crusade that you cannot see that. You just jump to racism each and every time. You call Bibi a criminal but I have not seen you once denounce Iran, Lybia, Syria, Iraq, Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah. Not once. You really think Bibi is more corrupt than the heads of those regimes?

Your stupidity and ignorance is dangerous. And the fact that you cannot see that is mind boggling.
I don't put one race above another. African Americans are not inferior. This is my entire point. You say that they struggle because their culture is inferior. This is the true dangerous argument. I already refuted the 75% black stuff, and RBs were never useless, but for a time, they were undervalued and underused. Every stat tells a story.

Yeah, but why? Are those cultures just superior?

Dude. Pay attention please. In my last post I just said that Israel is better than every other country around them. Please keep up.

#1) Single parenthood is more acceptable. Stats regarding the impact on children have not really come to light til now as these children reach adulthood and are not as successful. Similar to cigarettes. Ones the news got out people paid more attention. Perhaps if your crusade was to dual parenting vs. fake racism we would all be better off. You did not refute anything.

#2) No those cultures don't value the dual parent household as much.I am not sure why as I am a Jew and came from one. My wife came from a single parent household but only because her dad died when she was 2. Still they struggled mightily.

#3) If so then why do you side with the UN who clearly favors those other countries?

5/8/2018 1:24 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/8/2018 12:06:00 PM (view original):
#1) Both my parents are Jewish and his are not
#2) He celebrates nothing of the traditions and does not see himself as a Jew
#3) You cannot be a Christian and a Jew at the same time
#4) I am a Jew for all the traditions I just don't believe in the higher power. He actually chose a different religion. More specifically I don't believe in the higher power or that Jesus was the Messiah. He believes Jesus was the Messiah so he cannot be a Jew.
#5) He is anti Israel and I am pro Israel

You disagree with me but to me he is as Jewish as Bill Cosby. AKA he is not.

But he played that card to fit his warped narrative.
1. Doesn't matter. According to the Jewish religion, if your mother was Jewish, you are Jewish
2. Obviously he does see himself as a Jew since has repeatedly said he is Jewish. YOU are the one who does not see him as a Jew.
3. If you can be an agnostic and a Jew at the same time, there's no reason you can't be Christian and Jewish at the same time.
5. Well, he says he is not anti Israel. Also, one does not have to be pro Israel to be Jewish.

Personally, I don't care if he identifies himself as Jewish, Christian or a Druid. Its his business and not mine...or yours. I also don't care if you identify yourself as Jewish, agnostic or a Satanist. None of my business.
5/8/2018 1:25 PM
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