Some of the video was pretty silly, I'll give you that (especially #1, Trump mouthing off on Twitter about Obama). I think the Russian stuff is nearly impossible to prove, so Trump is probably safe there. In my opinion the best bet is the emoluments clause, because Trump just can't resist grifting, even when he knows the whole world is watching his every move.

The 25th Amendment angle is pretty darn interesting, too.
5/2/2017 3:20 PM
Maybe, I'm really only commenting on impeachment. Unfit to serve would be a totally different thing. There could be an argument for that.
5/2/2017 3:22 PM
i still believe that 1-3 people are going to roll on trump about of them will be flynn....
5/2/2017 5:50 PM
5/2/2017 8:43 PM
Posted by dino27 on 5/2/2017 5:50:00 PM (view original):
i still believe that 1-3 people are going to roll on trump about of them will be flynn....
The Congressional committees still have no proof that there is a Trump-Russia connection that you speak of...but I guess you can continue to have hope...

Meanwhile the MSM continues to ramble on that Trump is a Fascist, Nazi, anti-gay, Antichrist...or something. And that Americans should rally around the Resistance. Hillary took personal responsibility for her loss, then blamed everyone not named Hillary as to why she is not the President. Then said she has joined the Resistance. In 2018, Republicans will attempt to defend 5 Senate seats up for grabs. Dems have 20, 10 of which are in states that Trump won. Good luck with that.

5/2/2017 8:56 PM
Was listening to a discussion regarding the Nuclear Option on legislation. Why does it take 60 votes? Why not a simple majority? Perhaps Trump is right to have McDonnell abolish the 60 vote threshold. Then they can just go ahead and pass their legislation. Who's to say Dems wouldn't abolish it when they resume power?
5/2/2017 9:05 PM
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Congress is also conducting a bipartisan investigation. Nothing yet connecting Trump. Yet the media foams at the mouth that Trump is Putin's puppet. It is their goal to constantly try to persuade that this connection is fact.
5/2/2017 10:42 PM
they are not telling you everything and congress has not done much yet.....on may 8 you get yates..comely is not giving up much......i am connecting dots...i told you this investigation would happen back last summer before the conventions...ive not been wrong yet.
5/2/2017 10:47 PM
Ok but all asked have seen no evidence of conspiracy. Yet the media insists it it there. That narrative shows their bias. Where were they when the IRS was found to be targeting conservatives? Did they call for justice?
5/2/2017 11:01 PM
Posted by DoctorKz on 5/2/2017 8:43:00 PM (view original):
From the article:

"...the president’s pragmatic, seemingly erratic style manifests a shrewd transactional approach that actually produces strategic results."

Yeah, I remember how Trump's pragmatic, seemingly (ha!) erratic style produced strategic results with respect to the border wall, the Muslim ban, repealing and replacing Obamacare, etc.
5/2/2017 11:06 PM
the fbi has not said what they have or dont have...i dont expect to start to hear about the fruit of the poisonous tree for several months.
5/2/2017 11:17 PM
Comey is testifying right NOW. He just said under oath that the U.S. intelligence community is confident in concluding that the Russians were behind the "hacking" of the DNC and were definitely conducting an operation to interfere with our election. He said he expects them to do it again in 2018 and especially in 2020. Trump is still claiming it could have been "anybody".

Loyalty to one's candidate is commendable, but................ sometime someday reality will ensue.
Donald Trump Jr. has stated Russians' have a lot of investment in our properties.
"A lot of money (from Russia) is coming in."

If you lead a blind horse to water and he refuses to drink.......... what's the humane action to take? You tell me?
5/3/2017 11:52 AM
let him eat cake.....chocolate cake.
5/3/2017 1:31 PM
baseball question - is it fair to equate a good defensive play..+ as equal to a hit for the defensive position player.
can someone put up the gif of melania at the coronation..where she smiles at trump but when he turns away you get a picture of ms. dorian gray..the ultra dour dour melania with the quickness.
5/3/2017 1:47 PM
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