Rickey Radio- S16 Power Rankings & Trade Reviews Topic

11/3 Alexander complete season 17 power rankings by tomjames. (top 18 got logos) Next up is guiness. Honestly other than the leagues that have pemanent spots (Rickey,Shoeless Joe, Doubleday), I will run other leagues as tomjames gets me the material.

That'll keep him and I from getting burned out and provide you with the best show possible. Tomjames power rankings are widely hated and loved at the same time. Since I'd rather behind on material than in front of it, I may hold off on Guiness until tomorrow.

Shows will be 1 hour long max from now on. It'll be short and sweet - and will include power rankings to introduce you all to the show. We have a good time with it, we hope you do too. Remeber that you can always listen on Itunes just search knucklebones radio and upload the hbd podcasts. You can listen 24/7/365 on my showpage, just scroll down, find the episode,  and push play. May take a minute to load for those with slower connections.

So, Guiness tomorrow. I think 1 at a time is a good pace actually. In fact I love that idea. If tomjames starts to bury me (doubtful) I'll do more. Im going to post all the relevant links to the hbdnews below so they're on this page.

hbdnews.blogspot.com knucklebonesradio.com randallonbaseball.blogspot.com blogtalkradio.com/knucklebones hbdchat.blogspot.com 

Im also going to post the code that dozens of leagues use in their blog. Just follow the directions in the post to put it in your league. This is the chat the Shoeless Joe, Doubleday, and many others share so you can talk to other guys from around the league. This has nothing to do with hbd news, but we like the idea.
11/3/2010 9:14 PM
< embed src="http://www.xatech.com/web_gear/chat/chat.swf" quality="high" width="540" height="405" name="chat" flashvars="id=101429820" align="middle" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://xat.com/update_flash.shtml" /><br /><small><a target="_BLANK" href="http://xat.com/web_gear/?cb">Get your own Chat Box!</a> <a target="_BLANK" href="http://xat.com/web_gear/chat/go_large.php?id=101429820">Go Large!</a></small><br />

Just close the gap between the <embed at the top.    <<< This is the original chat from the people I took it from ;) - copy paste this to your gadgets in the blogs and join the rest of us. (There are at least a dozen leagues that have this chat and all can use it together)

Also the guest call in number during live shows is 1-347-934-0696 - you can sit back and listen by phone on that number as long as Im live.
11/3/2010 9:18 PM
11/4 -  FW_Kekionga, Tomjames, & myself all put a lot of effort into this and we appreciate the growing popularity of the show due to you. Its been a fight every step of the way but you guys are coming around.

Im going to include my other leagues on a permanent basis - OCD, CAPB, NABCL. That'll cover 6 days of the week I do the show. Since FW_Kekionga is part of HBD news Im going to have to find a spot for his leagues too. Cobb Cobbfather will alternate with OCD and NABCL - going every other week. If I get good support I will add YOUR league too. I won't know until I run it of course and most leagues show about the same interest. 10-12 listeners.

Right now quite a few leagues are showing the numbers I need to see - I may be forced to add the 7s Mickey/Mantle etc to the lineup along with Alexander & ARod.

I of course want to include as many leagues as possible and keep peoples attention. 1 hour shows are the way to go. They end when Im still on a roll so thats a good thing. I will start to phase in other leagues as we go. Every other week, maybe then every third week. I don't want to spend more than 1 hour a day or I get burned out. If it was easier to schedule 2 1 hour shows and not eat up all my radio time I'd do it, but I get 2 shows a day wether they are 1 or 2 hours. People like the 1 hour.

So I will be fair about this and include the leagues that like the show. If everyone in every league gets onboard with it - great. We'll squeeze people in as necessary. One good power ranking per league at the all star break is the goal. No one gets burned out and a lot of leagues get a little radio. Im fine with that.

You can find my upcoming schedule on my show page at BTR to see whats on the menu. I will keep posting here because its simpler for people, but the hub of hbd news is our blog and the showpage itself. Thanks again.
11/4/2010 7:14 PM
11/5 I've added a few more leagues to a more permanent schedule due to the great listenership. Surprisingly Addicted Users, Alexander, & A Rod showed great interest so I've added them every other week. Cobb & Cobbfather are FW_Kekiongas leagues so I'm adding them too in spite of less interest than most.

This may expand to every third week as I go through all the HBD leagues or even once a month. I will always post ahead of time which league Im doing.
11/5/2010 4:48 AM
Schedule is as Follows, Shows are every other week, not two on the same day. This will start after the next week finishes - 9 days from now.

Monday         - CAPB - Cobb - 7mantle7 - Fingers

Tuesday       - Shoeless Joe - Addicted Users - 7mickeymantle7-Mordecai

Wednesday - NABCL - Cobbfather - 7mickey7- Mattingly

Thursday      - OCD - Alexander - 7yankees7 - Ryan

Friday            - Doubleday - A Rod - Pete Rose - Erffdogg Memorial

Saturday       - Rickey - USMLB - Long Haul R Us - Champions

This is a rough schedule for the next month. Some of these leagues I just added because they were with me in the beginning, some listen a ton, the others get a spot while I sort through leagues. I think once a month is good and that will cover 24 leagues. Leagues that listen the most will join the "permanent" rotation to be replaced if they're not on par with new leagues I add. I will continuously go through HBD swapping out leagues according to the numbers.

Tomjames, FW_Kekionga & myself continue our quest to put each and every league on the Radio at least once.

11/7/2010 8:22 PM (edited)
Looks like Im having skype problems - attempting to get it straight now. Late start, I will post when fixed. Well I rescheduled it for 8pm Pacific. If that doesn't fly then I will try again tomorrow and run it after Rickey.
11/5/2010 10:05 PM (edited)
11/5 Ok I finally got in - Doubleday power rankings live now!
11/5/2010 11:09 PM
11/6 Top 5 Catchers in Rickey done before we ran out of time. This week in Rickey complete. The schedule posted in HBD news is the schedule in addition to any new leagues tomjames adds with his power rankings. See ya next week Rickey!!
11/6/2010 9:04 PM
Those that haven't bothered to listen and collect letters have a last chance to compete in the contest held tomorrow 5-530pm Pacific on blogtalkradio.com/knucklebones. We'll be using the blog talk chat and the guest call in number is 347-934-0696. You can discover all the secret letters and a hint in Friday, Oct 29th (Mordecai/Fingers) episode 2nd hour. Just go to my show page, scroll down, and find the episode. Push play.
11/6/2010 9:09 PM
11/8/2010 5:48 AM
11/8 - Ok. The contest was a bust. Obviously that wasn't something people wanted to participate in or they just couldn't be there. I made it as easy as I could to still call it a contest. Oh well.

We're getting a little burned out so Im going to take a step back again. I will continue to do power rankings until we get through them all. It'll be at our own pace. I will announce here as I run them. At the end of our travels across HBD I will decide on permanent schedule. Until then its random times and random leagues. I just dont have enough guys on the team helping (Just tomjames/Fw_kekionga & FW doesn't do rankings) and no one listens live enough to commit on a time.

You guys DO listen on podcast and I'll be keeping an eye on the numbers. I will at some point choose leagues but I jumped the gun setting up a schedule. Will run CAPB as planned. TomJames made up a playoff prediction and I will try my own.

So just look here or in the hbd news blog and we'll keep you up to date. This of course will change if we add someone to the hbd news who doesn't mind helping with power rankings OR Radio. Hit me up in sitemail and I'll make you an admin on the blog or radio host if you choose.

I had hoped we could get more involved in this but I guess thats why we went out and hooked up to RSS feeds.

11/8/2010 7:33 PM
11/8 - This week in CAPB - contained playoff predictions by tomjames.

11/9 - Buckner/Erffdogg final season power rankings coming.

I will probably readjust my thinking on just blindly doing leagues. I will cover those that just kill the podcast so I dont lose them. There are very few above 20 podcasts and that will be my cutoff.

I will do the final seasons power rankings as tomjames gives them to me inbetween

Shoeless Joe is one of the finest leagues in the game and has the numbers I need to see that are on tomorrow as usual.
11/8/2010 9:14 PM
11/9 Erffdogg Memorial power rankings at noontime pacific! blogtalkradio.com/knucklebones
11/9/2010 2:05 PM
11/9 Erffdogg Memorial Power rankings finished (thx tomjames) I may try to squeeze in the Buckner final power rankings before Shoeless Joe at 5pm pacific, but not sure if I can do more than 2 shows per day regardless of length.

So, This week in Shoeless Joe at 5pm. I will post Buckner when Im ready to run them. Thanks.
11/9/2010 4:06 PM
These leagues are in the on deck circle. The "computer" (TomJames) is presently calculating the Following: Fisk (11), Gibson (18), Hometown (13) and Mike Greenwell (16)

Since we have a fresh page I will add all our links.

randallonbaseball.blogspot.com hbdnews.blogspot.com knucklebonesradio.com hbdchat.blogspot.com blogtalkradio.com/knucklebones Guest call in number for live shows is 347-934-0696. Always looking for additional bloggers and hosts to join us on the hbd news. Contact knucklebones tomjames fw_kekionga in sitemail if interested. Going through all the leagues 1 by 1 as long as it takes. End of season power rankings are on the menu.

Search "Knucklebones Radio" on ITunes if you have an account and listen that way (free of course) We also have rss feeds and a player you can copy/paste on my showpage at blog talk radio.

I will continue to post the GLOBAL chat that a lot of leagues share. Just copy/paste the code. Its from Doubleday/Shoeless Joe & more.
11/9/2010 4:55 PM (edited)
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Rickey Radio- S16 Power Rankings & Trade Reviews Topic

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