THE $52 Million Draft LXIX Commentary/Complaints Topic


7/16/2020 10:21 PM
not that it matters but isn't Doc 100 at SG and KD not?
7/16/2020 10:48 PM
Posted by copernicus on 7/16/2020 10:48:00 PM (view original):
not that it matters but isn't Doc 100 at SG and KD not?
indeed, but there's a reason for that (namely that when Doc sits I need KD playing with an offensive rebounder & that's easier if he's playing with an SF backup)
7/16/2020 11:37 PM (edited)
{curious dog tilts head at strange noise}
7/17/2020 4:02 AM
Part of me is glad that ysw drafted Terrell Brandon. I was having serious second thoughts about my strategy when I noticed he was still available
7/17/2020 11:03 AM
Posted by copernicus on 7/17/2020 4:02:00 AM (view original):
{curious dog tilts head at strange noise}
7/17/2020 3:14 PM
Walt Frazier
7/17/2020 3:30 PM
This record might never be broken. Through the 5th round and only 6868 minutes drafted.
7/17/2020 5:44 PM
Posted by jhsukow on 7/17/2020 5:44:00 PM (view original):
This record might never be broken. Through the 5th round and only 6868 minutes drafted.
Definitely going to be interesting to see how it works out. I think it's easier to do something like that in the ODL, with a more restrictive cap. Here, not sure you can succeed filling so many picks late. But will be fun either way.
7/17/2020 7:13 PM
Yeah but counterpoint: he has Curry and Giannis. Pretty sure I could be that team’s 2-guard and we’d make the playoffs.
7/17/2020 7:20 PM
im liking the allen/smith combo at sg next to ben...48 mins of 26% usg 56% efg bombing...wish ben had that in rl
7/17/2020 7:51 PM
Well - I have pretty much my dream starting 5 from the point that I picked Bird. So only myself to blame if I screw it up.
7/17/2020 10:01 PM
why do you have two 2s and two 3s?
7/17/2020 10:03 PM
Posted by tarheel1991 on 7/17/2020 10:01:00 PM (view original):
Well - I have pretty much my dream starting 5 from the point that I picked Bird. So only myself to blame if I screw it up.
I feel the exact same way about my team. If I can't make this work, I certainly could blame it on my 6ths, but I think it'll go well based on my targeted 6th round guys and the other rosters. If not I've got some more thinking to do
7/17/2020 10:10 PM
Posted by gerryred on 7/16/2020 10:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Midge on 7/16/2020 9:56:00 PM (view original):
When I was in 4th grade Robert Fillmore was talking, but our teacher, Mrs. Allison, ( who was about 109 years old at the time) thought it was me so she started yelling at me and moved me to the front of the classroom. It still bothers me. I'm 62 years old.
In the 10th grade, Mrs. Slipkovitch ( I called her Mrs. What-a-***** ) had me suspended one day for too many tardies. No prob, didn't care. The day I returned to school, the police showed up and pulled me out of class. Someone had slashed Mrs. S's tires, she knew it had to be me that did it. I didn't do it. To her dying day she swore I did...
My 9th grade science teacher, Mr. Knorr, punished students (mostly for talking in class) by locking them in the closet. He reserved a special fate for gum chewers. He kept a large mason desk filled with already-chewed gum on his desk. Anyone caught chewing gum in his class had to march up to the front of the room, put their gum in the jar, select someone else's, and get to work on it. When enough parents complained to get him scolded by the principal, he stomped in the next morning and announced that our class was a bowl of vomit.
7/18/2020 6:10 AM
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THE $52 Million Draft LXIX Commentary/Complaints Topic

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