The Whitey Bulger Effect Topic

Posted by lostnfound74 on 9/29/2021 12:25:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 9/28/2021 12:20:00 PM (view original):
Biden’s vaccine mandate rules are working.
A North Carolina hospital system has 35,000
employees and now 99% are vaccinated.
Recently 200 got terminated for love of Covid.

This mandate is gradually bringing about huge numbers of vaccinations and maybe start to stem the tide.

A lot of people are still cautious and wearing masks gor worry of getting a variant but the fact is that the overwhelming percentage of people now dying are the unvaccinated. And the truth is that they really are killing each other.
Working on making a new thread. We can keep poli sci and covid out of it

I won't vaxx.. and not everyone needs it. anyhow, this is contentious.. so it's a wrap
let me ask you something, Canuck. Do you honestly think the vaccine will harm you? If so, based on what evidence? There's more evidence that COVID will harm you. If you don't believe that the vaccine will harm you, then what is the reason for not getting it? why not possibly keep yourself and others from harm is you can/ Isn't "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" a tenet of your faith?
10/4/2021 2:00 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 10/4/2021 2:00:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 9/29/2021 12:25:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 9/28/2021 12:20:00 PM (view original):
Biden’s vaccine mandate rules are working.
A North Carolina hospital system has 35,000
employees and now 99% are vaccinated.
Recently 200 got terminated for love of Covid.

This mandate is gradually bringing about huge numbers of vaccinations and maybe start to stem the tide.

A lot of people are still cautious and wearing masks gor worry of getting a variant but the fact is that the overwhelming percentage of people now dying are the unvaccinated. And the truth is that they really are killing each other.
Working on making a new thread. We can keep poli sci and covid out of it

I won't vaxx.. and not everyone needs it. anyhow, this is contentious.. so it's a wrap
let me ask you something, Canuck. Do you honestly think the vaccine will harm you? If so, based on what evidence? There's more evidence that COVID will harm you. If you don't believe that the vaccine will harm you, then what is the reason for not getting it? why not possibly keep yourself and others from harm is you can/ Isn't "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" a tenet of your faith?
There are side effects from drugs. This one has been rushed. If you disagree, then fine. I did say I am done with this topic.

Firing people over not getting a drug is insanity. You are trying to force YOUR will on other people. I hate that, it is aka controlling behavior.. Leave people alone. Stay out of their lives. You know like nobody's heart seems to bleed for the 50 MILLION babies aborted since Roe vs Wade.. but that doesn't count, right?

You quoted a Bible verse, and so I will post one for you. In Proverbs 6 it talks about Seven things God hates: Here are the top three

“A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

Perhaps you don't see an unborn baby as innocent, but God does. Noboy on the planet is more innocent that an unborn baby..

Back to Covid and the Jab: It appears that you are echoing the mantra of CCCP, as in dictating to others, what they must do.. 'Or else'

One HUGE irony is this: This same crowd that pushes this agenda is also the one that advocates anti bullying. If this is not bullying, then God didn't make little Green Apples

and I if I am not vaxxed and you are, then I should not be a threat to you... unless the vaccine doesn't really work

You are letting Health Officials and Big Pharma control the world. I said the WORLD. How foolish.

10/4/2021 6:55 PM
And you're not dictating to others by saying if i don't accept Jesus as my savior I am going to hell? (I know, it's not YOU who says that, it is God...Well, not my God.)Maybe I don't think a baby that is not born yet can be innocent or not innocent.
As far as trying to force my will on others, what is the difference between making people get the vaccine and creating a law making speeding, or drugs or anything else illegal? Isn't that forcing one's will on others?
You are thousands of miles away from me so you are no threat to me, but your unvaccinated state is a threat to people you come in contact with every day. What about them? You didn't really answer my question. How would getting the vaccine harm you? Could there be side affects? Sure, I guess there can be. You can die on the operating table during any operation. Does that mean you shouldn't have an operation that may save your life due to the possibility?
10/4/2021 9:07 PM
The USA doesn’t have mandates for people staying home because the majority of people are now vaccinated.
Under Occea laws workplaces can mandate it for protection of workers.
You are not allowed to bring a pandemic to work
at least not if there is a mandate.
Children have a right not to get Covid or give it to someone and a right not to accidentally kill grandma - at least I think so.

The golden rule absolutely applies as much as it has ever.
The ability to create a vaccine is incredibly enhanced from what it was say 50 - 60 years ago. At the time of
polio maybe this vaccine would have taken years but now it can be done fast.
Maybe it would have still taken at least 18 months 10 years ago.

If every major country has created vaccines based on the very same concept and people are handling it quite well all over the world what more can one say.

The people who are dying in the USA are vastly vastly unvaccinated.

Tomorrow I will give a statistic that should knock your socks off and scare unvaccinated people - those living in rural areas in the USA.
10/4/2021 9:35 PM (edited)
On abortion - check out the song Bodies by The Sex Pistols. Although it is not necessarily an intended anti abortion song and John Lydon has an actual nuanced view the song is the most graphic and uncompromising depiction of abortion ever recorded in music and it is from the point of view of the fetus.
It is musically and lyrically very intense and for its poetic couplets yet overtly provocative images it is a remarkable song and ahead of its time in terms of no holds barred.
Who would have thunk it?
10/4/2021 9:45 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 10/4/2021 9:07:00 PM (view original):
And you're not dictating to others by saying if i don't accept Jesus as my savior I am going to hell? (I know, it's not YOU who says that, it is God...Well, not my God.)Maybe I don't think a baby that is not born yet can be innocent or not innocent.
As far as trying to force my will on others, what is the difference between making people get the vaccine and creating a law making speeding, or drugs or anything else illegal? Isn't that forcing one's will on others?
You are thousands of miles away from me so you are no threat to me, but your unvaccinated state is a threat to people you come in contact with every day. What about them? You didn't really answer my question. How would getting the vaccine harm you? Could there be side affects? Sure, I guess there can be. You can die on the operating table during any operation. Does that mean you shouldn't have an operation that may save your life due to the possibility?
There is a huge difference between what the Bible says, and what Health officials are pushing.. and,.. If you choose to reject him, that is your choice. Not really my problem. However, if I sugar coat the truth, then it is me who is the coward.. You can choose life, or choose death. That is found in John Ch 3, but rather than hit you over and over with it, I suggest you look it up.. I also don't name call you for refusing to believe.. not that that makes me some kind of great guy, but it is what it is. I know I can not convert anyone, but I still share the message if and when possible. Cheers and stay well
10/5/2021 5:07 AM
Posted by Jetson21 on 10/4/2021 9:35:00 PM (view original):
The USA doesn’t have mandates for people staying home because the majority of people are now vaccinated.
Under Occea laws workplaces can mandate it for protection of workers.
You are not allowed to bring a pandemic to work
at least not if there is a mandate.
Children have a right not to get Covid or give it to someone and a right not to accidentally kill grandma - at least I think so.

The golden rule absolutely applies as much as it has ever.
The ability to create a vaccine is incredibly enhanced from what it was say 50 - 60 years ago. At the time of
polio maybe this vaccine would have taken years but now it can be done fast.
Maybe it would have still taken at least 18 months 10 years ago.

If every major country has created vaccines based on the very same concept and people are handling it quite well all over the world what more can one say.

The people who are dying in the USA are vastly vastly unvaccinated.

Tomorrow I will give a statistic that should knock your socks off and scare unvaccinated people - those living in rural areas in the USA.
I agree with most of this, but to scare me is an exercise in futility.. I won't cave in to the fear mongerers.. and this means W.H.O,. Red China, The left, the world wide health Officials, self appointed experts, and certainly not 'Big Pharma. ' Those guys are screwing you, controlling you, and no amount of reasoning can make you even want to see this. Thing is, never in the last 120 years has anything like this been forced on the world's people.. but most here see nothing wrong with the M.O. Also, their drugs don't cure your ills, Oh yes there are vaccines that are good, eg Polio, Pennicillin, but if America reduced it's drug spending by 80% you (we) would be much healthier..

Over a Trillion bux a year spent in North America on LEGAL Drugs. Do you see anything strange about that?? About Three THOUSAND dollars a head.. on DRUGS. and 30 percent of that is on Psyche meds that only screw the person up worse than ever. No false balance there, right?? They OWN you

Now we have this Virus. Nobody is saying it is not a problem.. BUT it is being used as a tool to scare the life out of people, thus making it much easier for Big Brother to control them.. Rather than argue with me, just think about that.

America is not healthy. Why? It sits on it's Blessed ASSurance all day, doesn't exercise enough (5 hours a week is enough and only a third needs to be intense) we eat poorly, do not supplement our diet, and drink too much, smoke too much of the weed and never mind the cigarettes. We also watch too much junk television and it feeds a mind that is already starved for healthy thoughts and peaceful meditations... and we listen to 'music' that vexes the spirit.. then take sedatives or mood drugs to soothe our tortued souls. Put on Tkaichiovsky for an hour, then Mozart or Bach.. not too loud.. after 2-3 hours of this background music, your blood pressure will be better and you will be in a better mood

Anyhow, go have a good laugh. This is better than meds

If that were different I would wager that more than half who died of CO 19 would still be alive and kicking.

10/5/2021 5:23 AM
Jetson= Dino
10/5/2021 5:53 AM
Jeeshus Canuck. THAT is some of the most dangerous STUPID **** I've seen you post!!

Living a healthy life will NOT have any impact on your ability to fend off Covid - 19.
And absolutely NO ONE should be making health decisions based on YOUR WAGERS!!!

Also, every child in the U.S. is MANDATED to have a whole series of vaccinations before they can enter a public school!
We've been doing it for decades and it has saved countless lives!!

Read a book or something.
Try and smarten up for God's sake.
10/5/2021 8:57 AM
Here is the blockbuster statistic I mentioned yesterday that I would put out today. I crunched the numbers to bring you this.
I am only talking United States.
*** In the age group of 50 - 65 approximately 1 out of 165 has died of Covid. ***
Today if you are an unvaccinated adult 50 or over living in a rural area of a southern state you are on a collision course with death or steady pallbearer duty.

Overall regarding entire 331 million population the death rate is 1out of 469.
10/5/2021 10:12 AM
Dino = Jetson
10/5/2021 10:37 AM
Bronxcheer = cancer
10/5/2021 10:43 AM
Jetson = Dino
10/5/2021 11:06 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 10/5/2021 5:07:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 10/4/2021 9:07:00 PM (view original):
And you're not dictating to others by saying if i don't accept Jesus as my savior I am going to hell? (I know, it's not YOU who says that, it is God...Well, not my God.)Maybe I don't think a baby that is not born yet can be innocent or not innocent.
As far as trying to force my will on others, what is the difference between making people get the vaccine and creating a law making speeding, or drugs or anything else illegal? Isn't that forcing one's will on others?
You are thousands of miles away from me so you are no threat to me, but your unvaccinated state is a threat to people you come in contact with every day. What about them? You didn't really answer my question. How would getting the vaccine harm you? Could there be side affects? Sure, I guess there can be. You can die on the operating table during any operation. Does that mean you shouldn't have an operation that may save your life due to the possibility?
There is a huge difference between what the Bible says, and what Health officials are pushing.. and,.. If you choose to reject him, that is your choice. Not really my problem. However, if I sugar coat the truth, then it is me who is the coward.. You can choose life, or choose death. That is found in John Ch 3, but rather than hit you over and over with it, I suggest you look it up.. I also don't name call you for refusing to believe.. not that that makes me some kind of great guy, but it is what it is. I know I can not convert anyone, but I still share the message if and when possible. Cheers and stay well
I noticed you still won't or can't answer the question. If you remember, I asked how getting the vaccine would hurt you, and other than to say there could be side effects, you have not supplied an answer. Also, I do not reject God, I just reject YOUR God.
Sugar coat the truth?? Your opinion is not the truth. It may be the truth, but it also may not be the truth.
10/5/2021 2:25 PM
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