Previous coach promised minutes? Topic

Okay, I've cleaned the vomit up.  Question for you Bistiza, "in real life" (since you so love that phrase), do YOU braid up with the rest of the sheep, never questioning anything, always working your hardest and never having a dissenting opinion?  If not, how come YOU get to be different but everyone else is expected to fall in line, never questioning, complaining, or demanding?  And if you do braid up, well, I guess that says a whole lot about you, doesn't it?  So which are you, a sheep or a hypocrite? 
9/4/2012 12:09 AM (edited)
Posted by ryandaniel on 9/3/2012 11:52:00 PM (view original):
Hey, "Lancelot" ...

C'est moi! C'est moi, I blush to disclose.
I'm far too noble to lie.

That man in whom
These qualities bloom,
C'est moi, c'est moi, 'tis I.
I've never strayed
From all I believe;
I'm blessed with an iron will.
Had I been made
The partner of Eve,
We'd be in Eden still.
C'est moi! C'est moi! The angels have chose
To fight their battles below,
And here I stand, as pure as a pray'r,
Incredibly clean, with virtue to spare,
The godliest man I know!
C'est moi!

Ryan, that's absolutely brilliant.  Sums him up just perfectly.

9/4/2012 12:07 AM
Possible, but I think the real truth is this: You misunderstood on purpose in order to ignore the point being made. After all, if you address the point being made, you have to deal with it, and you don't want to do that because you have no way to argue against it.

Notice that even in your latest response, claiming you do understand and my point is obvious, you STILL DO NOT address the actual point being made in either analogy in question. That right there says you are avoiding it on purpose.

Well, no, because I had addressed the point being made earlier, twice (see page 11 of this thread, Aug. 31; I'm not going to keep quoting older posts, people can look if they care to).  I stand by my argument there, which basically was that you want the game to be less like reality, but more like the way you wish reality was.  Again, look back if you care about the details.

Clearly, you did NOT understand the analogy, or you wouldn't have started ranting about suffering or anything else that had nothing whatsoever to do with the analogy itself.

You misunderstood what I said. That's a fact, or you wouldn't have even mentioned anything about suffering or gone off on a tangent like that.

You still don't understand what an analogy is.  Also, in case you forgot, it was you who complained, explicity, about being made to suffer, which is in fact the exact word you chose.  (See page 2, Aug. 28.)  That was also where you began to shift away from your initial, inflexible position (see page 1, Aug. 27) towards a more reasonable one, in response to what someone else had suggested.  If only that had been where you left it.

This all would be a lot easier for you if only we couldn't see what you wrote before.
9/4/2012 12:12 AM (edited)
whats this with my players missing free throws?

in real life, I expect people to be able reliably to perform their jobs - especially elements of those jobs that are known in advance and which they can practice.  They should be able to do it consistently and without variation.

its annoying to have my decisions affected by the failure of simulated players to perform basic, repeatable tasks.
9/4/2012 6:25 AM
Posted by fd343ny on 9/4/2012 6:25:00 AM (view original):
whats this with my players missing free throws?

in real life, I expect people to be able reliably to perform their jobs - especially elements of those jobs that are known in advance and which they can practice.  They should be able to do it consistently and without variation.

its annoying to have my decisions affected by the failure of simulated players to perform basic, repeatable tasks.
well played sir, well played
9/4/2012 8:13 AM
I'm convinced that WiS hires interns to take ridiculous stances on aspects of the HD engine just to rally support for the game.
9/4/2012 8:13 AM
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I bet bistiza has press conferences after each game,  as well as conversations with his coaching staff and players. I think it would be great watching him go "Bobby Knight" on the player in-question as well.  Notice how I didn't throw the phrase "imaginary press conference" in there, because he obviously believes his simulated situation is real. 

The only reason I've been reading for this long is to see how many times the Grate One contradicts himself.  There have been numerous good points made, yet the trolling continues.  His enthusiasm is great-just misdirected.
9/4/2012 9:13 AM
The reason I said "I give credit when it's due" is because it's the simple truth. The point of that is this: If you were right, I'd have said so. If I didn't say so, then you didn't make nearly as convincing of an argument as you think, no matter who else might agree with you, because the true test is convincing the skeptics, not the believers. You should care if you can convince me I'm wrong - as I said, that's the true sign you were right. You can claim not to care, but that doesn't help your position at all.
I now bring to you, a morning in the life of bistiza (there are seemingly longer than normal time gaps due to the excessive self back patting that goes on):

6:00am : Our glorious expert wakes from His slumber. He wakes at 6am without an alarm clock, because He doesn't need such crutches like the rest of us. His body is supposed to just accept that it is to wake at 6am, because His brain is in charge and it says so. No snoozing is accepted.

6:10am : The Credit Giver hops onto His email to see if that Nigerian prince had given Him an update on when the $1,000,000 would be deposited into His checking account. He sent the $10,000 check weeks ago as requested. Surely people don't lie.

6:30am : The Chosen One logs in to WIS to see verify that His teams have undoubtedly won their games the previous night. You see, He told them that they are supposed to win and that He would not suffer through losing. He is in charge of this team and what He says must happen as this is a reality based game and that is the reality He lives in.

7:00am : What's this? Mankind's Gift has endured losses from the previous night? This cannot be! Quickly, off to the forums to speak of these travesties and gain reassurance that it was due to circumstances out of His control! Then a quick scan to see if any posts are worthy of His giving of credit where credit is due - which of course there are none save for His own.

7:30am : After The Almighty finishes writing the most intelligent piece of literature this forum has ever seen (since His previous post, of course), it's back to the rosters to check on His players. Oh, look - a green mail icon. One of His peons has decided to send his Master a note. How quaint. No doubt it is to apologize for the loss and offer a freshman sacrifice to right this terrible wrong. Wait a second... Doth thine eyes deceive Him? This ant is upset that he is only receiving 6 minutes per game rather than the 10 he expects? Does this speck of a human not understand that The Great Bistiza has spoken and is the one in charge here? The WIS GOAT will not tolerate such insubordination! How dare this bottom feeder consider questioning how He runs His team? Now His Highness is forced to suffer through the indignation of reorganizing His depth chart to cave to the desires of this runt. He simply has no other choice.

9:30am : After two hours of crunching the numbers and expert analysis, The Creator of Dreams has found an extra four minutes to give to the beggar.

10:30am : Following some phone calls from collection companies harping about overdue fees and telling them that He will pay when He decides (as it is His money and He is in charge of it), it's back to check on another of His teams. Wait - this cannot be! Another servant has shown displeasure over the redshirt that The Incredible Bistiza had bestowed upon the peon. How does this player not understand that this is for the betterment of the team? How dare this prima donna question His Majesty on such matters? Now the rest of His morning must be consumed by more suffering and caving to the desires of these unreasonable and unappreciative peasants.
9/4/2012 9:24 AM

There aren't any contradictions on my part. If you think there are, then you've misunderstood what I'm saying, and I'll be happy to clarify anything if you simply ask.

Also, trolling would mean I was somehow insincere in my position, since that's what a troll does - argues for the sake of arguing without actually believing what they say.

I guess some of you are so conditioned to believing what the masses say that you literally cannot believe someone might disagree with those positions. Well, news flash, someone can and someone does, and it's legitimate, which is the very antithesis of trolling.

9/4/2012 9:42 AM
Um ... Physician, heal thyself?

9/4/2012 9:45 AM
Whitey34, fredpaull or bistiza?
Vote now for the WIS Forums Hall of Fame
9/4/2012 10:03 AM
As serious as I am in my position on my stances here, I'm also being entertained by this.

It's amazing how many people can fail to grasp a concept, and instead of asking to clarify it, they jump to conclusions and make random assumptions and then refuse to acknowledge they may be wrong.

As I re-read some of the posts in this thread, that has me laughing again and again. Seriously, how hard is it to ask what someone meant if you're not sure?
9/4/2012 10:26 AM
****It's amazing how many people can fail to grasp a concept, and instead of asking to clarify it, they jump to conclusions and make random assumptions and then refuse to acknowledge they may be wrong.****

So why don't you stop doing it if you find it so amazing?
9/4/2012 10:46 AM
The reason I said "I give credit when it's due" is because it's the simple truth. The point of that is this: If you were right, I'd have said so.
Damn, man, this is so arrogant I'm not sure how to describe it.  Things are only true and things are only right once you have granted and affirmed their trueness and rightness.  Other human beings - they do not have the same ability to identify true things.  They keep thinking false things and saying that they are true.  This even happens when the other humans know the thing is false - they still say it's true, just to annoy you!  Sometimes the other humans believe they've identified something right, but you are certain it's wrong, therefore all the other humans are wrong.  In every single case.

ryrun, excellent work.
9/4/2012 11:17 AM
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