Issues in the new environment Topic

GD: Heisman. In current playoff game Western New Mexico(mine) vs Delta State:
The AI is bringing in the QB listed 3rd on depth chart instead of the QB listed as second on the depth chart.
I checked , I have it listed correctly. Something screwy with the AI.
I would hate to lose a playoff game because of a bug.
Please Fix .
4/3/2018 2:42 AM
Gridiron Dynasty. Everything seems to work just fine with the website when I use my PC, but on my MAC and my android it seems some coding needs to be done. Site still works but the CSS might need some adjusting. Banner link for your team at the top is not showing up. The right column of each page is under the body. Also, everything on the page is floating left, nothing is centered and again, there is no right column/margin. On my adroid phone it looks like some links that should be hidden or tagged in CSS with an image are broken or are just showing up as text but once again in random spots. Is this going to be fixed? It's been this way since the change.
4/3/2018 9:47 AM (edited)
GD Leahy is late running the recruiting cycle.
4/4/2018 12:20 AM
GD Leahy is late running the recruiting cycle.
4/4/2018 12:20 AM
GD Wilk missed the 12am cycle, or is late.
4/4/2018 12:33 AM
I wasn't really sure where to post this, not so much a complaint, as a "what would you do" situation. I am going to replay a lot of MLB seasons using the WIS Major League Baseball SimMatchup. I do a lot of things like this with NCAA FB and NCAA BB. I want to use as-played lineups and I'm starting with the 1993 season. Wouldn't you know it, first game on the schedule has issues. Texas @ Baltimore. The starting pitcher for Texas was Craig Lefferts. He isn't include in the 1993 Texas Rangers sim team. The starting RF for Baltimore also isn't included. This is a bummer because now I can't have a true as-played replay. With the position players, I can just fill in, not a big deal, but with starting pitchers, it's a bit bigger of a deal. How would you guys handle this? And.. if this isn't the appropriate place to ask this, where would be? Thanks, just looking for opinions is all.
4/4/2018 12:28 PM
Posted by FB_Trap on 3/31/2018 7:18:00 PM (view original):
I see where you're coming from, matthewjohns. I do. However, in my mind it's a bit of the French fry scenario. As in how many people would go back and ask for a new order of fries if the ones they had gotten were cold? The simple answer is some would and most wouldn't. After all, the fries weren't expensive and the cold ones can still be eaten. But from a business perspective the deeper questions are how many of those who received cold fries are likely to come back anytime soon if at all; how many are likely to tell their friends about the cold fries or recommend to try them; and how many of those friends are likely to be customers anytime soon?

So, ultimately, I guess, the answer to whether or not SportsHub made the right decisions in how they've handled the migration will be answered by how those decisions affect the bottom line through immediate and future subscriptions. Maybe all this kerfuffle will have no detrimental affect whatsoever. However, I've spent over $500 here and will at the very least be reducing my participation, and I recall reading a post yesterday from someone who's spent over a $1,000 saying he's looking at the door. And whether it's him, me or anyone else that walks, chances are none will be bringing friends here anytime soon.

Small fries do add up, but only if enough people keep eating them. Which, if you think about it, is kind of the whole economic model for SportsHub and subscription gaming in general.
Yes but the problems with WIS are cold fries, soggy hamburgers and management who is MIA on top. Usage is so low it's silly. They started to make changes and then stopped. It is a great game but it could be so much better in a myriad of ways. If you have to lose a few people to make the changes that really need to be made the game will gain and retain new coaches anyway. To further your analogy, it's like closing up shop and changing the name of a place for a fresh start. Sure you'll lose some of the old customers, but I would (assume) the goal is to gain far more.
4/5/2018 1:05 AM
Issue with Changing Players Position.. Roster Management > Select Position > Position Box appears > Click Save, nothing happens.
4/10/2018 10:10 AM
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Issues in the new environment Topic

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