your right" this is the FBI were talking about "so 9 months of investigations bring no viable evidence says volumes
5/18/2017 3:47 PM
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well there is the fact that Comey testified about Hillary's illegal sharing of classified information but she didn't mean to right and there is the fact that findstein and schiff admit no evidence of collusion between trump and Russians but that was prefaced with a yet. and I guess the fact of indictments likely didn't happen along with the supposed request for immunity by flynn. oh and the fact I won't stoop to LB'S level of name calling unlike him I believe even people who don't agree with me have the right to vote but at the rate the left is losing government elections their leanings may be obsolete soon anyway
5/18/2017 4:29 PM
based purely on history...dems will gain in 2018.
5/18/2017 4:36 PM
his nightmare is he can say to any tough questions -.....i cannot answer any questions regarding this subject during the investigation.
5/18/2017 9:50 PM
Oh, when I read "his nightmare is over" I assumed he'd been fired, or at least died. Sorry, dino, upon further review I'm going to overrule the call and say no, Spicey's nightmare is NOT over.
5/18/2017 10:56 PM
5/19/2017 12:01 AM
Posted by crazystengel on 5/18/2017 4:07:00 PM (view original):
The Trump supporters here remind me of acrobats. They swoop into the thread, do a mid-air somersault while deftly dodging every fact floating around them, then swoop out again.
.the cynical rebuttal to an answer blowing in the wind.
5/19/2017 12:03 AM

Embroiled in controversies, Trump seeks boost on foreign trip

Yeah, this trip should turn things around!

To prepare for his trip, Trump has been meeting with briefers including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, White House national security adviser H.R. McMaster, deputy national security adviser Dina Powell and senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Conversations with some officials who have briefed Trump and others who are aware of how he absorbs information portray a president with a short attention span.

He likes single-page memos and visual aids like maps, charts, graphs and photos.

National Security Council officials have strategically included Trump's name in "as many paragraphs as we can because he keeps reading if he's mentioned," according to one source, who relayed conversations he had with NSC officials.

5/19/2017 12:24 AM
Posted by dino27 on 5/19/2017 12:03:00 AM (view original):
Posted by crazystengel on 5/18/2017 4:07:00 PM (view original):
The Trump supporters here remind me of acrobats. They swoop into the thread, do a mid-air somersault while deftly dodging every fact floating around them, then swoop out again.
.the cynical rebuttal to an answer blowing in the wind.
I don't think Libs know what "fact" means.
I guess they use the Clinton definition. (I hear they like the Clinton definition of "sexual relations" too. Great 1st family that Party has these days.)
5/19/2017 8:23 AM
you hear...talkin to skin heads again ?
5/19/2017 8:34 AM
The response of a lame, out of any answers, Rump supporter and fool.............. just say "Clinton"............

What in any way does Bubba's (or Ms. Bubba's) actions or character have to do with Donald J. Trump and his actions, character, judgment, leadership ability, etc??? THIS AIN'T about yesterday, or 2 decades ago............. This is about NOW, and you fools' lack of judgment that elected this menace. My main issue now isn't Trump......... it's blind fools who can't even accept the reality of their own poor judgment. Everybody makes mistakes, admit it, 100's of millions of voters were fooled. Now, accept the reality, wise up, and move on! Maybe try voting on some basis other than the little letter after the name!
5/19/2017 9:15 AM
It's cute that all3 is attacking the Clintons, since (and I hate to mention this again) NO ONE here is defending them. And to attack them on the basis of "sexual relations," considering the p*ssy grabber's rap sheet, is a pretty nifty trick.

I thank all3 for providing a very athletic example of what I was talking about in my acrobat post.
5/19/2017 10:07 AM
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