Posted by scudmissle on 12/1/2013 4:18:00 PM (view original):
u S.O.B! nate... drooling to get amare...
Sry scud, he would have been far too dangerous to be kept alive for either you or felon. If I don't make a deal I'll have to push about 8mpg of one of my 90-93% at SF bigs out to the 3, so he wasn't the ideal player for me to take (at least three guys went this round that I thought for sure would fall to me) but I can work with his usage and 60% efg and I needed his FTA's, plus as my team stands now I can absorb his high foul rate.
Penny/Russell/ Stat or Big O/ Kidd/ Stat would have been a killer to stop, so this pick was about 80% for me and 20% to stop you and felon from punching your finals ticket in the 3rd round. I'm sure you'll grab two different nightmares, but at least they won't have the efg and/or usage of STAT. GL to you both and I'm looking to avoid both of you in the division draft.