and he keeps leaving out teapot dome.
5/19/2017 10:11 AM
Posted by crazystengel on 5/19/2017 10:08:00 AM (view original):
It's cute that all3 is attacking the Clintons, since (and I hate to mention this again) NO ONE here is defending them. And to attack them on the basis of "sexual relations," considering the p*ssy grabber's rap sheet, is a pretty nifty trick.

I thank all3 for providing a very athletic example of what I was talking about in my acrobat post.
More Liberal hypocrisy. It's ok for them, but nobody else. Exactly my point and one of the reasons they're driving so many voters away.
5/19/2017 11:22 AM
Posted by laramiebob on 5/19/2017 9:15:00 AM (view original):
The response of a lame, out of any answers, Rump supporter and fool.............. just say "Clinton"............

What in any way does Bubba's (or Ms. Bubba's) actions or character have to do with Donald J. Trump and his actions, character, judgment, leadership ability, etc??? THIS AIN'T about yesterday, or 2 decades ago............. This is about NOW, and you fools' lack of judgment that elected this menace. My main issue now isn't Trump......... it's blind fools who can't even accept the reality of their own poor judgment. Everybody makes mistakes, admit it, 100's of millions of voters were fooled. Now, accept the reality, wise up, and move on! Maybe try voting on some basis other than the little letter after the name!
Maybe you should try to stay even remotely in touch with reality. Me, and millions of others are not Trump supporters - we are Liberal haters. Also, I've been a registered Democrat since I turned 18 over 34 years ago. All this is fact, and was previously noted, so no wonder it's too difficult for you to understand.
5/19/2017 11:26 AM
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Posted by laramiebob on 5/19/2017 11:38:00 AM (view original):
Don't sound like no democrat to me.............. sound like a Russkie troll/plant.

This COUNTRY IS a liberal country. Try reading that constitution along with the Bill of Rights of course. Anybody with any actual understanding of the principles BEHIND the words knows that those sacred documents are very and decidedly liberal documents philosophically.
The FACT that you don't seem to know that makes you either:

1. Very ignorant of our Country's values, principles, and history. or
2. Completely uninformed about our Country's values, principles, and history.

Which means (in the latter case) that you probably didn't grow up here and therefore didn't learn U.S. History.

Or you were always just that dummy who didn't pay attention to what was really happening around him, while gazing off into space and eating boogers.
Oh........ wait a minute........... I think I might remember you.......... back in 3rd grade there was this kid who..........
This Country is a Liberal Country? The Liberals who want to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance and every other Historical document? The Liberals who want to allow every foreigner and their brother to walk unimpeded into the Country and get handouts? The Liberals who think abortion is an acceptable form of birth control? You think those people represent the principals this Country was founded on? You're a bigger dumb*ss than I thought. Go burn a flag and feel better about yourself.
5/19/2017 3:25 PM
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dino.......... that's not what Johnson thought Aleppo was. He (quite unfortunately for him) didn't recognize the question as it was phrased. Some claim he just didn't know that Aleppo was in Syria.......... I kinda doubt that myself. I figure he probably knew that somewhere in his head but I reckon it wasn't foremost on his mind when asked and rather confusedly blurted out "...and what is Aleppo?" (I think my quote is accurate-----feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)

I suppose that's one of the biggest obstacles to breaking the 2 party stranglehold on our government, at least at the Presidential level, as any minor party candidate just doesn't have the resources, advisors,handlers, etc to be able to prepare the candidate for any conceivable situation or question at any time.
I, while acknowledging Johnson as not perfect, actually thought he was one of the best (actual) outsiders to run for President since, oh maybe 1998. Wasn't that Paul's first try? I'm talking Daddy not Red-light Rand. Back when Paul was still pure. Nuts maybe, but pure. lol
5/19/2017 3:47 PM
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