i thought his vp was excellant..if they were reversed it would have been far more successful.
5/19/2017 4:26 PM
i think jared kushner and/or stephen miller has some big problems coming up....trump is in much worse shape today then the very very least there is a very arguable case for obstruction of justice in the comey firing.
5/19/2017 4:52 PM (edited)
Posted by dino27 on 5/19/2017 3:33:00 PM (view original):
i agree with nick...this kind of crap should not be responded to.
Truth s*cks when it's on the opponent's side, doesn't it?
5/19/2017 5:15 PM are too hateful to be in this thread..that is the truth as i and others see are too extreme in your animosity...if you dont mind get lost.
5/19/2017 5:20 PM
melania is exempted from wearing a head scarf in saudi arabia...they want to get a good look...pences wife still has to wear the scarf.
5/19/2017 5:25 PM
It might be years before Mueller wraps this up.

What's the over/under on thread pages to cover from now till then?
5/19/2017 5:48 PM
i predict 175 pages for the majority of the conclusions.
5/19/2017 5:55 PM
Mueller will likely announce a single conclusion to the investigation. Not likely to get snippets here and there...this isn't the O.J. trial...
5/19/2017 6:09 PM
it is possible for any or all of flynn...manafort......stone.......miller.......trump...others to be charged criminally...trump would be charged with articles of impeachment...there are many different possible scenerios......the russia connection for trump would be later but obstruction could come sooner or at the same ttime.
5/19/2017 6:16 PM
Kenneth Starr's investigation of Clinton's real estate dealings led to Monica Lewinsky...this could go many different directions.

Iran-Contra investigation went on for several years.
5/19/2017 6:20 PM
iran- contra exactly....long after reagan was out.
5/19/2017 6:24 PM
Posted by dino27 on 5/19/2017 6:24:00 PM (view original):
iran- contra exactly....long after reagan was out.
Ronnie was mentally checked out, however it was the middle of his second term.
5/19/2017 6:26 PM
but it went on for others into bush's term.
5/19/2017 6:31 PM
5/19/2017 6:44 PM
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