WhatIF I told you... Documentary Topic

I'll have you know Darryl Armstrong was in the 1996 slam dunk contest. Of course his second dunk attempt turned into a layup.
7/23/2020 9:27 PM
That plus stuff like this was what inspired that part https://youtu.be/DYh2C5KpluI
7/23/2020 9:36 PM
The league standings fill up the screen:
Owner Pts
pexetera 268
kinoa1 267
benhoidal 253
mptrey 248
dBKC 244
dh555 233
tarheel1991 218
ysw128 211
jcred5 209
robusk 203
jpevans31 203
copernicus 203
24kpyrite 200
20ks 198
goetz93 197
ashamael 195
pharrop 194
gerryred 190
jhsukow 186
dskantor 181
samuelyork93 175
bds9992 160
longtallbrad 159
amerk1180 125

Narrator: “The regular season was over. A strong finish by mptrey pushed him over dBKC and into fourth, threatening to pass benhoidal. kinoa1 briefly overtook pexetera for first place before an 0-5 finish on the last set of games, his first 0-5 of the season, dropped him back to second place heading in to the playoffs”

The scoreboard fades and is replaced by the World Wide Sports Complex in Orlando. The camera zooms into the TNT studio where we can see Ernie Johnson, Kenny Smith, Shaquille O’Neal, and Charles Barkley.

Ernie Johnson: “So as we all know, the official league MVP is Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, but I thought it would be fun if we talked about who we each think the league MVP should be.”

Charles Barkley: “You know, I’ve always thought the MVP award should go to the best player on the best team. Always thought that. I forget, who the best team again?”

Shaquille O’Neal: “It’s you, but only because my coach tanked the last five games to rest for the playoffs. He must have felt sorry for you.”

Charles Barkley: “Rings, Shaq. Rings.”

Kenny Smith: “You guys are just lucky I uh, chose not to play.”

Ernie Johnson: “Kenny, you know you’re actually in this thing? pharrop drafted you in the tenth round.”

Kenny Smith: “You mean I’ve had five clones of myself running around this whole time?”

Ernie Johnson: “We’ve been making jokes since the draft about you not being good enough for this league and we didn’t even notice that you were on a roster.”

The tension dies as Shaq and Charles start cracking up at Kenny’s expense.

Ernie Johnson: “Okay, settle down boys. Let’s get back to the subject at hand. Okay, Charles it sounds like you voted for yourself. Shaq, it sounds like you voted for yourself too?“

Shaquille O’Neal: “No I just said I was better than numbnuts over here. I’m gonna go with Kareem. The big fella. But we’re both better than Chuck.”

Ernie Johnson: “Okay, great pick. Kareem definitely proved why he was the number one overall pick this season. Great showing. Kenny who do you have?”

Kenny Smith: “Well I’m a little surprised that he’s still able to get it done even without me out there, but I’m gonna go with Hakeem.”

Charles Barkley: “Kenny, that’s a turrible pick. His teams are only up there with mine because he’s playing with Dr. J. Can you imagine if I got to play with Dr J?!”

Shaquille O’Neal: “We don’t have to imagine. You did play with Dr. J. And you didn’t do a damn thing. Hell I’d even take Dwite Howard over your raggedy self, and I hate that wannabe.”

Ernie Johnson: “Okay lots of votes for the big men. Let’s switch up the conversation. Who do you guys think was the best guard this season?”

Charles Barkley: “Look, James Harden might have gotten some MVP votes, but no one wants to read those damn play-by-plays when he’s on the court. I want to read play-by-plays that are EXCITING. Michael Jordan slams it home! Not James Harden makes FT 1-of-1...James Harden makes FT 2-of-2. That’s boring. Give me Mike all day.”

Shaquille O’Neal: “Give me Harden. I don’t care if FTs are boring. He makes a lot of them and his teams win because of it.”

Charles Barkley: “You wouldn’t know a free throw if it slapped you in the face, Shaq.”

Kenny Smith: “I’m going to go with a classic PG. James Harden is a better scorer, but playing point is all about making your teammates happy and I know people have to hate playing with Harden. Give me Chris Paul. He reminds me a little of myself.”

Charles Barkley: “Reminds you of you? Does he have bad takes too? Look, this ain’t a jump shooters league. Jump shooting teams can’t win. Look at my team. Pexeteretarat, or whatever his name is had the right idea. We’re the best team in the league and we ain’t make a single 3 pointer all year. Give me whatever point guard is going to pass me the ball.”

Ernie Johnson: “And of course, no one is going to ask me what I think. Okay, moving on to some of the other awards. Coach of the Year has to be pexetera right? kinoa1 is certainly in the discussion as well but that 0-5 choke job might still be fresh on the voters minds.”

Charles Barkley: “pexeteretarata drafted a lot of good defenders around me so I wouldn’t have to play on that end. That’s good coaching.”

Ernie Johnson: “What would you know about defense Charles?”

Charles Barkley: “Well, I wouldn’t know anything about it personally, but I’ve heard about it through the grapevine.”

Ernie Johnson: “Speaking of defense, who should win Defensive Player of the Year?”

Charles Barkley: “Give it to the guy playing with young Chuck out there in Omaha locking people down so that I can focus on getting buckets. Andre Kerrykinkos.”

Shaquille O’Neal: “None of these centers are stopping the Shaq Attack, I’m going to go with a guard. MJ. He had to adjust to these modern hand check rules and fools pulling up from half court, but now he’s in his groove.”

Kenny Smith: “So wait, I’m in this tournament? How am I doing?”

Shaquille O’Neal: “Actually, I change my vote. I’m going with Kenny. He hasn’t allowed a point all year, because he don’t leave the bench.”

Ernie Johnson: “Okay, settle down boys.”

Charles Barkley: “Actually I’m going with Ernie, cause he’s always coming to Kenny’s defense.”

Kenny Smith: “I’m going with Hakeem. Best big man of all time!” He looks smugly at the camera, appearing to be proud of his jab.

Ernie Johnson: “Okay let’s move to the next award.”

Shaquille O’Neal: “Rookie of the year?”

Ernie Johnson: “Shaq, they’re all rookies...I think. Well no, let’s move to All-NBA teams. Looks like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Julius Erving, Kevin Garnett, Oscar Robertson and James Harden made the 1st team. Hakeem Olajuwon, Karl Malone, Charles Barkley, Kobe Bryant, and Michael Jordan made the 2nd team. Shaquille O’Neal, Larry Bird, Kevin Durant, Magic Johnson, and Gary Payton round up the third team.”

Shaquille O’Neal: “The first-team is the worst.”

Charles Barkley: “What team is Kenny on?”

Shaquille O’Neal: “Wasn’t I third in MVP votes? I got robbed. This is Steve Nash all over again. How’d Chuck get on the 2nd team anyway?”

Charles Barkley: “Don’t feel bad. This list is turrible. James Harden is above MJ and Kobe so something’s clearly wrong. You should have definitely been on the second team, Shaq...and I shoulda been on the first.”

Ernie Johnson: “Interesting tidbit when we compare draft position to All-NBA votes. Kobe Bryant was a 3rd round pick yet was one of the top 10 players according to this. benhoidal used the last pick in the 1st to get the 2nd team Center, and a 2nd round pick to get a first teamer!”

Shaquille O’Neal: “That’s the guy they call the sim devil. How’d he cheat this time?”

Charles Barkley: “He probably did some dumb nerd stuff.”

Ernie Johnson: “Okay, well that’s it for the official awards, but we did have a few of our own awards to hand out, voted by you the fans. Here they are…”

The following graphic shows on the screen:

Award _______________________Winner__________Runner-ups
Funniest Forum Commentary:______dBKC__________robusk/Charles Barkley
Worst Commentary: _____________Charles Barkley __Shaquille O’Neal/Kenny Smith
Biggest Homer:_________________Bill Simmons ____bds9992/Charles Barkley
Best Value Pick: ________________Ed Davis________Amir Johnson/Tree Rollins
Worst Value Pick:_______________Nikola Jokic______Dennis Rodman/Ray Allen
Most SAVAGE World:____________World 3_________The real world/World 5
Back In My Day Award:___________amerk1180______ashamael/dh555
Most Likely To Drop A Fire Album:__ bds9992________Damian Lillard/dBKC
Most Likely to “Draw Contact”:_____ Wilt Chamberlain _James Harden/Doris Burke
Most Likely to Fail Their Drug Test:__longtallbrad _____Bill Walton/J.R. Smith

The graphic fades back to the TNT studio.

Ernie Johnson: “Somehow all three of you got votes for worst commentary.”

Charles Barkley: “Yeah, but there’s only one #1!”

Ernie Johnson: “You know that’s a bad thing, right?”

Charles Barkley: “I’m not paid to be a role model.”

Shaquille O’Neal: “Yeah, you’re paid to be a commentator.”

Ernie Johnson: “Alright, well now it’s time for our playoff predictions. Chuck, you want to start us off? Who will be the SAVAGE KING?”

Charles Barkley: “My team has been number one all season, and we have the best player. We are winning all four leagues. I’m going with pexeteretaratatatas.”

Shaquille O’Neal: “Well, you’re right about the best player winning this thing. That’s why Carona will be king.”

Kenny Smith: “Well if you guys are right about the best player being crowned then my boy Hakeem will be leading the way to another benhoidal title.”

Ernie Johnson: “I like mptrey. Listening to all that Kendrick Perkins and Lamar Odom music is sure to motivate that team.”

Kenny Smith: “So no one likes dBKC or dh555?”

Charles Barkley: “Do either of them have me? No? Then, No.”

Shaquille O’Neal: “C’mon, dh555 has the big fella. He’s gotta have a chance. That skyhook goes ‘Yak-yak.’”

Ernie Johnson: “What was that Shaq?”

Shaquille O’Neal: “You know, the sound the net makes when the ball goes through. ‘Yak-yak.’”

Charles Barkley: “That’s the sound of the crowd throwing up after you shoot your free throws.”

Shaquille O’Neal: “That’s the sound you make when you choke in the playoffs, big boy. Congrats on winning the regular season. We all know you gonna choke when that $50 is on the line.”

The screen fades black and words are written in big white block letters:

7/23/2020 10:31 PM (edited)
Entire episode added to the first page. Thanks to everyone who has given this a read. dB and I have worked really hard on it and I think we both think it is pretty good. Hope you enjoy it :)

There's just over 2 weeks until the playoffs are all over. Don't know how we are going to finish episode three by then (we haven't started it), but we are going to give it a try. If anyone wants to contribute at all to it (whether that means you just have a line or two to add or you want to help us write it), please let me know!
7/23/2020 10:43 PM
Posted by dBKC on 7/23/2020 9:09:00 PM (view original):
Pex and Kinoa were definitely my two favorite ones to write with Ben. We were both struggling for an angle but when we decided to go all in on their Scorsese and Army team names then it wrote itself.
Well done guys! The Scorsese angle was perfect. Reading that made my week. Kudos and thank you for taking the time putting this all together.
7/23/2020 11:15 PM
you can maybe use this somewhere:

figure backlit, blacked out, voice boxed: "all they'd have to do is script official timeouts, you know, like in real life? that's not even hard programming, it would take maybe 5 minutes if they were competent at all..." figure shrugs, takes a sip from a tumbler, "and, I dont know, maybe one or two of those forty or fifty turnovers goes out of bounds every now and then..?" places tumbler down, lights what might be a cigarette, inhales deeply, coughs, wheezes as he exhales... "I mean it's only been on his desk for like 15 years man..."
7/26/2020 10:16 PM
Posted by copernicus on 7/26/2020 10:16:00 PM (view original):
you can maybe use this somewhere:

figure backlit, blacked out, voice boxed: "all they'd have to do is script official timeouts, you know, like in real life? that's not even hard programming, it would take maybe 5 minutes if they were competent at all..." figure shrugs, takes a sip from a tumbler, "and, I dont know, maybe one or two of those forty or fifty turnovers goes out of bounds every now and then..?" places tumbler down, lights what might be a cigarette, inhales deeply, coughs, wheezes as he exhales... "I mean it's only been on his desk for like 15 years man..."
Probably will use that for your episode! Currently writing (and struggling with) Savage part 3, afterwards I’m going to be taking a break. Then I’ll get into some of the individual episodes.
7/26/2020 10:31 PM
you guys are a lock for a WIS Emmy...incredible stuff...cant wait to see whats next

id like a slight change on my segment tho if you dont mind...

"We pan back to the sideline and the camera zooms in on dh555. He’s still yelling at Amare, but now he throws his hands in the air, turns around disgustedly, and shouts, “Love, check in and show him how to play defense.” He turns back around and we just barely catch him mutter, “What?” The following link appears at the bottom of our screen: https://youtu.be/He-uWLXb_q8."

should be...

"We pan back to the sideline and the camera zooms in on dh555. He’s still yelling at Amare, but now he throws his hands in the air, turns around disgustedly, and shouts, “Love, check in and show him how to play defense...what?"

7/27/2020 8:31 PM
Posted by dh555 on 7/27/2020 8:31:00 PM (view original):
you guys are a lock for a WIS Emmy...incredible stuff...cant wait to see whats next

id like a slight change on my segment tho if you dont mind...

"We pan back to the sideline and the camera zooms in on dh555. He’s still yelling at Amare, but now he throws his hands in the air, turns around disgustedly, and shouts, “Love, check in and show him how to play defense.” He turns back around and we just barely catch him mutter, “What?” The following link appears at the bottom of our screen: https://youtu.be/He-uWLXb_q8."

should be...

"We pan back to the sideline and the camera zooms in on dh555. He’s still yelling at Amare, but now he throws his hands in the air, turns around disgustedly, and shouts, “Love, check in and show him how to play defense...what?"

Making the change now dh!
8/3/2020 12:38 PM
We are still working on the last Savage episode, but I think it's the best one. By far. Going to release a preview episode or two tonight. Which scene do you want to see most?

1. TNT opening scene - 'Who He Play For?'
2. Lowe Post - 5 game 7s preview featuring Rachel Nichols and Howard Beck
3. The Jump - 1st round recap and 2nd round preview
4. Bill Simmons - 'Are We Sure He's Good?' featuring Joe House and robusk
5. Game of Zones conference finals episode

We will have at least 11 or 12 total scenes, but these are the ones that are ready. Which one (or two) do you want a preview of?
Votes: 10
(Last vote received: 8/3/2020 5:54 PM)
8/3/2020 12:56 PM (edited)
Three way tie for first! Which preview do you guys want?
8/3/2020 5:45 PM
Looks like I will post “Are We Sure He’s Good?” around 6 o’clock central.

Which one do you want me to post around 9?

1. Who He Play For?
2. The Jump
3. Game of Zones

The first two were written by me and have been edited by robusk. The first one is funny. The second one is more informative. The third was written by me. I think it’s my most creative, but it has not been edited yet.
Votes: 10
(Last vote received: 8/3/2020 10:19 PM)
8/3/2020 6:17 PM
Scene opens to a zoom chat between Bill Simmons, Joe House, and robusk. Bill is wearing a grey hoodie with a ‘Varsity Blues’ t-shirt under it. He has an extremely patchy beard that looks like it has taken him two years to grow. House is wearing a wife beater with holes in it and barbeque stains. robusk seems to be the only one who knows they are on camera and is looking at the other two with a distasteful look.

Bill Simmons: “Today’s episode, the first ‘Are We Sure He’s Good?’ podcast, on the RINGER PODCAST NETWORK is presented by Roman, a long time supporting sponsor of the Bill Simmons podcast. If you are suffering from baldness, erectile dysfunction, inappropriate longing for 80s childhood actors, narcissism, looking like a ghost on TV or an inability to grow a beard, SUFFER NO MORE! Roman will provide you black market pharmaceuticals produced by underpaid employees with no health benefits in discreet packaging you can hide from your loved ones. AND NOW, my listeners can get 20% off your first purchase by entering BS in the box at the top. Roman: a digital health scam for men, by men. Also, check out our brand new podcasts on the RINGER PODCAST NETWORK, all hosted by our white employees who have personal connections to me. Ryen Russillo talks about his adventures in Wyoming in ‘Naked Camping’, Nephew Kyle opens up about how to make it in the entertainment world in ‘A Guide to Nepotism’, and our very own Joe House gets another podcast titled, “Drunk Ramblings’. You can check out all of our Ringer podcasts on Spotify or Apple or wherever you get your podcasts by typing Ringer in the search box at the top. Don’t forget to subscribe. Coming up, our very first ‘Are We Sure He Is Good?’ podcast with MY FRIEND Joe House and a reappearance of simleague basketball owner robusk. I am Bill Simmons and this is the Book of Basketball. And now, an exploitive song where you can hear my son rap over some song he found on iTunes, Melatonin.”

“It’s the book of basketball yall, it’s the book of basketball” *REFEREE WHISTLE*

Bill Simmons: “All right, we have the very first ‘Are We Sure He is Good?’ podcast with Joe House and robusk. This is our second podcast together. We did a REDRAFTABLES Episode covering the SAVAGE draft, and it was our highest rated and most viewed episode of all time.”

Joe House: “You definitely won that draft Podfather!”

robusk: “Didn’t you take Bill Russell first overall?”

Bill Simmons: “Yeah, I think Havlicek falling to me at 7 really put my draft over the top. You came close though House. Really liked a couple of your picks.”

robusk: “House took a guy who was blacklisted 8th and thought I should have taken Wes Unseld 12th.”

Bill Simmons: “All I know is I watch basketball and I understand the secret. Isiah Thomas told it to me at a topless pool in Vegas. Okay, this is how this works. I say someone’s name and then I ask you, ‘Are we sure he is good?’ and then you answer if he is good or not.”

Joe House: “Could you explain that one more time?”

Bill Simmons: “No. So the first guy here is Hassan Whiteside. He’s on the best team in the entire SAVAGE league. benhoidal won 64 games in World 3. Hakeem Olajuwon and the Fish That Saved Pittsburgh going 24th and 25th is a travesty, and they carry this team to first place. Anyways, benhoidal is playing ash in the second round with a chance to completely eviscerate his rival. It’s a do or die nut cruncher of a game 3”

Joe House: “OOH BABY!”

Bill Simmons: “It was really a must win for benhoidal. Hakeem hits what should have been a game winner in overtime with 16 seconds left to put them up by 1. Oscar dribbles down and puts up a prayer at the buzzer, doesn’t even come close. And what does Whiteside do? He fouls him!”

Joe House: “Unbelievable! Basketball perversion!”

Bill Simmons: “Reminded me of Manu doing the same thing against Dirk. So I have to ask. House, robusk, ARE WE SURE HE’S GOOD?”

Joe House: “No! In fact, I am sure he isn’t good! Look, I watched Hassan Whiteside this year. He fouls everyone! Jumps at everything! His coaches sit him in the fourth quarter of games. Why would benhoidal have him in the game there knowing a foul could put the other team at the line?”

robusk: “You guys realize that’s one of the best per minute seasons in the SIM right? 60+ efg% on 20+ usage. Insane rebounding. And he has 100 D. Did you really just say he shouldn’t have been in the game on the final defensive possession?”

Bill Simmons: “robusk, per minute guys have no business in the SAVAGE league.”

robusk: “Well, I guess you got me there. Good burn actually, if you understood why, but you don’t.”

Joe House: “Yeah it’s all about the advanced stats: points per game, rebounds per game, killer instinct.”

robusk: “You know those aren’t adv…”

Bill Simmons: “Exactly! Okay, well since we are all in agreement that Whiteside is not good, let’s move on! The next guy is Karl Malone. Drafted 3rd overall and didn’t even make the playoffs in a single world. I talked to bds992 before the season started and he said he had 5 playoff teams and a couple of contenders. You have a team with that kinda potential and you don’t pull through, you have to start wondering about the best player, right? I mean, I watch basketball. All these millennials nowadays are just looking up basketball reference stats and trying to tell me that Karl frickin Malone should have been a top 3 pick in an all-time draft? Just watch basketball and you’d know he just doesn’t have the killer mentality of someone like Kobe.”

Joe House: “That’s a real advanced stat!”

robusk: “You guys know this is a computer simulation, right? A lot of these stats the engine uses are exactly the same as the ones on basketball reference.”

Bill Simmons: “Alright guys, ARE WE SURE HE’S GOOD?”

Joe House: “Karl FRIGGIN Malone! I’m sure he’s NOT good! Always going to choke in the clutch. Should have taken Magic or Wilt Chamberlain.”

robusk: “Wilt wasn’t even eligible to be drafted, and Magic isn’t anywhere near…”

Bill Simmons: “Magic would have been a great pick! I did TV with him!”

robusk: “Look, Karl Malone was a good pick. Shaq would have been better, but Karl Malone is really good.”

Bill Simmons: “Shaq was like me in college. Could have gotten that 4.0, but had fun and got a 3.3 instead.”

robusk: “What?”

Joe House: “We had fun in college! All those frat parties! We would go to Rascal’s then go hit the all you can eat diner at 4 in the morning with Hench, JBug, Skeetz, Jerko, Sully, Sambone, and Skuzzo. Remember when you slipped drugs in…”

Bill Simmons: “Exactly. Karl Malone is not good. Glad we all agree.”

robusk: “We did NOT all agree. And wait, was House just about to say that you…”

Bill Simmons: “One more before we got to go! Kyrie Irving! He was drafted by kinoa1 in the 4th round. He must not have watched the Celtics the last two years. Ruined a perfect draft too. Shaq, then Clyde Frazier, and then Bobby Jones. Everyone forgets about Bobby Jones, but I watched him play. That guy was good.”

robusk: “Weren’t you like ten when he was in his prime?”

Bill Simmons: “Anyways, Shaq leads kinoa1 to the regular season points lead and then Kyrie starts his locker room dysfunction thing and everything starts to fall apart.”

robusk: “Falling apart? He still has four teams left which is as much as anyone, and he probably will have three or even possibly four advance past this round. He’s got as good a chance as anyone to win this thing.”

Joe House: “I gotta side with the Podfather here.”

Bill Simmons: “robusk, I’m honestly a bit surprised. You do know you’re beating kinoa1’s team in World 4 right? If one of YOUR teams can beat him, there’s got to be something going on off the court.”

robusk: “I’m actually quietly rising in the standings.”

Joe House: “Your teams suck, nerd.”

Bill Simmons: “So guys, ARE WE SURE HE’S GOOD?”

Joe House: “Kyrie is taking kinoa1’s teams down from within, just like he did with those Celtics teams. Probably robbed them of two championships.”

robusk: “Oh come on. Not even you Simmons could believe th…”

Bill Simmons: “Exactly! Can’t win without LeBron, terrible chemistry guy. I’m sorta a body language expert and I can tell you that the other guys do not like playing with Kyrie.”

robusk: “Kyrie has actually been pretty good in all five leagues.”

Bill Simmons: “So we all agree, Kyrie is NOT good.”

Joe House: “We all agree.”

Bill Simmons: “Alright, well that was the first ‘Are We Sure He’s Good?’ podcast for the Book of Basketball 2.0 pod. I liked it. All three of us came to the conclusion that Hassan Whiteside, Karl Malone, and Kyrie Irving are in fact, NOT good. Thanks for listening, don’t forget to check out all the Ringer podcasts on the RINGER PODCAST NETWORK.”
8/3/2020 7:07 PM
Three way tie for the next preview. Will post around 9 central or so.
8/3/2020 7:08 PM
robusk: “Look, Karl Malone was a good pick. Durant* would have been better, but Karl Malone is really good.”

Fixed that for you ;)
8/3/2020 7:40 PM
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