ODL 51 commentary and such Topic

Posted by jhsukow on 1/27/2015 3:40:00 PM (view original):
LeBron and MJ would be great, but if you aren't addressing rebounds until the 5th round, YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE A BAD TIME.
There's enough rebounding in the 5th round.  Plus those two rebound very well for their position.  I would gone with Lebron and the player to be named later myself.  Well that's if Kareem wasn't pick 1st

1/27/2015 3:48 PM
When I made the trade I had it all planed out... MJ and Kareem. Done. Then KAJ goes number 1. So I'm like okay, MJ and Wilt.... Then the inevitable happened...
1/27/2015 3:55 PM
LeBron and Rodman are clearly, and by a large margin imo, the best choice. Two guys who give you 58.5% EFG, 41 % usage, a staggering 51 % dreb, two 90 defenders, oh yea, and the other big big point, fewer fouls and turnovers in 6100 minutes than a lot of big guys have by themselves in 3000 minutes. Plus position flexibility. And you bring them in at less than $19 million. You can go any way you want with the rest of your team and you will still have the best 5.

At least we have the names of the two who let you get them both.
1/27/2015 4:05 PM
Posted by cjok1051 on 1/27/2015 3:55:00 PM (view original):
When I made the trade I had it all planed out... MJ and Kareem. Done. Then KAJ goes number 1. So I'm like okay, MJ and Wilt.... Then the inevitable happened...
That would have been awesome. Of course, you would have broken the bank on their best years. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I'd think you could go with cheaper versions of both and end up with a net gain due to a couple million more to round out your starting lineup and bench. But you didn't draft those guys so why am I talking about this?

Again, good luck!
1/27/2015 4:09 PM
Well said robocoach. The LBJ/Jordan combo would have simply been a novelty choice, having never seen anything like them together in a league like this before. I most likely made the correct decision.
1/27/2015 4:27 PM
I'm not spending 9mil on a role player in the ODL who only does one thing.
1/27/2015 4:59 PM
two things counting defense
1/27/2015 5:05 PM
I'm not spending 9+mil on a role player.  Would you copernicus?  I'd take every guy that's been drafted so far before Rodman.
1/27/2015 5:20 PM

I don't know, I would have picked Moses or Mike (or possibly Shaq) to pair with Lebron

1/27/2015 5:25 PM (edited)
I love this league!

Ill weigh in on this.  How can you really go wrong with any of those options?  Given the chance I would have paired Lebron and Jordan together and took my chances.  Those guys do everything and play like every position.  I think you could surround those guys with what you need later in the draft.  Given the ultimate flexibility with both.  Even if you fail with those guys it would be fun.

However LeBron/Rodman is not a bad place to start either.  Maybe not by first choice but the 2nd or 3rd...

1/27/2015 6:21 PM
Lebron is a steal at #3; I would take him #1 overall 10 times out of 10 in this league.  I think Wilt is a salary cap nightmare at this cap, personally (although I'd probably still give him a shot at #2 or #3).

I think Rodman is a tremendous compliment to LBJ, although sly's point about a huge salary for a low-usage guy is well-taken (although Rodman is the most special low-usage player there is). I still think think he's the guy to pair with LBJ there. My second choice would probably be Karl Malone, who I also love at this cap.

LBJ and Rodman, though, give you a ton of flexibility to play with. You can take marginal efficiency guys, you can take lesser-rebounding bigs, you can take low-defense guys, etc (not necessarily all of the above - just saying you can pick guys with any weakness later on if they fit what you need elsewhere).  Salary cap may be an issue but should be manageable.

1/28/2015 1:25 PM
Let me be the second to welcome Penny to the first round.
1/28/2015 1:51 PM
He belongs there.  Plus, I can't recall for sure if I've had a chance to use him before so I'm looking forward to it.
1/28/2015 1:57 PM
Posted by slymonium on 1/28/2015 1:57:00 PM (view original):
He belongs there.  Plus, I can't recall for sure if I've had a chance to use him before so I'm looking forward to it.
He probably wasn't getting to you on the other side sly.  I wanted Gilmore or the other guy with my first pick and Penny would have been a great compliment.  Excited to pair Marion up with his 3's and D.  I will need some assists for sure...
1/28/2015 9:38 PM
Whew- I am genuinely relieved Oscar Didn't drop way down in the 2nd. Couldn't afford him after spending my prime offensive $$$'s on Brand, but I couldn't have passed on him either.

Am I the only one who thinks Brand should be going in the 1st? How many guys are 53% efg, with 10% Orebs, 10% assists, while being a 99 defender who doesn't foul or turn the ball over anything like big man levels. (Check the guy who went right after him.) And he is 100% at the 3.
1/29/2015 8:37 AM
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