Sell WhatIfSports? Topic

Posted by MikeT23 on 7/8/2017 1:53:00 PM (view original):
To be perfectly clear, because many of you don't understand anything but, the complainers are the abused wives of the world.

Husband beats her. She swears she's leaving the next time it happens. It happens. She has a pity party with her friends for three days. Then goes back.

WifS says they're going to do something. Users swear if they don't do it, they're quitting. WifS does nothing. Users have a little complaint party in the forums. Then buys a 5 pack.

Take control of your life.
Not your finest moment dude.
7/8/2017 3:02 PM
Posted by cubcub113 on 7/7/2017 10:07:00 PM (view original):
Fox is effectively abusing us.
No they aren't.
7/8/2017 3:05 PM
Posted by colonels19 on 7/8/2017 2:43:00 PM (view original):
Posted by metsmax on 7/8/2017 5:26:00 AM (view original):
WIS mattered when the folks who created it owned it - it was their thing - and the dollars mattered to them

to Fox, it is too small to be worth worrying about - probably too small to be worth the effort/cost of selling at any reasonable price - whatever that is.

IFFFFF one believed that a little effort would say double the net income, it likely would not be worth it for them

HD is clearly in zero effort mode - making minimal expenditures to sustain whatever revenue it produces. I assume the other games are in the same place or worse.
FOX is and pretty much always has been interested in using WIS to predict real-life outcomes and for real-life fantasy sports to try to keep up/compete with the Joneses, however they refuse and/or don't realize that A. Nobody cares about their predictions and B. That's never what this site was made for or intended to do...there's so much more to the product and they don't understand or care about how unique of a product that they have.

TK sold out to FOX in 2005 and arguably lied and at the very least, greatly over-exaggerated the playership on this site (he said they had 500,000 active users....HAAAAAAAAAA!). They kept him on as an advisor/consultant, but fired him eventually.

FOX doesn't realize or care about the potential of this thing, but TK set them up for this by greatly exaggerating the playership on the site. On top of that, seble ruined multiple games on this site before he left (NBA sim, HD, GD?...whatever else he touched) and it's currently the biggest shitpile it's ever been.
It's too bad the divorce was so nasty. It would have been nice for us if TK had remained available as a consultant to Fox, but whoever set fire to the bridge, it clearly burned all the way across.
7/8/2017 3:07 PM
I think TK stopped giving a **** after he got his payday anyway
7/8/2017 3:19 PM
Posted by colonels19 on 7/8/2017 2:43:00 PM (view original):
Posted by metsmax on 7/8/2017 5:26:00 AM (view original):
WIS mattered when the folks who created it owned it - it was their thing - and the dollars mattered to them

to Fox, it is too small to be worth worrying about - probably too small to be worth the effort/cost of selling at any reasonable price - whatever that is.

IFFFFF one believed that a little effort would say double the net income, it likely would not be worth it for them

HD is clearly in zero effort mode - making minimal expenditures to sustain whatever revenue it produces. I assume the other games are in the same place or worse.
FOX is and pretty much always has been interested in using WIS to predict real-life outcomes and for real-life fantasy sports to try to keep up/compete with the Joneses, however they refuse and/or don't realize that A. Nobody cares about their predictions and B. That's never what this site was made for or intended to do...there's so much more to the product and they don't understand or care about how unique of a product that they have.

TK sold out to FOX in 2005 and arguably lied and at the very least, greatly over-exaggerated the playership on this site (he said they had 500,000 active users....HAAAAAAAAAA!). They kept him on as an advisor/consultant, but fired him eventually.

FOX doesn't realize or care about the potential of this thing, but TK set them up for this by greatly exaggerating the playership on the site. On top of that, seble ruined multiple games on this site before he left (NBA sim, HD, GD?...whatever else he touched) and it's currently the biggest shitpile it's ever been.
I question if Seble actually ever played the game other than just having a team in the world (one which never really achieved anything indicating he didn't actually play). Makes it hard to understand how to make the game better and disastrous to actually make changes to the game.
7/8/2017 3:32 PM
Posted by Benis on 7/8/2017 2:22:00 PM (view original):
Probably a TAD inappropriate.
Noted and agreed. But no one here is being abused by WifS. When you give them your money, you're paying for their product.

No one here believes, unless they're dumber than dirt, that WifS is updating anything in the near future. So the complaints are pointless. And those that swear they're leaving if something isn't done, should just leave. Or STFU.
7/8/2017 4:44 PM
Posted by kcsundevil on 7/8/2017 3:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 7/8/2017 1:53:00 PM (view original):
To be perfectly clear, because many of you don't understand anything but, the complainers are the abused wives of the world.

Husband beats her. She swears she's leaving the next time it happens. It happens. She has a pity party with her friends for three days. Then goes back.

WifS says they're going to do something. Users swear if they don't do it, they're quitting. WifS does nothing. Users have a little complaint party in the forums. Then buys a 5 pack.

Take control of your life.
Not your finest moment dude.
Nope, it was not.

But my annoyance level was high at 1:53. I'm better now.
7/8/2017 4:47 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 7/8/2017 4:44:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 7/8/2017 2:22:00 PM (view original):
Probably a TAD inappropriate.
Noted and agreed. But no one here is being abused by WifS. When you give them your money, you're paying for their product.

No one here believes, unless they're dumber than dirt, that WifS is updating anything in the near future. So the complaints are pointless. And those that swear they're leaving if something isn't done, should just leave. Or STFU.
Michael, You've been drinking again haven't you?

But fair point. Changes aren't coming. Its becoming clear that this is a dying game. Enjoy it while it lasts folks.
7/8/2017 4:56 PM
Not yet. I don't post when I'm drinking anymore because I'm anal about spelling. And spelling is hard when I'm drunk. Plus chances are I'm about 1287% more likely to say something dumb.

The game isn't dying. As noted, it likely costs nothing to run. Which is good because we're paying less than a quarter a day to play it. So, even if you're a big swinging dick with 10 teams, you're forking over less than $2.50 a day. You don't have a lot of leverage.

7/8/2017 5:00 PM
Holy ****! Why do I talk!

7/8/2017 5:12 PM
I have been drinking all day.....
7/8/2017 5:14 PM
I'll catch up. Softball and yardwork in 387 degree heat. Made me angry and dehydrated. Rehydrate and drink up are on the agenda.
7/8/2017 5:19 PM
Posted by cubcub113 on 7/8/2017 5:12:00 PM (view original):
Holy ****! Why do I talk!

I was going to defend you. I mean, I thought about it. But I didn't want to get caught up in the Mike tornado.
7/8/2017 5:26 PM
I'd buy it
7/8/2017 5:32 PM
We're all freakin overheated! You have no idea how many times I've typed out a snarky post aimed at Mike only to hold delete.
7/8/2017 5:36 PM
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