New Zealand Terrorist Attack Topic


You don't consider the frequent "gunfights" in the streets of our cities (and anywhere!) in the 19th Century, between (largely) men of all ilks who ALL "packed" pistols and engaged in settling disputes of all types with a simple exchange of public gunfire as "out of control" usage of guns??

Doc Holliday surely disagrees with you now.................... wherever HE is.
9/8/2021 10:17 AM
No I don't.
Despite what your television has taught you, gun fights were very rare, even in the "wild wild west".
9/8/2021 11:00 AM
Was the attacker wearing a mask at least?
9/8/2021 11:03 AM
Posted by bruceleefan on 9/8/2021 11:00:00 AM (view original):
No I don't.
Despite what your television has taught you, gun fights were very rare, even in the "wild wild west".
I didn't learn my U.S. History from the television.
And I just plain disagree with your characterization of "very rare".

While gunfights and violent usage of GUNS didn't happen daily in every locale, in many locales they were "common" enough that the locales formed a "policing force" and realized that LOCAL LAWS was a lucrative business. In FACT, SOME locales even had GUN ordinances that REQUIRED the gun owner to TURN HIS GUN OVER TO THE LOCAL AUTHORITY, while in the locale's limits.

But places like Dodge City, Kansas had plenty of gun violence on a regular basis and the "town" Gov't (Mayor and such) quickly realized it was an easy source of town income!
9/8/2021 12:35 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 9/8/2021 6:28:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/8/2021 12:05:00 AM (view original):
Guns in the house factually, provably INCREASE your chances of dying, whether by accident or by suicide. If you have a gun in your home, you are more likely to die. The odds that you defeat a home invasion or stop a shooting are nonexistent. The odds that you kill yourself in a brief moment of depression are high.

To reiterate, and again, I must say that this has been PROVEN: If you buy a gun and put it in your home, you have just increased your chances of death.
You might be right. The case against my earlier comment. . is also strong

IDK. really. I don't want to own one,because if I use it, even in defence, I would kill someone. Not that good a shot so would aim for center of mass. So much is pro and con, yay and nay
Just don't buy a gun. If you're in a dangerous situation, odds are the police are going to be the best option for you. Let them help and get the **** out of the way.
9/8/2021 12:38 PM
Posted by bruceleefan on 9/8/2021 7:47:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/8/2021 12:05:00 AM (view original):
Guns in the house factually, provably INCREASE your chances of dying, whether by accident or by suicide. If you have a gun in your home, you are more likely to die. The odds that you defeat a home invasion or stop a shooting are nonexistent. The odds that you kill yourself in a brief moment of depression are high.

To reiterate, and again, I must say that this has been PROVEN: If you buy a gun and put it in your home, you have just increased your chances of death.
And again I'd point to the fact that this is only a fairly recent development. Why so much depression and suicide? Why so many folks don't learn basic gun safety before bringing one into the home?

Fact is, guns have been part of our culture for 250 years and have only become out of control in the last 25.

It obviously isn't the tool,, it is the weilder of that tool. What has changed and how can we fix it?
Can it even be fixed??
To be clear, the issues with guns in the home have always existed. That's not a new development (even though suicide is rising right now, for various reasons). The more new thing is mass shootings, which didn't happen as much in the past. Folks don't learn basic gun safety because we don't require it and because that's not part of gun culture today. The idea people have is that anyone can just buy a gun and be a hero.

The tool is part of the problem. One of the reasons why guns amplify suicide so much is that they're super quick and deadly effective. If you don't have a gun in the home, and you're depressed one day, it will take longer to commit suicide (more setup) and you have a greater chance of changing or mind or surviving the attempt. If you have a gun, it's quick and all too easy. So both things have to be considered.

Once again, gun bans shouldn't and won't happen in America because the problem is too endemic. But gun culture should be examined and hopefully changed. And we should also focus on improving mental health.

That starts with voting OUT politicians who pretend to support better mental healthcare after a tragic act of violence but don't actually show that support when it comes time to vote on legislation.
9/8/2021 12:44 PM
Posted by tangplay on 9/8/2021 12:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 9/8/2021 6:28:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/8/2021 12:05:00 AM (view original):
Guns in the house factually, provably INCREASE your chances of dying, whether by accident or by suicide. If you have a gun in your home, you are more likely to die. The odds that you defeat a home invasion or stop a shooting are nonexistent. The odds that you kill yourself in a brief moment of depression are high.

To reiterate, and again, I must say that this has been PROVEN: If you buy a gun and put it in your home, you have just increased your chances of death.
You might be right. The case against my earlier comment. . is also strong

IDK. really. I don't want to own one,because if I use it, even in defence, I would kill someone. Not that good a shot so would aim for center of mass. So much is pro and con, yay and nay
Just don't buy a gun. If you're in a dangerous situation, odds are the police are going to be the best option for you. Let them help and get the **** out of the way.
Police are becoming less reliable due to the defund police movement. Heck, in Washington State, cops can't even pursue suspects anymore!
9/8/2021 2:47 PM
Posted by Got_Worms on 9/8/2021 2:47:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/8/2021 12:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 9/8/2021 6:28:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/8/2021 12:05:00 AM (view original):
Guns in the house factually, provably INCREASE your chances of dying, whether by accident or by suicide. If you have a gun in your home, you are more likely to die. The odds that you defeat a home invasion or stop a shooting are nonexistent. The odds that you kill yourself in a brief moment of depression are high.

To reiterate, and again, I must say that this has been PROVEN: If you buy a gun and put it in your home, you have just increased your chances of death.
You might be right. The case against my earlier comment. . is also strong

IDK. really. I don't want to own one,because if I use it, even in defence, I would kill someone. Not that good a shot so would aim for center of mass. So much is pro and con, yay and nay
Just don't buy a gun. If you're in a dangerous situation, odds are the police are going to be the best option for you. Let them help and get the **** out of the way.
Police are becoming less reliable due to the defund police movement. Heck, in Washington State, cops can't even pursue suspects anymore!
Not to mention response times. Even the best police forces are going to be several minutes away and are very unlikely to be able to "help" in any meaningful way.

When someone can "I Dream of Jeannie" all the firearms out of existence I'll be all for not bringing any back into our life, but until such time I'm not relegating the responsibility for my personal protection to any other individual or group of individuals.
9/8/2021 4:12 PM
Posted by Got_Worms on 9/8/2021 2:47:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/8/2021 12:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 9/8/2021 6:28:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/8/2021 12:05:00 AM (view original):
Guns in the house factually, provably INCREASE your chances of dying, whether by accident or by suicide. If you have a gun in your home, you are more likely to die. The odds that you defeat a home invasion or stop a shooting are nonexistent. The odds that you kill yourself in a brief moment of depression are high.

To reiterate, and again, I must say that this has been PROVEN: If you buy a gun and put it in your home, you have just increased your chances of death.
You might be right. The case against my earlier comment. . is also strong

IDK. really. I don't want to own one,because if I use it, even in defence, I would kill someone. Not that good a shot so would aim for center of mass. So much is pro and con, yay and nay
Just don't buy a gun. If you're in a dangerous situation, odds are the police are going to be the best option for you. Let them help and get the **** out of the way.
Police are becoming less reliable due to the defund police movement. Heck, in Washington State, cops can't even pursue suspects anymore!
A handful of police budgets had some of their budget cut, and most of that has gone back to normal by now.
9/8/2021 11:40 PM
Posted by bruceleefan on 9/8/2021 4:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Got_Worms on 9/8/2021 2:47:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/8/2021 12:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 9/8/2021 6:28:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/8/2021 12:05:00 AM (view original):
Guns in the house factually, provably INCREASE your chances of dying, whether by accident or by suicide. If you have a gun in your home, you are more likely to die. The odds that you defeat a home invasion or stop a shooting are nonexistent. The odds that you kill yourself in a brief moment of depression are high.

To reiterate, and again, I must say that this has been PROVEN: If you buy a gun and put it in your home, you have just increased your chances of death.
You might be right. The case against my earlier comment. . is also strong

IDK. really. I don't want to own one,because if I use it, even in defence, I would kill someone. Not that good a shot so would aim for center of mass. So much is pro and con, yay and nay
Just don't buy a gun. If you're in a dangerous situation, odds are the police are going to be the best option for you. Let them help and get the **** out of the way.
Police are becoming less reliable due to the defund police movement. Heck, in Washington State, cops can't even pursue suspects anymore!
Not to mention response times. Even the best police forces are going to be several minutes away and are very unlikely to be able to "help" in any meaningful way.

When someone can "I Dream of Jeannie" all the firearms out of existence I'll be all for not bringing any back into our life, but until such time I'm not relegating the responsibility for my personal protection to any other individual or group of individuals.
Can't get any more simple than the numbers. If you buy a gun, you're more likely to die. Sorry, but it's the truth.
9/8/2021 11:41 PM
Posted by tangplay on 9/8/2021 11:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bruceleefan on 9/8/2021 4:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Got_Worms on 9/8/2021 2:47:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/8/2021 12:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 9/8/2021 6:28:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/8/2021 12:05:00 AM (view original):
Guns in the house factually, provably INCREASE your chances of dying, whether by accident or by suicide. If you have a gun in your home, you are more likely to die. The odds that you defeat a home invasion or stop a shooting are nonexistent. The odds that you kill yourself in a brief moment of depression are high.

To reiterate, and again, I must say that this has been PROVEN: If you buy a gun and put it in your home, you have just increased your chances of death.
You might be right. The case against my earlier comment. . is also strong

IDK. really. I don't want to own one,because if I use it, even in defence, I would kill someone. Not that good a shot so would aim for center of mass. So much is pro and con, yay and nay
Just don't buy a gun. If you're in a dangerous situation, odds are the police are going to be the best option for you. Let them help and get the **** out of the way.
Police are becoming less reliable due to the defund police movement. Heck, in Washington State, cops can't even pursue suspects anymore!
Not to mention response times. Even the best police forces are going to be several minutes away and are very unlikely to be able to "help" in any meaningful way.

When someone can "I Dream of Jeannie" all the firearms out of existence I'll be all for not bringing any back into our life, but until such time I'm not relegating the responsibility for my personal protection to any other individual or group of individuals.
Can't get any more simple than the numbers. If you buy a gun, you're more likely to die. Sorry, but it's the truth.
Are you familiar with the Universe 25 experiments?.

I think that might shed a lot of light on where we are as a species and why the numbers you point to are where they are.
9/9/2021 7:27 AM
Those experiments have had extremely mixed results when you even begin to apply them to humans.
9/9/2021 11:59 AM
Posted by tangplay on 9/8/2021 11:40:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Got_Worms on 9/8/2021 2:47:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/8/2021 12:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 9/8/2021 6:28:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/8/2021 12:05:00 AM (view original):
Guns in the house factually, provably INCREASE your chances of dying, whether by accident or by suicide. If you have a gun in your home, you are more likely to die. The odds that you defeat a home invasion or stop a shooting are nonexistent. The odds that you kill yourself in a brief moment of depression are high.

To reiterate, and again, I must say that this has been PROVEN: If you buy a gun and put it in your home, you have just increased your chances of death.
You might be right. The case against my earlier comment. . is also strong

IDK. really. I don't want to own one,because if I use it, even in defence, I would kill someone. Not that good a shot so would aim for center of mass. So much is pro and con, yay and nay
Just don't buy a gun. If you're in a dangerous situation, odds are the police are going to be the best option for you. Let them help and get the **** out of the way.
Police are becoming less reliable due to the defund police movement. Heck, in Washington State, cops can't even pursue suspects anymore!
A handful of police budgets had some of their budget cut, and most of that has gone back to normal by now.
What are you talking about? In Washington State, they're looking to slash police budgets even further.

Fuhrer Jay Inslee has mandated that all state employees get vaccinated by October 18 or they will be fired.

We're about to lose a ton of nurses, doctors, teachers, police, fire, etc.
9/9/2021 12:48 PM
Washington STATE doesn't control LOCAL police budgets.

Firing employees who are unvaccinated will improve the general quality of teachers, police, and doctors (especially).
9/9/2021 3:24 PM
9/9/2021 3:56 PM
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New Zealand Terrorist Attack Topic

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