Game of Zones - SAVAGE Season 2 Topic

Will post the final episode when I wake up tomorrow. I will post the epilogue during my lunch break.
10/26/2020 4:02 PM
Season 2 - Episode 26: The Throne
Upon a dark background, white block letters say ‘PREVIOUSLY ON GAME OF ZONES’. The Os are filled in as though they are basketballs.

Scene opens to the stands of the great arena. Lord jhsukow is talking with lord ysw128, and Lord Gerry the Red.

Lord jhsukow: “Oh, you haven’t heard? Whomever wins between Lord pexetera and Lord dBKC, the other is going to start a rebellion. Lords are already choosing who to follow. Then there’s Lord mptrey. If he can get two teams into the finals, he might have a chance.”

We cut to the streets of King’s Landing where bds9992 is madly sprinting through the streets. He is pushing women and children out of his way and running as fast as he can. We see a sword hurtling down from high above, straight towards bds9992. The sword comes down and strikes him right in the ankle. bds9992 lets out a scream of agony and collapses in a puddle of mud. Knights and lords surround him.

Lord dh555: “Tie him up. Bring him to the steps of the Sept of Baylor the Bricklayer. And someone bring me my sword.”

The screen darkens to black and we see a disclaimer in white letters appear: ALL CHARACTERS AND EVENTS IN THIS CARTOON, EVEN THOSE BASED ON REAL PEOPLE, ARE FICTIONAL AND ALL VOICES ARE OBVIOUSLY IMPERSONATED. The letters disappear and new letters take its place: GAME OF ZONES. The Os are basketballs. These letters too disappear and a cartoon knight is seen dribbling a basketball between his legs next to new letters: SEASON 2 - EPISODE 26: The Throne

Scene opens to a dark and grimy dungeon cell with no windows. In the center of the room we see a short unkempt man, unshaven with long dark hair covering his eyes. As we zoom in closer, we see that it is bds9992. He is sitting on the floor and staring at the wall unblinkingly.

The air over in front of bds9992 starts to shimmer and a red devil pops onto the screen. It has a spindly and pointed tail and is carrying an elongated pitchfork. It is wearing the robes of a red priest and beneath its pointed horns we see the face of Lord benhoidal.

bds9992: “Why do you insist on showing up every time I am here?”

Lord benhoidal: “I have a proposition for you. A trade.”

bds9992 looks up frantically. “No way. I am never trading with you. I’ve heard all the stories. No deal!”

Lord benhoidal: “Even if I can save your life?”

bds9992: “What? How?”

Lord benhoidal: “I still control Lord dh555. He is still acting ruler of the Savage Lands until the next king is crowned. I can have him send you to The Wall instead of executing you.”

bds9992: “But at The Wall I will never get to see the Suns again. I’ll never be able to see Sir Ayton become better than Sir Doncic.”

Lord benhoidal: “...”

bds9992: “It’s going to happen. Sir Doncic has already peaked.”

Lord benhoidal: “...”

bds9992: “Sir Ayton will be better, I promise you.”

Lord benhoidal: “Enough of this nonsense. Dammit man I’m offering you a chance to live and you ramble on about things that don’t matter. Do you want to live?”

bds9992: “I suppose so.”

Lord benhoidal: “Excellent. You must do one thing for me first however.”

bds9992: “Anything.”

Lord benhoidal: “Trade me Sir LeBron.”

bds9992: “What?”

Lord benhoidal: “The third Savage War is about to start. With Sir LeBron I will be unstoppable.”

bds9992: “I don’t know. I couldn’t even make the final tilts. Are you sure you want him?”

Lord benhoidal: “Hold out your hand.”

bds9992 obliges and Lord benhoidal grasps his hard with his own. We hear him mutter something under his breath and flames emerge, surrounding the handshake. bds9992 gasps and tries to pull away, but finds that he cannot.

Lord benhoidal: “Don’t worry, it won’t hurt. Much.”

The flames continue to spread up the two arms and soon engulf the entire bodies of the two men. They linger for a moment and then die out.

Lord benhoidal pulls his arm back. “It is done. As long as you shall live, Sir LeBron is mine.”

He tilts his head back, lets out a maniacal laugh and disappears with a ‘pop.’ bds9992 looks around bewildered, before going back to stare at the wall.

We cut to the great arena and zoom in on the standings on the grand scoreboard on the sideline. Lord pexetera is in first place with 350 points. Lord mptrey and Lord dBKC are tied in second with 324 points. Next to the point totals, the scoreboard displays the matchups for the five final tilts:

Court 1: Lord pexetera v. Lord amerk1180
Court 2: Lord mptrey v. Lord 24kpyrite
Court 3: Lord dh555 v. Lord robusk
Court 4: Lord dskantor v. Lord jcred5
Court 5: Lord mptrey v. Lord dBKC

We cut to the sidelines of Court five where Lord dBKC is talking to Lord mptrey.

Lord dBKC: “Well, looks like I can no longer win the throne, but I’m still going to fight you off for second place. May the best lord win.”

Lord mptrey: “I can still win it all if I win both kerfuffles, eh?”

Lord dBKC: “Yes, I think if you win on both of your courts you will be the king no matter what Lord pexetera does… but you forgot one thing.”

Lord mptrey: “Sincerest apologies. What did I forget, eh?”

The camera zooms in on lord dBKC.
Lord dBKC: “It’s my ************* birthday.”

Lord mptrey: “Then I shall be a party pooper, eh?” He turns towards the field. “Sir Chris Paul, show this cake eater what we’re made of, eh?”

We zoom in on the courtyard and see a short knight in the middle of the field. His visor is down and we cannot see his face, but he is wearing armor with a number three on the back. He is carrying a great sword that he does not seem to be able to lift very high. He approaches Sir Stephen and Sir Simmons from Lord dBKC’s army.

On the sideline, Lord dBKC leans over to Lord mptrey: “Watch out, Sir Stephen can strike from anywhere on the courtyard. Sir Simmons has to get really close, but once he does, he is lethal from three feet and in.”

Lord mptrey: “They are no match for my greatest knight, eh?”

Back on the courtyard, Sir Chris Paul stumbles a bit before advancing towards the other two knights. He starts to cross his sword from his right hand to his left and then back.”

Lord dBKC: “Sir Chris Paul doesn’t seem like himself today.”

Lord mptrey: “Nonsense.” He shouts onto the field, “Show him your ‘Killer Crossover’, eh?”

Sir Chris Paul crosses the sword back to his left hand, then brings it to his right. As the sword leaves his left hand, it slips and goes flying to the side. We follow the blade’s path as it zooms towards the sideline, right towards Lord mptrey.

Lord mptrey’s eyes widen and he manages to get out one last “Eh?” before the sword impales him.

The crowd gasps and the next second we see someone in a red shirt run onto the courtyard and towards the knight who just killed Lord mptrey. The knight lifts the visor of his helmet to look at the fallen lord and we realize it is not actually Sir Chris Paul, just someone who looks like him. He turns back towards the man in the red shirt.

Fake Sir Chris Paul: “Oh, Jake from State Farm.”

Jake from State Farm: “Here’s the deal. There’s no replacing the real Sir Chris Paul.”

We see the real Sir Chris Paul running onto the courtyard. He looks over at Lord mptrey. “Man, what happened?” He turns toward the courtyard and sees the imposter. “Who are you? You stole my sword!”

The imposter looks from left to right, trying to figure out what to do. Finally, he makes a break for it. He scrambles to the doors of the arena, but instead of opening the doors, he blasts through them. “I’m the real Sir Chris Paul!!!!!!”

We pan over to Lord dBKC who is examining the body. “Well I guess, Lord mptrey won’t be the next king. That leaves only one lord.”

Behind him, grinning smugly with his arms crossed, is Lord pexetera.

We cut to the steps of the great Sept of Baylor the Bricklayer.

bds9992, is being dragged down the street with his hands tied behind his back by Sir Garnett and Sir Jimmy.

There is a massive crowd in attendance to witness the execution of bds9992 and they are in an uproar. As the two knights drag bds9992 to the top step, we hear a few things they are saying.


“King Slayer!”

“Defier of logic and reason!”

“You couldn’t win even with LeBron!”


The two knights bring bds9992 to the very top step. There waiting for him, we see King pexetera, newly crowned and smiling a smug smile. The Hand of the King, Lord dh555, stands next to him, eyes fogged over. He nods at bds9992 as he passes. Sir Garnett and Sir Jimmy let go of bds9992 and go to stand next to their king.

We zoom in on bds9992. He surveys the crowd with a pained expression on his face. “I am bds9992. I am immune to logic and reason, and I…”

King pexetera grumbles… “Not that confession bds9992. The other one.”

bds9992: “Yes of course.” He looks over at Lord dh555 who nods at him once more. bds9992 sighs, then raises his voice for all to hear.

bds9992: “I come before you to confess my treason. In the sights of the SIM gods and men, I betrayed the faith of my king and the trust of my friend kinoa1. I plotted to steal his throne, and before his blood was cold, I devised a plan to kill the other lords of the realm as well. I killed King Kinoa, 1st of his name.”

A rock is thrown from the spectators and hits bds9992 in the face. We hear more jeers from the crowd.

Lord dh555 steps forward, his eyes still glazed. He raises his hands to quiet the crowd. “As we sin, so do we suffer. This man has confessed his crimes in sight of the SIM gods and men. The SIM gods are just, but they can also be merciful.” He turns to look at King Pexetera. “What is to be done with this traitor Your Grace?”

King pexetera smiles and raises his hand towards the audience. “My Lord Hand wishes to have me send bds9992 to the Night’s Watch. Stripped of all titles and powers he would serve the realm in permanent exile.”

bds9992 quips: “But I already have no titles or powers?”

King pexetera ignores this. “But, this is not the time for mercy. Lord pharrop was killed at his table the other day drinking a glass of wine. Lord ysw128 was killed last night while yodeling strange words. And Lord dskantor was killed this morning doing something or other. I didn’t really know him that well. The ‘Kool Kids’, as they call themselves, have started to attack the lords of this realm. As of this morning, they have fled the city and are planning their rebellion as we speak.”

We cut quick to a shot of a great ship sailing away from King’s Landing. Lord dBKC is at the wheel gazing out into the distance. Lord robusk and Lord ashamael are on either side of him. Behind them is Lord jhsukow who is drawing something on his sketch pad. Behind him are a few other lords that haven’t made appearances yet. And finally behind them we see Lord benhoidal who is greedily staring into a crystal globe. We zoom in on the globe and see that he is watching the scene at the Sept. We zoom into the globe and rejoin the crowd.

Lord pexetera: “So long as I am your king, treason shall never go unpunished. I am the King of the Savage Lands now, and we shall do things the Savage way. Sir Jimmy… Bring me his head!”

Lord dh555 jolts forward in front of bds9992, but Sir Jimmy roughly pushes him aside as he steps towards bds9992. The crowd is in a frenzy. Lord dh555 jumps to King Pexetera and tries to speak, but the King brushes him aside.

bds9992 is looking around half in confusion and half in terror. From behind him, Sir Garnett shoves his head down onto a block. We see a childlike glee on Sir Jimmy’s face as he raises his great sword.

bds9992 looks up and into the crowd. We see the spectators jeering, but can no longer hear them. It is silent. bds9992 closes his eyes in acceptance and bows his head. All we hear is the sound of a sword slicing through the air.

We cut away quickly back to the ship and to Lord benhoidal who is watching the globe in shock. We hear a faint “Thunk” and Lord benhoidal starts sobbing as he stares hopelessly at the globe.

Lord benhoidal: “So close! I was so close to having Sir LeBron!”

We cut back to King’s Landing where the crowd is in an uproar. We zoom in on King pexetera who is smugly walking over towards the throne that has been set up on the Sept stairs. He sits down on the throne and watches over the commotion with a slight smile on his face.

We zoom down the steps. Daunting music plays and the camera lingers on the severed head of bds9992 as our screen goes black and white block letters take over the screen: GAME OF ZONES.
10/27/2020 6:55 AM
That just about does it for this season of Game of Zones. Epilogue coming later today.

Just want to thank everyone who helped me write these:

dBKC had some amazing lines throughout these episodes. One of the funniest guys I've ever met and took a lot of time reading through some of these episodes.

robusk edited a few of the tougher episodes and helped out with some ideas as well.

bds9992 was a great sport and provided the inspiration to one of the biggest plot points of the season.

cmcafeeky gave me permission to lay it on thick and even provided some examples of how to roast him (including telling me he had hot cousins).

ashamael provided some early commentary and probably commented on more episodes than anyone.

20ks provided a wonderful little death scene that I decided to make cannon.

pexetera gave me a few ideas on one of the episodes and I used some of his writing for it.

Anyone else whom I am forgetting.

These took a ton of work to do, but I really enjoyed doing it, so mostly thank you to everyone who spent the time to read a few episodes and enjoyed them. All 10 of you.
10/27/2020 7:02 AM
Well done my lord
10/27/2020 7:22 AM
My god, you killed bds. At least you didn't get LeBron. Well done Ben.
10/27/2020 9:36 AM
show this cake eater what we’re made of, eh?” OMG
very satisfying final episode. and three cheers to Robusk for referring ben's writing
10/27/2020 9:59 AM
I can’t believe you’ve actually pulled this off, Ben. You wrote an entire TV show worth of material for an audience of ~20. You’re a mad lad, in the best possible way.
10/27/2020 10:14 AM
“Behind them is Lord jhsukow who is drawing something on his sketch pad.”

*Noticeably behind them. Perhaps the distance of 7 people.
10/27/2020 10:16 AM
I love when you move the camera around. But I also love the dialogue heavy, sitcom episodes. Really awesome stuff. What a cliffhanger.
10/27/2020 10:19 AM
Posted by jhsukow on 10/27/2020 10:19:00 AM (view original):
I love when you move the camera around. But I also love the dialogue heavy, sitcom episodes. Really awesome stuff. What a cliffhanger.
If you thought this was a cliffhanger, just wait til the epilogue!
10/27/2020 10:20 AM
Season 2 - Epilogue
Scene opens to a large field near the outskirts of King’s Landing. We see row upon row of tombstones lining the field and going on further than our eyes can see. The first snow of the season is upon us and large flakes are slowly drifting down. We zoom in on a row of tombstones and see the names of some of the fallen lords of the tournament. We see the names Lord dskantor, Lord pharrop, Lord ysw128, and Lord mptrey engraved in the stones. Next to these, we see an empty grave with a very small tombstone lying next to it. The stone reads, “Here lies bds9992. May he finally win a tournament in the next world.”

Near the empty grave we see two knights hoisting a coffin. It is Sir Westbrook and Sir Cheeks, formally of bds9992’s army. Behind them, playing his lute and hobbling about on a bad ankle is Dame the Bard. The two knights set the casket down beside the grave and bow their heads.

Sir Cheeks: “I can’t believe he’s gone. All the other lords made fun of me when I went at the end of the third round, but bds9992 defended me. He may not have been the best Lord, but he was my friend.”

Sir Westbrook: “He will be missed.”

Sir Cheeks: “He was always so enthusiastic and creative. I always wondered how he came up with some of those theories of his.”

Sir Westbrook: “He was so smart. None of the other lords would have drafted me at the end of the fifth round. Great head on his shoulders.”

Dame the Bard: “Not anymore!”

Sir Cheeks: “Too soon man. We managed to grab both his head and the body so that he can lie in peace.”

Dame the Bard: “I think the whole realm will finally be at peace now that he isn’t around to stir up trouble.

Sir Cheeks: “What are you doing here anyways?”

Dame the Bard: “I’m writing a new ballad. ‘The Life and Death of bds9992’. Do you want to hear?”

Sir Cheeks: “No, It’s too soon.”

Sir Westbrook. “Too soon.”

The two knights lift the casket once more and place it inside the grave. They both grab a shovel and start to cover it with dirt.

Sir Westbrook: “Weren’t you still working on that ballad of the tournament?”

Dame the Bard: “Oh I finished that one. Might be my best work. King pexetera has banned music from the realm, however. I miss the days where lords sat around talking about music. I’ll have to join the ‘Kool Kids’ rebellion if I’m ever going to get a chance to play at court again.”

Sir Cheeks: “The ‘Kool Kids’ rebellion?”

Dame the Bard: “I can’t believe you haven’t heard! Lords dBKC, robusk, ashamael, and benhoidal have fled the city along with a number of other lords they have recruited. I think Lord jhsukow has fled with them.”

Sir Westbrook: “I thought he was going to be the new Hand of the King?”

Dame the Bard: “No. He turned down the offer and is off with the ‘Kool Kids’ now. I think Lord dh555 is staying on as Hand.”

Sir Cheeks: “So, there’s really going to be another Savage War isn’t there?”

Dame the Bard: “It certainly seems that way.”

Sir Westbrook: “I don’t think the realm can take any more Savagery.”

Sir Cheeks: “There are certainly dark days ahead. I guess we could all use some cheer. Go ahead, Dame, sing us that song of yours. The one about the tourney.”

Dame the Bard: “Really?”

Sir Cheeks: “Really. Let’s hear it.”

Dame the Bard’s grin stretches from ear to ear as he grabs his lute. The sun begins to set and as Sir Cheeks and Sir Westbrook continue to fill the grave, Dame the Bard starts to play. A pleasant melody greets our ears as he starts to sing.

“Do I have a story for you m’lord,
Though I fear it doesn’t end well.
The King is dead, the King is dead!
Go ring the SAVAGE bell.

The Hand threw a great tourney,
The winner gets claim to the throne.
Knights came from all ‘cross the land,
So begins the Game of the Zone.

Lords gathered round and swords were drawn
To see who would have the first pick.
When the sword that was drawn was for bds,
Sir LeBron fainted and turned sick.

Lord Gerry the Red then drafted Sir Wilt,
The Goliath of Dipperville.
Wilt lost his eyes, his ears, his voice,
When he joined the Guild of No Evil.

Sir Stephen the great water dancer,
There’s no strike that he couldn’t make.
T’was his lord’s motherf*cking birthday,
So Sir Stephen baked him a cake.

Oh, there was a great feast, the Hand made a speech,
Two lords, they choked on a pie.
But the Captain said that’s not why they died,
T’was bds that poisoned the wine.

Sir Shaq the great Lord Commander,
Was suspicious and examined their goblets.
He started to investigate,
Determined to catch the culprit!

Sir Michael of Jordan was holding court,
With all Lord tarheel’s men.
But when they questioned his leadership,
He beat them again and again.

Sir Frazier of the King’s Guard,
Was happy as could be.
But when he went to find Sir Shaq,
T’was a new knight beneath the tree.

Sir Karl the Sitemail Man,
His job was to tend to the Ravens.
He uncovered a plot, who should he tell?
Sir Karl was timid and craven.

Sir Charles of the Round Mound,
And his faithful second Sir Steve,
Dueled Sir Karl the Sitemail Man,
They will fight for eternity.

Mayor Hoiberg created a robot,
A fighting machine with no limits.
T’was the perfect knight in every way,
Oh no, he forgot to add minutes!

Lord amerk was mad at all the delays,
And so got extremely petty.
He got **** on by birds, not once but twice,
And in the end he screamed ‘Spaghetti!’

Now back to the story of bds,
He’s rotting in a jail.
Lord pexetera’s men, the Wolves of the North,
Refused to pay his bail.

So begins the trial of bds,
The whole realm held its breath.
He demanded to live or die by the sword,
Trial by combat to the death!

The Three Eyed Bird of Bostonia,
Sees more than you or I.
Oh the secrets that he has to tell,
Like how King Kinoa died.

It is now time for the All-Star break,
But which knights get to play?
Sir Wilt the Goliath of Dipperville,
Convincingly led the way.

Sir Giannis the Freak was unhappy,
And Sir Conley sensed the danger.
So while Sir Giannis was on a break,
He took a vial from a stranger.

The Bearded Knight likes to cook,
His new lord won't let him try.
But after a while he finally snapped,
And cooked him into a pie.

The Spaghetti Lord from ‘cross the sea,
Was always late to pick.
When he was challenged by Lord amerk,
He dueled the little *****.

Now, the Doctor’s in to treat the wounds
Of all the fallen men.
Sir Kyrie was brought in and told a strange tale,
And was laughed at again and again.

Let the playoffs begin, said the Hand of the King,
But not for every Lord.
While most still fought on, three were left out,
And Sir Rodman tried courting a whore.

Now, the Devil may dance in the moonlight,
He’ll turn straw to gold for a night.
What tricks will he play, when he shows up to fight?
Wait, which Devil do you mean tonight?

It’s Lord ashamael the Forsaken.
He has the Devil locked in his own tower.
What plans does he have? we may never know,
Beware the Devil’s power.

Moment of silence for Lord 20ks,
Plunged a dagger through his heart.
Sir Paul George tried to set his boat aflame,
But Playoff P was off the mark.

Oh, Lord jhsukow likes to make fun
Of all the lords of the land.
Will he choose to fight for the ‘Kool Kids’?
Or will he become Lord pexetera’s Hand?

Sir Horford of the Longest and Tallest House
Fought hard for his sleepy lord.
But never has he had to fight harder,
Then when he was told to hold the ford.

Lord ysw watched the fights
Of all the knights who were better.
The other lords wanted to talk,
yeah, sure, whatever.

The two red priests had to watch,
As the other lords passed them by.
These two has-beens weren’t SAVAGE enough,
So now they must figure out why.

The conference finals were now done and gone,
Wait! What’s that on court one?
It’s Sir LeBron’s last stand. bds had to run.
But the Sky Hook ended his fun.

The “Real Sir Chris Paul” stepped into the battle,
After he stole a great sword.
Jake from State Farm tried to save the day,
But he was too late to save his lord.

The Hand said bds could take the black,
It’s better than being dead.
But the new king of the SAVAGE Lands,
Made sure bds lost his head.

The second SAVAGE war was done and gone,
Lord pexetera ascended the throne.
It is now time for SAVAGE three!
So ends the Game of the Zone.
So ends the Game of the Zone.”

Dame the Bard ends with a flourish of notes on his lute just as Sir Cheeks and Sir Westbrook fill the grave with the last of the dirt. The three knights sit in silence for a moment as the sun disappears and the sky grows dark. The snow has gotten heavier now and is falling down in sheets.

A loud cracking sound is heard and the three knights turn their heads sharply towards the newly filled in grave. A bony hand emerges from the dirt. The three knights jump back in alarm and fall to the snowy ground. More bones emerge from the grave until an entire body is standing in front of them. It has no head. It reaches down into the grave and pulls out the unmistakable head of bds9992. It’s eyes are shut, but when it opens them we see that they are icy blue. The body of bds9992 holds the head under one arm and walks forward at the three knights who are scrambling away. Dame the Bard is still hobbled and cannot get away fast enough. bds9992 grabs a sword on the ground and stabs him through the gut. He then pulls out the blade and throws it across the field.

We pan to Sir Westbrook and Sir Cheeks who are running as fast as they can through the grave stones. The blade flies through the air and strikes Sir Westbrook right between the shoulders. Sir Cheeks stops and crouches over his fallen comrade’s body. He looks up and we see the thing that was once bds9992 approach. Sir Cheeks backs up slowly. The thing reaches down and pulls the sword out of Sir Westbrook’s back.

Sir Cheeks: “My L...L...Lorrrrd… puh..puh...please. I was your greatest defender!”

bds9992 raises the blade with one hand and swings it down. Sir Cheeks crumbles to the ground.

bds9992 starts to walk away. He sheaths the sword in a scabbard and grips his head with both hands. He places it gently on his severed neck. It starts out backwards, but when he moves his hands away from the head, it straightens out on its own accord.

bds9992 raises both of his arms and behind him the corpses of the three knights raise from the ground. Dame the Bard has a bloody hole in his chest. Sir Westbrook as one in his back. Sir Cheeks has a slash mark across his face. The three knights stumble forward with inhuman motions until they are just behind bds9992. He drops his arms and starts to march towards the capital, the three knights falling in line behind him.

We zoom in on the icy blue eyes of bds9992. Then, our screen goes black and white block letters take over the screen: GAME OF ZONES.

A moment later those letters are replaced with new ones:

10/27/2020 5:42 PM
Great stuff Ben
10/27/2020 6:00 PM

I thought I would post the ballad by Dame the Bard in the epilogue. I don't have good vocals, and I did it all in one take so my voice gets a bit hoarse near the end, but this is how I imagined it going.
10/27/2020 6:25 PM
Posted by benhoidal on 10/27/2020 6:25:00 PM (view original):

I thought I would post the ballad by Dame the Bard in the epilogue. I don't have good vocals, and I did it all in one take so my voice gets a bit hoarse near the end, but this is how I imagined it going.
Hell yeah. Let’s go. Haven’t listened yet, but I am very excited.
10/27/2020 6:27 PM
I just listened and it's a little quiet so you might want to have the lyrics up while you listen.
10/27/2020 6:34 PM
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Game of Zones - SAVAGE Season 2 Topic

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