Its All Trumps Fault Topic

Posted by wylie715 on 9/20/2018 6:22:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/20/2018 6:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 9/20/2018 6:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/20/2018 4:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by rsp777 on 9/20/2018 4:52:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/20/2018 4:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by rsp777 on 9/20/2018 4:37:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/20/2018 2:25:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 9/20/2018 2:18:00 PM (view original):
My preaching is tiring? Your constant complaining about the Palestinian flag at the DNC is tiring.
You have constantly told us what Linda Sasour belives and what she was promoting when she flew the flag the the DNC. So, you have said you know what they (or at least she) believe.
I have relatives and friends who are teachers and not one of them preaches about white privilege. I do feel sorry for those that are less fortunate than me.
I am bringing up my kids how I like, and with what I think are the correct morals and sensabilities. Does that mean they will be exactly what I wish them to be? Of course not. They have their own minds and will end up making their own decisions. I just try to give them as much information before they make those decisions and hope they make good ones. You, have often said how your daughters can marry whoever they want as long as they don't marry a Muslim. You do realize they will marry who they want regardless of how you fell about it, right?

So, FU. At least I've never called you a traitor or an idiot because we don't agree on very much, if anything. If I have called you an idiot it is for being a Red Sox fan, and you deserve it for that!
I said they can marry anyone they want as long as they are not a Yankees fan. Find the post where I said "Muslim". I complain because liberal ******** like you turn a blind eye to bigots and complain about bullshit inequalities. You are a traitor IMO. What can I tell you?

Actually I take it back. They cannot marry a Muslim. That ideology is not on the same page as how my wife and I raise them. So I never said it before, I am saying it now. Over my dead body.
Now there's something we can all get behind. Please have your daughter visit Dearborn, Michigan. You wouldn't survive driving down the block with that attitude and I doubt you have any idea what it is like living near the highest concentration of Muslims in the United States. Muslims are people too. And you're a racist, so here's to your daughter meeting somebody soon. Cheers!
Islam is not a race. How am I a racist?
So, to be even ******* stupider you decide to double-down. Alright, I'll bite. How about...You're a ******* religious theology driven moron who cannot accept that there are other faiths in the world and that you might just be wrong. Enjoy that when you keel over after your daughter meets a Muslim.
I never said faith. I said ideology where women are treated as 2nd class citizens. For a woman to marry a Muslim she has to convert to Islam. There are 1.8Bn Muslims in the world and ~16million Jews. For my kids to marry someone of that ideology/faith they would have to leave Judaism. While I am not religious I honor those who served and died in WWII and those who lived. I believe it is imperative for them to maintain their Jewish roots, even if symbolically.

You don't like it? I don't care. I am not against people who are Muslim. I just don't want my kids marrying one. Don't care if your kids do. Would you rather me lie to you or to wylie and say otherwise? I am just being honest. If I keel over that is perfectly fine. I am accept my fate as such.
there's a difference between not wanting your daughters to marry a Muslim and saying they will marry one over your dead body.
I was being dramatic. Its a Jew thing. You would not understand. :)
you're an *******. I'm more Jewish than you are. You have admitted you are an Athiest. Believing in God is the main principle of Judaism.
Oh yeah. Its not about religion with me. Its about the culture and acknowledgement of our harsh past and limited numbers. And holiday traditions to some extent. I only call you a traitor to be a jerk. I don't really believe that. But you do need to stop stalking bad_luck and hiding in bushes. :)
9/20/2018 6:30 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/20/2018 1:18:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/20/2018 11:11:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/20/2018 10:45:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/20/2018 10:20:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 9/19/2018 11:10:00 PM (view original):
And Tang, show me where I've written that the poor don't deserve help. All I have said is that it's not the governments responsibility. We disagree on which people are poor and we disagree on why people are poor, but I would love for you to show me where I have said that the poor don't deserve help.
You think the poor deserves help, but you have not said from whom and how. In a perfect world, charity and church would help out, but this isn't a perfect world.

Also, you have stated that if you can feed your family, you aren't poor.

You also flat out dismissed the idea that disabled people could be poor or that opportunity is not equal.
Don't dodge. If you have an iPhone, Air Jordans and a Playstation you aren't poor.

#1) There are welfare and food stamp programs. Our poor have running water and plumbing. More than many of the poor around the world can say.
#2) Community and Church, 100%. Along with #1.
#3) Disabled how? Each case needs to be reviewed separately. Many disabled people work.
How many people have iPhones, Jordans, and Playstations that are under the poverty line?

1. You mean the programs you want to cut? Also who cares what other countries have? The poor and the US aren't living large. Some of them have basic necessities. Your point is? Our poor are not the best off in the world.
2. They can't pay for it.
3. Yeah and many cannot. Strikeout dismissed ALL cases of disability.
1) I want the corruption addressed and yes cut many. Maybe they'll learn to fend for themselves if not given free $$ by the Gov't.
2) Figure it out. Do you think I got my job because of a hand out? I am a son of immigrants and had to fight for everything I have. Stop making excuses for them.
3) Needs to be reviewed on an individual level. If you have diabetes and cannot work because you are a fat out of shape slob then its on you. If you are disabled because a drunk driver hit you, it is on us (the people). I want each and every case reviewed throroughly.

1) I also want corruption addressed. Poor people shouldn't fend for themselves. It shouldn't be a dog eat dog world.
2) I wasn't talking about poor people paying for it, but you think poor people aren't trying? A vast majority are really, really trying to not be poor. The solution isn't 'try harder.'
3) I agree with you, although not on the diabetes point.
9/20/2018 6:53 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/20/2018 1:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/20/2018 11:13:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/20/2018 10:49:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/20/2018 10:10:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/20/2018 9:12:00 AM (view original):
Why are you so angry?
Because there are racists in the government?
There are racists everywhere. Did you forget the Palestinian Flag at the DNC. That is overt. At least most racists are covert.
Yes. So let's vote for people that won't accept racists in the government?

Also, the Palestinian flag was NOT racism.
I just told you it is covert. You don't know what they really believe. It was not "racism" it was certainly offensive and inappropriate.
OK, fair enough. Let's vote for people who agree that racism in government is intolerable, will do their best to not have racists in the government, and if one does get in to handle that immediately.
9/20/2018 6:54 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 9/20/2018 1:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/19/2018 5:56:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/19/2018 5:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 9/19/2018 5:33:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 9/19/2018 4:50:00 PM (view original):
Tang, just once, please explain to us how a person can have an iPhone, Jordans and a Playstation and still be poor, without being either stupid and/or irresponsible. I think we'd love to hear how you think that's possible.
I'm glad I decided to open this one. I think I know the answer to this and bet Tangy don't.............

Here's how that's possible............ it's called theft.
No no Tang says these people can get these items lawfully and still be “poor”. He needs to stop back pedaling and defend this absurd assertion.
It is possible for someone to own all of those items and be below the poverty line.
Maybe, but anyone who does has their priorities backwards. If you need a phone there are cheaper phones than iPhones. If you need shoes, there are cheaper shoes than Air Jordans. There is nobody who NEEDS a Playstation (although my teenage sons might have a different view on that last one)
I agree with you. Although the argument could be made that entertainment could be a critical distraction for kids of impoverished parents.
9/20/2018 6:56 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 9/20/2018 2:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/20/2018 9:17:00 AM (view original):
Taint. Don’t care about racism. Honestly I do not. There will be racists. Nothing you can do about it. Just STFU and live with it. My cable bill is $275 per month. Includes phone and Internet. You are also ignorant if you don’t believe many game the system. If you can afford an iPhone, Air Jordan’s and a PlayStation or Xbox you are not poor. The fact that you and Tang disagree is the exactly the problem in this country. Stop feeling sorry for those who game the system. Our poor live better than 99% of the poor in other countries.
You don't care about racism?? That may be the problem right there. Yes, it exists. Yes, there is not much I can personally do about it, exept bring up my children without any sort of prejudice, but whether we can fix it or not, I do care about it. Not every poor person games the system. Not everyone on welfare is gaming the system. Your point of view is exactly the problem in this country in my opinion. At least Taint and tangplay want things to improve. You just say STFU and live with it.
Bringing up the 3rd world country argument is another great example of it. Yeah, stuff is worse in other countries. That doesn't mean we can accept the ****** stuff that happens at home. And it's also not mutually exclusive.
9/20/2018 6:57 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/20/2018 2:09:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 9/20/2018 2:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/20/2018 9:17:00 AM (view original):
Taint. Don’t care about racism. Honestly I do not. There will be racists. Nothing you can do about it. Just STFU and live with it. My cable bill is $275 per month. Includes phone and Internet. You are also ignorant if you don’t believe many game the system. If you can afford an iPhone, Air Jordan’s and a PlayStation or Xbox you are not poor. The fact that you and Tang disagree is the exactly the problem in this country. Stop feeling sorry for those who game the system. Our poor live better than 99% of the poor in other countries.
You don't care about racism?? That may be the problem right there. Yes, it exists. Yes, there is not much I can personally do about it, exept bring up my children without any sort of prejudice, but whether we can fix it or not, I do care about it. Not every poor person games the system. Not everyone on welfare is gaming the system. Your point of view is exactly the problem in this country in my opinion. At least Taint and tangplay want things to improve. You just say STFU and live with it.
You and your Sith qualities. I never said every person. They don't want to do things to improve. If you give people **** for free you are just feeding the fire. You may bring your kids up however you like but that doesn't mean they'll follow your line of thinking and or reasoning. Your preaching is annoying, wylie. Racism will always be here. ALWAYS. Stop whining about it and live with it. We are Jews. We have. Others need to follow suit. I am tired of the whining and crying. Tang doesn't have any kids he has no idea what life is like raising them. Same with Taint.

I am sick and tired of teachers preaching to them that being white is a privilege, that being middle class means you should feel sorry for those who are less fortunate, that gender is fluid, that Israel and Palestine are equally to blame for the conflict, that Trump is racist and only racists voted for him, I could go on and on. This is bullshit. I've had enough.

If you give people **** for free you are just feeding the fire.

Pretty sure neither Taint nor I have advocated for increasing welfare or the minimum wage. My arguments revolve around equalizing opportunity. The whole point is to make sure that people who work the hardest rise to the top.

Racism will always be here. ALWAYS. Stop whining about it and live with it. We are Jews. We have. Others need to follow suit.

In the previous page, you whined about antisemitism in the USA.

Tang doesn't have any kids he has no idea what life is like raising them.

My job makes for lots of interactions with people. I talk to people. My dad works with poor people so I learn there.

that being middle class means you should feel sorry for those who are less fortunate

You should try to help people who are less fortunate regardless of what class you are in. If you don't, you are an *******.

BTW, as the person who was in school the most recently, teachers don't teach kids any of that stuff in school.

9/20/2018 7:02 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/20/2018 2:09:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 9/20/2018 2:08:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/20/2018 1:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/20/2018 11:13:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/20/2018 10:49:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 9/20/2018 10:10:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/20/2018 9:12:00 AM (view original):
Why are you so angry?
Because there are racists in the government?
There are racists everywhere. Did you forget the Palestinian Flag at the DNC. That is overt. At least most racists are covert.
Yes. So let's vote for people that won't accept racists in the government?

Also, the Palestinian flag was NOT racism.
I just told you it is covert. You don't know what they really believe. It was not "racism" it was certainly offensive and inappropriate.
You don't know what they really believe either.
FU. I never said I did. Tang did. Learn to F*CKING READ.
You have no idea what the intentions of the person waving the flag was. They might have been a Republican, making the Dems look bad. (Not saying that they were)
9/20/2018 7:04 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/20/2018 2:25:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 9/20/2018 2:18:00 PM (view original):
My preaching is tiring? Your constant complaining about the Palestinian flag at the DNC is tiring.
You have constantly told us what Linda Sasour belives and what she was promoting when she flew the flag the the DNC. So, you have said you know what they (or at least she) believe.
I have relatives and friends who are teachers and not one of them preaches about white privilege. I do feel sorry for those that are less fortunate than me.
I am bringing up my kids how I like, and with what I think are the correct morals and sensabilities. Does that mean they will be exactly what I wish them to be? Of course not. They have their own minds and will end up making their own decisions. I just try to give them as much information before they make those decisions and hope they make good ones. You, have often said how your daughters can marry whoever they want as long as they don't marry a Muslim. You do realize they will marry who they want regardless of how you fell about it, right?

So, FU. At least I've never called you a traitor or an idiot because we don't agree on very much, if anything. If I have called you an idiot it is for being a Red Sox fan, and you deserve it for that!
I said they can marry anyone they want as long as they are not a Yankees fan. Find the post where I said "Muslim". I complain because liberal ******** like you turn a blind eye to bigots and complain about bullshit inequalities. You are a traitor IMO. What can I tell you?

Actually I take it back. They cannot marry a Muslim. That ideology is not on the same page as how my wife and I raise them. So I never said it before, I am saying it now. Over my dead body.
Pretty sure you are the one "Turning a blind eye to bigots"
9/20/2018 7:05 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 9/20/2018 2:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 9/20/2018 2:20:00 PM (view original):
Your constant reminder that you are the son of immigrants and nothing was handed to you is also pretty tiring. We know, and you should be proud of what you have accomplished, but not everyone is you, or has your drive to succeed. It has nothing to do with being Jewish.
Maybe if free stuff wasn't handed to them they would be. You worked a lot of late nights driving a limo. Maybe those "disabled" persons could do the same.
Yes, people on welfare are living large. No reason to work harder.
9/20/2018 7:20 PM
"You should try to help people who are less fortunate regardless of what class you are in. If you don't, you are an *******."

If that person is "less fortunate" because they choose to sit on their azs doing nothing to improve their situation, then you are a total idiot and a sucker to continue to give them even one cent.

9/21/2018 8:49 AM
I am done debating with Tang. That dude has special problems. Out of touch with reality.
9/21/2018 9:04 AM
Posted by all3 on 9/21/2018 8:49:00 AM (view original):
"You should try to help people who are less fortunate regardless of what class you are in. If you don't, you are an *******."

If that person is "less fortunate" because they choose to sit on their azs doing nothing to improve their situation, then you are a total idiot and a sucker to continue to give them even one cent.

Sucker? Yes. But most poor are not in that situation.

Also I never said that free money is the solution.
9/21/2018 9:19 AM
Please share more of your naivety by telling us what % of Government handouts go to people who are physically and mentally capable of avoiding them if they tried.
9/21/2018 10:25 AM
How would you measure that.
9/21/2018 10:49 AM
Common sense - so no wonder you have no idea.

FWIW, had Romney said 47% of handouts go to people who could avoid them, I think he would have been applauded as much as he was destroyed for saying 47% of the population does it.
9/21/2018 11:08 AM
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