it was obama's economy until it was restructured and reversed and there were intentional trade wars.
i believe in actual history.
8/14/2019 2:42 PM
8/14/2019 2:44 PM
i also think that lumping the 2 major parties into one boat in some generic way is intellectually dishonest.
look at issue by issue and see what the parties passed when they could and what they tried to pass but were thwarted.
8/14/2019 3:04 PM
Posted by tangplay on 8/14/2019 2:37:00 PM (view original):
Let's all just agree that if you are a democrat, it's Obama's economy until it turns bad,

and if you are a Republican, it's Trump's economy, until it turns bad, and then it becomes the Democrats fault.

Sound good to everyone?
Yes. What dino says is technically true but that approach is used by only 10% of the country. Your approach is the stark reality for the other 90%.
8/14/2019 3:35 PM
the truth is not a technicality.
if only 10 % are objective and im part of that i am proud for me but disgusted by the rest.
8/14/2019 4:18 PM
a lso think that there are more objective dems then republicans....just look at the fractious quality of debate on many issues and the higher standard for morality and consistency among dems.
i dont agree that 90 % are dumb sheep. i cannot imagine the dems of today EVER electing and supporting a trump......leave the dems OUT of the mindset necessary for that ideology....and deaf dumb and blind faith....we are a smarter bunch.
8/14/2019 4:24 PM
Posted by dino27 on 8/14/2019 4:25:00 PM (view original):
a lso think that there are more objective dems then republicans....just look at the fractious quality of debate on many issues and the higher standard for morality and consistency among dems.
i dont agree that 90 % are dumb sheep. i cannot imagine the dems of today EVER electing and supporting a trump......leave the dems OUT of the mindset necessary for that ideology....and deaf dumb and blind faith....we are a smarter bunch.
I respectfully believe that you are painfuly wrong on this subject. Dems are (on the whole) just as cataclysmically stupid as everyone else. They stay IN with little silver bells on their sanctimonious toes, lol. Just be happy you are a part of the 10% and have the ability to perform abstract thinking. It's a vanishing skill.
8/14/2019 5:14 PM
independents say that.
to me most independents want to feel superior or cant take a stand.
the 2 parties are night and day.
8/14/2019 5:53 PM
8/14/2019 5:56 PM
Posted by gomiami1972 on 8/14/2019 5:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dino27 on 8/14/2019 4:25:00 PM (view original):
a lso think that there are more objective dems then republicans....just look at the fractious quality of debate on many issues and the higher standard for morality and consistency among dems.
i dont agree that 90 % are dumb sheep. i cannot imagine the dems of today EVER electing and supporting a trump......leave the dems OUT of the mindset necessary for that ideology....and deaf dumb and blind faith....we are a smarter bunch.
I respectfully believe that you are painfuly wrong on this subject. Dems are (on the whole) just as cataclysmically stupid as everyone else. They stay IN with little silver bells on their sanctimonious toes, lol. Just be happy you are a part of the 10% and have the ability to perform abstract thinking. It's a vanishing skill.
Sadly, I agree with gomiami on this one. I think there are just as many democrats as there are republicans who will support anything with his/her party name on it, without giving any sense to whether it makes sense of not.

I don't know about 90%, but I think most people are either stupid, or, if not stupid, unwilling to put any effort into thinking for themselves.
8/14/2019 6:23 PM

that is really sad that you think that.
that would mean the goals of each party are equal in value and the adherents are all uninvolved in information.
how is it possible to say that a dem voter who is convinced by scientists on climate chang is the same s as voters who refute science

i think it is asinine to compare.....just .because you are unified DOES NOT mean you are blindly lockstep.....

what you say is just plain lazy and condescending
not taking a stand are the worst sheep..
8/14/2019 6:29 PM
generally speaking dems are more educated...believe more in science......are more individually opinionated.
more moral....less hypocritical and hold our leaders to high standards.
sometimes in history there are certain truths that are self evident and yet so often only the dems are unified for the causes.
the people in freedom marches did not walk lockstep.
they walked hand in hand.

you need to comprehend truths vs propoganda.
independents are not a whole they helped trump win.....thats how much better they are.
8/14/2019 6:35 PM
as far as I am concerned the goal of each party is to maintain and grow their power. And most democrats will just vote the democratic ticket and most republicans will vote for the republican ticket, regardless of who is on that ticket.
I agree, it is sad. But it's how I feel.
8/14/2019 6:37 PM
i dont want to deprive you of your opinion but to divorce the policy goals and accomplishments from analysis over some of imo pseudo - intellectual communist party propoganda is neauseating to me.
8/14/2019 6:46 PM
what? communist party propaganda??? where? I am very cynical when it comes to politics, politicians and the intelligence of the general public. Can't help it. You are more idealistic and there is nothing wrong with that. I'd like to say I was more idealistic when I was younger, but I probably wasn't. I've always been a cynic.
8/14/2019 7:24 PM
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