Trump's Coronavirus Response Topic

Posted by all3 on 4/12/2020 8:49:00 AM (view original):
Not adhering to social distancing is why there are so many deaths.
You think people were dumb/stubborn enough to ignore the Government in other Countries?
If Americans would listen, a lot loss people would die.
I wonder who is pushing the narrative that all government is tyrannical and you should ignore them?


Btw, everyone should take some time off on this beautiful Easter Sunday and read the Red Dawn emails.
4/12/2020 12:02 PM
Posted by all3 on 4/12/2020 9:55:00 AM (view original):
bronx seems stuck. He keeps posting the same thing over and over and over. Stubborn, and dumb, just like the people (of all races, religions, education levels, and yes, even Parties) ignoring the "STAY HOME" warnings. Trying to turn a World-wide pandemic into a Political issue is a horrid thing to do - right in-line with much of what Trump-haters have done for almost 4 years now.
And yet you don't criticize Doug for doing the exact same thing...
4/12/2020 12:04 PM
all3 likes cat memes...........and defending (but not supporting) Trump.
4/12/2020 1:09 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 4/12/2020 1:09:00 PM (view original):
all3 likes cat memes...........and defending (but not supporting) Trump.
You forgot owning me.
4/12/2020 2:12 PM
4/12/2020 2:27 PM
Posted by rsp777 on 4/12/2020 2:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 4/12/2020 1:09:00 PM (view original):
all3 likes cat memes...........and defending (but not supporting) Trump.
You forgot owning me.
I don't like this; I LOVE it.

Looks like bronx has regressed to the level where he needs blocked. No need to see the same thing over and over and over. Again, even IF the Government was slow to recognize the severity of this pandemic, it doesn't change the fact that if Americans would have listened as soon as they were told to stay home, we'd be almost rid of this mess by now. Americans are the problem. I know neither Party is good at doing so, but let's stop using a World-wide crisis for attempted Politic gain, and let's start pointing fingers at the correct people - the American public.
4/12/2020 3:01 PM
The KS GOP attempted to revoke Gov Kelly's stay at home order, pushing more Americans to be stupid. Thank God the Kansas Supreme Court struck it down, but still. The GOP is pushing people to get out and be stupid.
4/12/2020 3:18 PM
Posted by tangplay on 4/12/2020 3:18:00 PM (view original):
The KS GOP attempted to revoke Gov Kelly's stay at home order, pushing more Americans to be stupid. Thank God the Kansas Supreme Court struck it down, but still. The GOP is pushing people to get out and be stupid.
What's happening in Wisconsin is something else.
4/12/2020 3:40 PM
If we didn't have Kelly, a bunch of people would be getting the virus in Kansas today.
4/12/2020 3:47 PM
Posted by tangplay on 4/12/2020 3:18:00 PM (view original):
The KS GOP attempted to revoke Gov Kelly's stay at home order, pushing more Americans to be stupid. Thank God the Kansas Supreme Court struck it down, but still. The GOP is pushing people to get out and be stupid.
That's not exactly how it went down but close enough. The KS Supreme Court essentially ruled that the legislators didn't have standing to challenge the constitutionality of Kelly's executive order because, technically, they had already conceded that power to the Governorship in prior legislation, which allowed Kelly to declare a State of Emergency in the first place. Whether or not that power is constitutionally valid is another matter the Court (intentionally) did not address.

The Court did the smart thing under severe time pressure and punted.
4/12/2020 3:59 PM
In a not-related topic: I'm conflicted about the recent push away from Fox News and towards Far-right and laughable OANN. On one hand, it's obviously an attempt to drive Fox to the right, get them to go full-on Trumpy and dump McCain-era conservatives like Chris Wallace. And it will probably work. On the other hand, is there a point where conservative news becomes so wacky that it loses all credibility from the non-Doug's of the world? The inevitable end point for option B is Charlottesville, but it also means that conservative news is divided. It's pretty interesting, and morbid for America. For reasonable people, seeing Fox News being attacked from the right is hilarious.
4/12/2020 4:46 PM
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I don't bring up Charlottesville to demonize the right, or to say that it was indicative of Conservatism. However, I will demonize the alt-right, and I think that's where some of the Republican base is headed. Specifically, I refer to the Qultists and the OAN fanboys.

(And yes, I understand that you can replace "Conservatism" with "Liberalism" and "Alt-right" with "Progressivism" but the difference is that the alt right is actually dangerous. Furthermore, I reject the idea that antifa is even comparable to actual Nazi groups. For one, they are far less dangerous statistically, and secondly, they are reactionary. The nazis have a reactionary ideology, but if they gain strength, they would actually put policies in place.)
4/12/2020 5:52 PM
Posted by tangplay on 4/12/2020 5:52:00 PM (view original):
I don't bring up Charlottesville to demonize the right, or to say that it was indicative of Conservatism. However, I will demonize the alt-right, and I think that's where some of the Republican base is headed. Specifically, I refer to the Qultists and the OAN fanboys.

(And yes, I understand that you can replace "Conservatism" with "Liberalism" and "Alt-right" with "Progressivism" but the difference is that the alt right is actually dangerous. Furthermore, I reject the idea that antifa is even comparable to actual Nazi groups. For one, they are far less dangerous statistically, and secondly, they are reactionary. The nazis have a reactionary ideology, but if they gain strength, they would actually put policies in place.)
I must have threatened someone's authoritarian bubble. They gave my first post a thumbs down.

I have never heard of OAN or the Qultists? I guess I read too much European stuff. Don't explain it to me...I can only guess.

I agree with the name switching part of your last paragraph. Labels are becoming meaningless. About the rest, it all depends on how you define "dangerous." There is plenty of "dangerous" rhetoric coming out of left-wing groups. I just picked those two out of a hat (PETA deserves more crap than I could sling. I'm going to have a porterhouse steak to prove my point.) Climate change theory, multiculturalism, identity politics, globalization, reparations, universal health care, green new deal, etc, just to name a few, can be thought of as dangerous if not outright destructive...depending on your point of view. The definition of "dangerous" is increasingly arbitrary these days.
4/12/2020 6:29 PM
Posted by tangplay on 4/12/2020 5:52:00 PM (view original):
I don't bring up Charlottesville to demonize the right, or to say that it was indicative of Conservatism. However, I will demonize the alt-right, and I think that's where some of the Republican base is headed. Specifically, I refer to the Qultists and the OAN fanboys.

(And yes, I understand that you can replace "Conservatism" with "Liberalism" and "Alt-right" with "Progressivism" but the difference is that the alt right is actually dangerous. Furthermore, I reject the idea that antifa is even comparable to actual Nazi groups. For one, they are far less dangerous statistically, and secondly, they are reactionary. The nazis have a reactionary ideology, but if they gain strength, they would actually put policies in place.)
People who understand the 20th century understand how dangerous this post is. The radical leftist ideologies led to over 100 million deaths.
4/12/2020 7:02 PM
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Trump's Coronavirus Response Topic

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