Lists for the Listless Topic

I’m going to try my 25 greatest movies since 1950 definitely not ranked.

1. The Godfather trilogy
2. Groundhog Day
3. North By Northwest
4. The Birds
5. Annie Hall
6. Zelig
7. Take The Money and Run
8. King Kong ( Jack Black )
9. Back To The Future trilogy
10. Bonnie and Clyde
12. The Tenant
13. Resevoir Dogs
14. Meet Joe Black
15. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
16. Inglorious Basterds
17. The Devil’s Advocate
18. Pal Joey
19. West Side Story
20. Close Encounters of The Third Kind
21. Schindler’s List
22. The Man Who Knew Too Little
23. East Of Eden
24. A Streetcar Named Desire
25. On The Waterfront
10/11/2023 5:32 PM (edited)
some other movies worthy of consideration:
The Princess Bride
The Producers
Rosemary's Baby
2001 (A Space Odyssey)
Easy Rider
Midnight Cowboy
True Grit (both versions are great)
Little Big Man
A Clockwork Orange
Pulp Fiction
The French Connection
The Last Picture Show
Summer of 42
American Graffiti
Blazing Saddles
Young Frankenstein
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
All the President's Men
Being There
Breaking Away
Dressed to Kill
An American Werewolf in London
The Big Chill
Blood Simple

More to come
10/11/2023 9:02 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 10/11/2023 9:02:00 PM (view original):
some other movies worthy of consideration:
The Princess Bride
The Producers
Rosemary's Baby
2001 (A Space Odyssey)
Easy Rider
Midnight Cowboy
True Grit (both versions are great)
Little Big Man
A Clockwork Orange
Pulp Fiction
The French Connection
The Last Picture Show
Summer of 42
American Graffiti
Blazing Saddles
Young Frankenstein
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
All the President's Men
Being There
Breaking Away
Dressed to Kill
An American Werewolf in London
The Big Chill
Blood Simple

More to come
Great movies all - some of them could easily displace movies from my list - Being There, Psycho, The Producers, Young Frankenstein, Sleeper, Pulp Fiction.
10/11/2023 11:54 PM
A few others I love - A Bronx Tale, Casino, Donnie Brasco, the 2 Get Shorty movies, Boomerang, The Nutty Professor, To Sir With Love, James Bond movies.
10/11/2023 11:58 PM
Raiders of the Lost Ark
There Will Be Blood
Gangs of New York
The Dark Knight
Duck Soup
Lost in Translation
Dr Strangelove
To Have and Have Not
The Maltese Falcon
This is Spinal Tap
When Harry Met Sally
Blade Runner
Mad Max:Fury Road
Die Hard
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Raging Bull
No Country For Old Men
Get Out

I could go on and on, but I'll stop now.
10/13/2023 1:36 AM
Believe it or not I have never liked The Indians Jones movies.
Maltese Falcon was a great disappointment. The plot was impossible to follow.
Get Out was unbelievable. Amazing movie!!!
10/13/2023 9:49 AM
why wouldn't I believe it? Everyone has their own likes and dislikes. Did you see Nope? What did you think?
10/13/2023 1:59 PM
I didn’t see Nope / from the creator of Get Out??

I forgot to mention The Producers. That could easily have been on my list. Both movies.
id like to see the music from both combined.
10/13/2023 4:23 PM (edited)
Yes, Nope was from the creator of Get Out. Get Out is better, but Nope is still good.
10/13/2023 8:33 PM
can't believe I forgot The Producers too!
10/13/2023 8:34 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 10/13/2023 8:34:00 PM (view original):
can't believe I forgot The Producers too!
I got it from your first list.
over the past week I saw 2 movies that I recommend - Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom. It garnered several Oscar nominations. It was Chad Bosman’s last movie.
He was one of the finest actors.
I also saw a revenge and intrigue and action movie called The Foreigner. Imagine Jackie Chan meets Rambo meets Home Alone. It is a serious movie. Not a comedy. Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan were outstanding.
10/14/2023 1:42 AM (edited)
1.Shawshank reception
Godfather 2, then 1. *but only if youve seen 1. If you havent, the. See 1. Story make more sence.
then no real order:

major league.
Revenge of the nerds. - what the **** is a frush?
The Irishman. cgi be damned, i liked it.
Saw 1. The twist was epic.
The princess bride - anybody want a peanut?
Forrest Gump.
Airplane! - so, so, well written. It's underated.
Long kiss good night
Rambo first blood
Rocky balboa - an excellent nod, closed the series, and "mostly erased" the awfulness of rocky v.
saving private ryan - yes, you were a good man. That scene gets me right in the feels. I was deployed overseas when I first saw it.

Master and commander, far side of the world.

American gangster.

Training day.

Basically, if I'm Flippin channels and any of them are on, I'm not flipping anymore.

Their not all masteprincess, but so what?

10/14/2023 5:29 PM
Great list. I have comments on some of them.

Glory - I should have had this on my list. One of the greatest and most memorable movies ever. Any history buff who hasn’t seen it should have to watch reality shows for the next 10 years. The battle scenes with the sounds and music will stay with you. As will the deep poignancy and emotional issues in the story. The battle scenes are so vivid and realistic that you are there.
This movie that is the greatest war movie and resonates today.
Another movie that is similarly great but but a notch below is the WW1 movie from some years back. 1915.

Rocky 5 - I consider this movie unfairly maligned. I like it fine. Very good story and characters and great street fight at the end where Rocky shows that he has learned some wrestling skills since being in the ring with Thunderlips. Watch the directors cut - it is better.

The Long Kiss Goodnight - very underrated and not well known. A well acted thriller yarn. Gina Davis and Samuel L are great.

The Irishman is on my Netflix list. I’m looking forward to it. I hear you paint houses.
10/14/2023 6:34 PM (edited)
Posted by bottomlee on 10/14/2023 5:29:00 PM (view original):
1.Shawshank reception
Godfather 2, then 1. *but only if youve seen 1. If you havent, the. See 1. Story make more sence.
then no real order:

major league.
Revenge of the nerds. - what the **** is a frush?
The Irishman. cgi be damned, i liked it.
Saw 1. The twist was epic.
The princess bride - anybody want a peanut?
Forrest Gump.
Airplane! - so, so, well written. It's underated.
Long kiss good night
Rambo first blood
Rocky balboa - an excellent nod, closed the series, and "mostly erased" the awfulness of rocky v.
saving private ryan - yes, you were a good man. That scene gets me right in the feels. I was deployed overseas when I first saw it.

Master and commander, far side of the world.

American gangster.

Training day.

Basically, if I'm Flippin channels and any of them are on, I'm not flipping anymore.

Their not all masteprincess, but so what?

Shawshank Redemption is great. Can't believe I forgot it. Major League and Revenge of the Nerds were very funny. Not sure I'd consider them great film-making. Same with Airplane!. You can also include the Naked Gun series in that category.
Forgot about Forrest Gump! Another great movie! Training Day was also very good.
10/15/2023 12:38 AM
Posted by wylie715 on 10/15/2023 12:38:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bottomlee on 10/14/2023 5:29:00 PM (view original):
1.Shawshank reception
Godfather 2, then 1. *but only if youve seen 1. If you havent, the. See 1. Story make more sence.
then no real order:

major league.
Revenge of the nerds. - what the **** is a frush?
The Irishman. cgi be damned, i liked it.
Saw 1. The twist was epic.
The princess bride - anybody want a peanut?
Forrest Gump.
Airplane! - so, so, well written. It's underated.
Long kiss good night
Rambo first blood
Rocky balboa - an excellent nod, closed the series, and "mostly erased" the awfulness of rocky v.
saving private ryan - yes, you were a good man. That scene gets me right in the feels. I was deployed overseas when I first saw it.

Master and commander, far side of the world.

American gangster.

Training day.

Basically, if I'm Flippin channels and any of them are on, I'm not flipping anymore.

Their not all masteprincess, but so what?

Shawshank Redemption is great. Can't believe I forgot it. Major League and Revenge of the Nerds were very funny. Not sure I'd consider them great film-making. Same with Airplane!. You can also include the Naked Gun series in that category.
Forgot about Forrest Gump! Another great movie! Training Day was also very good.
Training Day was awesome.
10/15/2023 9:24 AM
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