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Posted by MikeT23 on 5/8/2015 4:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by alleyviper on 5/8/2015 4:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 5/8/2015 3:57:00 PM (view original):
The best drafted player, using his currents, can easily be found at the end of FA.  It's not a viable strategy.   I doubt anyone who knows what they're doing uses it.
That guy found at the end of FA is a 33-year old journeyman who's not going to grow, however. If people knew they could find that 33-year old journeyman and plug him right into their lineup, only he's 23 and is going to grow another 10-15 points across the board, we may see it done more frequently.
If you're looking for someone to develop, you sign the 33 y/o journeyman for 1 season(or pull him from your minors).

You put the 23 y/o in the minors for a season or two, let him develop, get three seasons of minimum wage, 2 arbs and sign him to a LT until he's 33.   Much more efficient way to do business.

And that's what people do.
Or maybe I'm trying to keep money aside so that I can have that little bit extra to chase an IFA. Or I want that money to go after a max contract guy. Or any other budget concerns that I may have. The 1-2m it costs me at the end of FA to sign a guy could make the difference in some other endeavor, where the minimum salary I'm paying the guy I just drafted last season helps me bridge that gap. To say nothing about the fact that putting a guy straight to the bigs gets them right to the best coach you have in the org, which we all know is the best way to engender player growth. Would I rather just call a guy up that I've got stashed in the minors instead of burning a young guy's service time? Of course, but that option isn't always going to be there (and if you've typically got a cadre of guys stashed in the minors who you are comfortable using for extended periods of time in case of injury, I'd suggest that there may be some flaws in your worlds that need to be examined).

There are more ways to play the game than the accepted ideal, to say nothing about people who may want to tinker with what the best way to play is and find a new ideal. Maybe you think it's a foolish strategy to look at the draft as a way to supplement the big league club but others may want to give it a try, or may even already be doing it, and that's their right.

Nonetheless, removing current ratings for prospects is something that completely removes that possibility. The pros may certainly outweigh the cons - unless more radical changes are made than what have been proposed I would frankly argue that they actually do - but it would be nice to at least consider keeping current ratings and exploring other solutions because there are indeed other consequences beyond just the implications for those who 0 out their draft budgets.

5/8/2015 4:20 PM
I just re-read and noticed the part that says you'll still be able to see rating changes within the current season. That means that prospect trading won't even be that difficult with 0 adv. Just wait until midseason, and if a guy had improved by 6 points in each category, you can figure that he'll still have quite a bit of improvement to do. Conversely, if a guy's contact rating has only jumped from 51 to 53, he's probably not getting much better.
5/8/2015 4:21 PM
Posted by alleyviper on 5/8/2015 4:20:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 5/8/2015 4:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by alleyviper on 5/8/2015 4:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 5/8/2015 3:57:00 PM (view original):
The best drafted player, using his currents, can easily be found at the end of FA.  It's not a viable strategy.   I doubt anyone who knows what they're doing uses it.
That guy found at the end of FA is a 33-year old journeyman who's not going to grow, however. If people knew they could find that 33-year old journeyman and plug him right into their lineup, only he's 23 and is going to grow another 10-15 points across the board, we may see it done more frequently.
If you're looking for someone to develop, you sign the 33 y/o journeyman for 1 season(or pull him from your minors).

You put the 23 y/o in the minors for a season or two, let him develop, get three seasons of minimum wage, 2 arbs and sign him to a LT until he's 33.   Much more efficient way to do business.

And that's what people do.
Or maybe I'm trying to keep money aside so that I can have that little bit extra to chase an IFA. Or I want that money to go after a max contract guy. Or any other budget concerns that I may have. The 1-2m it costs me at the end of FA to sign a guy could make the difference in some other endeavor, where the minimum salary I'm paying the guy I just drafted last season helps me bridge that gap. To say nothing about the fact that putting a guy straight to the bigs gets them right to the best coach you have in the org, which we all know is the best way to engender player growth. Would I rather just call a guy up that I've got stashed in the minors instead of burning a young guy's service time? Of course, but that option isn't always going to be there (and if you've typically got a cadre of guys stashed in the minors who you are comfortable using for extended periods of time in case of injury, I'd suggest that there may be some flaws in your worlds that need to be examined).

There are more ways to play the game than the accepted ideal, to say nothing about people who may want to tinker with what the best way to play is and find a new ideal. Maybe you think it's a foolish strategy to look at the draft as a way to supplement the big league club but others may want to give it a try, or may even already be doing it, and that's their right.

Nonetheless, removing current ratings for prospects is something that completely removes that possibility. The pros may certainly outweigh the cons - unless more radical changes are made than what have been proposed I would frankly argue that they actually do - but it would be nice to at least consider keeping current ratings and exploring other solutions because there are indeed other consequences beyond just the implications for those who 0 out their draft budgets.

I'm the king of "There are thousands of ways to build a team". 

In my 160ish seasons, I've seen 1 IFA go straight to the bigs.    Not a single draftee.    I don't think people do it and I think it's a massively inefficient way to build a BL roster.   As I said, I have 6-8 minor leaguers that are always better than the best drafted player(based on current).   Every season.   With a 40 man roster, you have 15 players in the minors who have 4+ pro experience.   I find it almost IMPOSSIBLE to believe one of them wouldn't be a better option than some 22 y/o draftee. 

And, if that 1-2m is too costly and you have no minor leaguers worthy of a BL spot, pick up a guy on the 3 PM cycle after the 8th ST game.   Demands always drop to 1 season and that's the last cycle before a ratings hit.    If that doesn't work for you, I suppose "Straight to the bigs" is your only option.    But I'm going to need to see a few examples of it before I accept it as a viable strategy.   I don't think people do it.   I don't think people will do it.

And that's why current ratings for unsigned prospects are not necessary for this supposed strategy.   Current ratings for unsigned prospects are what one uses to skimp on scouting and hopefully get a future contributor.
5/8/2015 4:30 PM
And I'm not speculating on that last strategy.    I didn't see any college players I liked at 20m and had 0 in HS.   However, Hardball Dynasty – Fantasy Baseball Sim Games - Player Profile: Randy Gagne had very good currents as an 18 y/o.  So I took him with the 8th pick.   Worked out well.   Without currents, I don't draft him.
5/8/2015 4:34 PM
"Just wait until midseason, and if a guy had improved by 6 points in each category, you can figure that he'll still have quite a bit of improvement to do. Conversely, if a guy's contact rating has only jumped from 51 to 53, he's probably not getting much better."

If development works the way it does now, then sure.  It seems like that might not be the case. 
5/8/2015 4:41 PM
Anyway, if someone wants to have a discussion, it needs to be an honest discussion.   I have no idea if you want currents for prospects or not, I don't think you've said, but, when you say "I was thinking about trying this", I have no reason to believe you're lying.   Now I could look at your rosters and the best drafted players in your worlds then say "Yeah, that 6 year pro on your AAA roster is a better option than any of the last 13 #1 picks in your world" but I'm not interested in doing that(even though I'm almost positive it will be true).   However, when someone says removing currents will stop them from drafting a player for immediate help, I'd like to see an example of them doing that.   If it doesn't exist, I'd like to know why they want currents to stay.   Except I already know the answer because I've done it.
5/8/2015 4:49 PM

This is what works for me:

The changes bring something fresh to the game.   There are no gameplay changes.   That guy you drafted in S22 is still holds the same value on 5/26 as he does today.   That 40 homer guy you traded for is not becoming a 22 homer guy on 5/26.   These changes affect the players you WILL acquire.   You might know a little less about them but they will be your players.   And, as they develop, you'll have to figure out how to best utilize them.   Even if you hate what happens on 5/26, it doesn't change your team.    It might change your plans but what you've done for the last 10 seasons will not be lost.   So, really, we just have to figure out how to best move forward with new player acquisitions.   

I see nothing wrong with that.

5/8/2015 5:10 PM
Posted by gdmetz on 5/8/2015 4:41:00 PM (view original):
"Just wait until midseason, and if a guy had improved by 6 points in each category, you can figure that he'll still have quite a bit of improvement to do. Conversely, if a guy's contact rating has only jumped from 51 to 53, he's probably not getting much better."

If development works the way it does now, then sure.  It seems like that might not be the case. 
True. If they actually change the patterns by which prospects develop, that would be a big change. I suppose I will take at least a couple seasons before we truly know if this is the case.
5/8/2015 5:13 PM
Posted by arcticlegend on 5/8/2015 5:13:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gdmetz on 5/8/2015 4:41:00 PM (view original):
"Just wait until midseason, and if a guy had improved by 6 points in each category, you can figure that he'll still have quite a bit of improvement to do. Conversely, if a guy's contact rating has only jumped from 51 to 53, he's probably not getting much better."

If development works the way it does now, then sure.  It seems like that might not be the case. 
True. If they actually change the patterns by which prospects develop, that would be a big change. I suppose I will take at least a couple seasons before we truly know if this is the case.
This is the only part that bothers me.  The rate and pattern that players develop is easy to figure currently.  If it changes into a crapshoot (i.e., randomness), then this game becomes a farce like GD (hence, why I quit playing GD)
5/8/2015 5:21 PM
The part that worries me is if ADV scouting goes from almost 0 meaning to being very important but you can still only move +4 at a time they are making it to where if you`ve only invested a couple seasons in your team or if your looking at a rebuild it`s better to drop your team and start with a new one at 14 ADV than spending 3 seasons just to get to 12.If the difference really is meaningful then it should be reset to 10 and let us decide between 6-14 to start.
5/8/2015 5:29 PM
Posted by tenaciousdx on 5/8/2015 5:21:00 PM (view original):
Posted by arcticlegend on 5/8/2015 5:13:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gdmetz on 5/8/2015 4:41:00 PM (view original):
"Just wait until midseason, and if a guy had improved by 6 points in each category, you can figure that he'll still have quite a bit of improvement to do. Conversely, if a guy's contact rating has only jumped from 51 to 53, he's probably not getting much better."

If development works the way it does now, then sure.  It seems like that might not be the case. 
True. If they actually change the patterns by which prospects develop, that would be a big change. I suppose I will take at least a couple seasons before we truly know if this is the case.
This is the only part that bothers me.  The rate and pattern that players develop is easy to figure currently.  If it changes into a crapshoot (i.e., randomness), then this game becomes a farce like GD (hence, why I quit playing GD)
I wouldn't want it to be a total crapshoot. But if it changed a little bit, that would be interesting. And more realistic. Why shouldn't some players make more progress in the second full season than the first? And why do players have to stop developing after four years? Plenty of real major leaguers take 6-7 years to become stars.
5/8/2015 5:34 PM
Posted by tenaciousdx on 5/8/2015 5:21:00 PM (view original):
Posted by arcticlegend on 5/8/2015 5:13:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gdmetz on 5/8/2015 4:41:00 PM (view original):
"Just wait until midseason, and if a guy had improved by 6 points in each category, you can figure that he'll still have quite a bit of improvement to do. Conversely, if a guy's contact rating has only jumped from 51 to 53, he's probably not getting much better."

If development works the way it does now, then sure.  It seems like that might not be the case. 
True. If they actually change the patterns by which prospects develop, that would be a big change. I suppose I will take at least a couple seasons before we truly know if this is the case.
This is the only part that bothers me.  The rate and pattern that players develop is easy to figure currently.  If it changes into a crapshoot (i.e., randomness), then this game becomes a farce like GD (hence, why I quit playing GD)
If they just change the development PATTERN, but the players still ultimately gain the same that they would have before the update, then it doesn't make it a crapshoot at all. It just makes it harder to accurately project without advanced which is the purpose of the change.
5/8/2015 5:36 PM
Posted by jc44 on 5/8/2015 5:29:00 PM (view original):
The part that worries me is if ADV scouting goes from almost 0 meaning to being very important but you can still only move +4 at a time they are making it to where if you`ve only invested a couple seasons in your team or if your looking at a rebuild it`s better to drop your team and start with a new one at 14 ADV than spending 3 seasons just to get to 12.If the difference really is meaningful then it should be reset to 10 and let us decide between 6-14 to start.
You definitely aren't alone on this. About half the posts on this thread are about this topic. There seem to be two camps here:

Camp 1 is upset that they'll be stuck at 0 adv and at a disadvantage compared to the other players.

Camp 2 keeps telling camp 1 that they're overreacting, and that so many players will be in the same boat that it basically doesn't matter.
5/8/2015 5:38 PM
Posted by jc44 on 5/8/2015 5:29:00 PM (view original):
The part that worries me is if ADV scouting goes from almost 0 meaning to being very important but you can still only move +4 at a time they are making it to where if you`ve only invested a couple seasons in your team or if your looking at a rebuild it`s better to drop your team and start with a new one at 14 ADV than spending 3 seasons just to get to 12.If the difference really is meaningful then it should be reset to 10 and let us decide between 6-14 to start.
We need an answer on if ADV is going to start affecting prospect projections.
5/8/2015 5:40 PM
Do we know if the change will only impact the development patterns of future players, or will it be applied randomly to all current players?
5/8/2015 5:41 PM
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