Obama? Eeesh
  • He delegated way too much for my liking, see HRC as Secy of State and the creation of ISIS and the mess in Lybia.
  • Obamacare = terrible and he used major political capital to push that through
  • I work in banking and his policies severely hampered lending and caused many a corp. inversion
  • Russia rose tremendously in power while he was in office and he nearly alienated our only ally in the Middle East, Israel
  • Racial tensions on rose under his administration (I don't particularly blame him 100%) but BLM movement rose under him as well as Liberal Left violence. Occupy Wall St. on steroids basically.
  • The Democratic party suffered as well (I am an Independent and voted for Gore btw --- to young when Clinton ran) but under BO the Dems lost nearly 900 state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 house seats and 13 senate seats.
  • Trump has been labeled as the worst human being to ever be POTUS but he was elected as a revolt by the country after Obama's eight years.
Tough to call BO a good president. Seems like a good dude but IDK.

8/17/2017 10:38 AM
Posted by RCBracco on 8/17/2017 10:25:00 AM (view original):
Truth is I consider Ike one of the best Presidents in my life time.
i also think eisenhower is very underrated.
8/17/2017 10:52 AM
despite vietnam...what LBJ did domestically make him a titan....domestically he was a first tier president.
8/17/2017 10:55 AM
Teddy Roosevelt for me, also Jefferson and Madison. Chump got elected because of Hillary hatred NOT because of Obama backlash.......... combined with latent racism, and blind fools who confused reality with virtual TV and thought Trump actually had abilities at something!!

NEWSFLASH: He's big mouth BLOWHARD loser that has always over exaggerated his own wealth in order to gain influence and scam others. We'll get thru this POTUS crisis as Americans when the scammed voters finally put aside their own egos and admit to themselves they voted for a foolish tyrant with NO abilities at all and a retarded character (development), essentially a 7th grade bully who thinks no one will call his bluff.

More NEWS: at this level someone will (Call his bluff) and WE citizens may pay a YUGE price for the foolish votes of racists, fearful old white men, and the blind and uninformed voters who ignored the very apparent record of this schmuck in the W.H.!
8/17/2017 11:53 AM
i was hillary hate......obama would have won a 3rd term.
8/17/2017 11:56 AM
This is 100% conjecture. But I agree that HRC was a terrible candidate. But shame on Obama for stating she was the most qualified candidate to ever run for office. I felt that the Dems shoved HRC down the voters throats and the backlash was her losing to someone whom the GOP barely supported and who had 10% of the $$ that HRC had. I do think there was backlash toward BO. His Obamacare, ISIS mistake, tensions with Israel all mounted to a dislike for the Dems. Look at the stats of Dems losing seats state and nationwide.

Lastly the Supreme Court nomination process also helped Trump. He received 60mil+ votes not all of those voters were racists, ignorant fools, dolts and morons. Many were educated working professionals who hid their true feelings and voted for him privately. Aka the silent majority.
8/17/2017 12:01 PM
Some of us voted for a random guy on the street just because we couldn't stomach either candidate.
8/17/2017 12:17 PM
Some of us voted in State/local elections and passed on the POTUS altogether.
8/17/2017 12:23 PM
today it says that taking down confederate statues is ripping away a beautiful culture ( for mostly racist whites ).
8/17/2017 12:34 PM
the trump is fit to lead the nazi party.
8/17/2017 12:38 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 8/17/2017 12:23:00 PM (view original):
Some of us voted in State/local elections and passed on the POTUS altogether.
8/17/2017 1:03 PM
you know trump is in trouble with statements like that.
8/17/2017 1:07 PM
dino, you are just biased and unwilling to discuss facts. That is crazy. Your subjective statements are really irrelevant. I do agree that statues for losers are stupid. We don't have statues of British Generals.
8/17/2017 1:14 PM
We don't---but do they?
8/17/2017 1:20 PM
Actually I do not know LOL. Do they?
8/17/2017 1:32 PM
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