Selig should grow some balls... Topic

I'm almost hoping Bud awards him the perfect game now. Just to prove what a 'tard he is. Then I want the Tigers jumping around in joy before today's game. Maybe they should wear their dirty uniforms when they do it.
6/3/2010 12:42 PM
Exactly. Can't pick and choose... and in that frame of thinking, what if this blown call had happened in the 4th inning, but then Galarraga went on to finish the "perfect" game? Would there be as much outrage? Would the commissioner consider changing the call, thereby changing everything that happened in the last 5 innings? No way. Only because it was unfortunately the very last out of the game, does this get as much attention as it is.

But regardless, overturning the ump's call here would set a dangerous precedent.
6/3/2010 12:44 PM
If he overturns it I hope the Twins petition to also have their game last night overturned as the replays showed the runner was out at 2nd and that would have been the 3rd out of the inning.

This is all such a joke at this point.
6/3/2010 12:57 PM
Either way at this point it's a mess. The question is whrther attempting to correct a mistake now wwould make it better or worse. AndI don't buy this prescedent argument. I think the Cardinals and the other examples listed can see the difference. Again, it would be primarily a symbolic move to acknoledge a rare acheivement. My guess is the game won't drop into anarchy as a result.
6/3/2010 1:24 PM

Armando Galarraga just walked the lineup card out to a tearful Jim Joyce, who's behind the plate this afternoon
6/3/2010 1:39 PM
A decision to overturn an umpire's judgement call cannot be made in a vacuum, just to create a "feel good" moment. There would be ramifications if this were to occur.

Just because YOU do not "buy this prescedent (sic) argument" doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. You've got to look at the big picture.
6/3/2010 1:40 PM
He doesn't have to look at the big picture. Nor is he.

Awarding a perfect game after the fact is pointless. He'll have a better story than "I threw a perfect game" to tell his grandkids.
6/3/2010 1:44 PM
Quote: Originally Posted By ceez on 6/03/2010 LOL!!!

Armando Galarraga just walked the lineup card out to a tearful Jim Joyce, who's behind the plate this afternoo
If the Tigers had any brains at all, they'd let Galarraga lead off the game. Joyce would walk him on four pitches no matter where the pitches are. Pinch-run for him, and start the game with a runner on first...
6/3/2010 1:51 PM
I'm 51-49% on this.
1st I am a tiger fan. Here's How I see it
Pros : He deserves it. The umpire acknowledged his mistake. It wouldn't effect the outcome of the game. The game is changing and evolving anyways, replay, DH etc. Give him the perfect game and then implement a replay system for all calls except balls and strikes. The game is too fast not to.
Cons: it feels like a cheap thing to do. You are doctoring history (even though it's been done before).

I say give it to the kid
6/3/2010 2:23 PM
We're missing one salient fact...

This is not hockey. Therefore, no one should care. At least until the Stanley Cup is awarded.
6/3/2010 2:43 PM
Quote: Originally Posted By deathinahole on 6/03/2010
We're missing one salient fact...

This is not hockey. Therefore, no one should care. At least until the Stanley Cup is awarded. Which may or may not happen before Canada Day.

6/3/2010 2:45 PM
I'm going to Dicken's to watch Game 7
6/3/2010 2:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by tecwrg on 6/03/2010A decision to overturn an umpire's judgement call cannot be made in a vacuum, just to create a "feel good" moment.  There would be ramifications if this were to occur.Just because YOU do not "buy this prescedent (sic) argument" doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.  You've got to look at the big picture.

Define the ramifications. And please keep the rhetorical speculation to a minimum.
6/3/2010 2:49 PM
Another good point, from this posting in the Hardball Times:

Armando Galarraga will probably be more remembered for this, much like Harvey Haddix was for his 12-inning non-perfecto, than he would be if he had just had a "normal" perfect game. Assuming that Bud doesn't do anything really stupid, like overturn Joyce's call, this game will live on for years to come as "the Galarraga game".

Otherwise, it might just be a footnote in the history books as a freak event by a journeyman pitcher, much like Len Barker's gem in 1981.
6/3/2010 2:50 PM
I don't know if you've ever looked at the 1981 Toronto Blue Jays lineup.

The freakish part wasn't that Len Barker did it, it was that he wasn't one of 4 or 5 that did it.
6/3/2010 2:55 PM
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Selig should grow some balls... Topic

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