Player for cash discussion Topic

Posted by alleyviper on 7/26/2012 1:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 7/26/2012 1:06:00 PM (view original):
No, I'd veto the 2nd one.   The first trade is fair, the second one is not.  No advantage gained.    Shaw for a stud prospect is not fair.    Veto. 
It's not Shaw for a stud prospect, it's Shaw for cash. 

Naturally, what was never brought up in all of this is that the prospect in question is an 18th overall, undecided sign in the first place.

Are you going to openly admit that you're the guy getting the 5 million for Shaw, or just leave everyone else to figure that out?

7/26/2012 1:15 PM
It's a tough old world.
7/26/2012 1:17 PM
?Oh, I see.  You think that someone vetoing your deal is a good reason to veto their deal.

I don't even know how you could draw that conclusion from what I said.  Unless you were responding to bwb.
7/26/2012 1:17 PM
He is refering to me.
7/26/2012 1:19 PM
Well, I kinda think you're the same person but that's for another day.
7/26/2012 1:21 PM
7/26/2012 1:21 PM
Would you say "Yep"?   Nope.
7/26/2012 1:22 PM
Why would I do that when it is no?
7/26/2012 1:23 PM
Anyway, owners are free to veto for any reason.   They can't say "I think Owner A is an *** so I veto all his deals" as that is against the FPG.  But they can say "Looks unbalanced to me" and be done with it.   They can explain their veto or ignore your demands for an explanation. 

But, at the end of the day, if 10 owners veto a deal, it probably deserves to be vetoed.    Get 1/3 of the world to agree on anything is hard.
7/26/2012 1:25 PM

Mike, I have been in a world with both of them for 3 seasons and  there is no reason to believe they are the same person. Both are in the same world that said trade is happening in, and I invited the world to take part in this discussion as we were going in circles discussing it on the world chat.
I also did not leave out that the player is undecided on purpose. However, this brings up an interesting point. After the 18th overall pick comes back and says I would like X amount. Will a similar player to Shaw be traded again for 5mil, to try and sign 18th overall selection.

7/26/2012 1:26 PM
Between apathy and the percentage of owners who never veto anything, it's tough to get a deal shot down. Anything vetoed is almost always extremely one-sided or goes against what owners think is fair (cash in trades atop that list). Has there ever been a "was it fair that this was vetoed" thread that produced any support for it being unfair?
7/26/2012 1:28 PM
Just seems odd that bwb jumped in with responses that really meant nothing but seemed to be in defense of the deal.   That's all.  I don't care if they're the same person or not.  That's your problem.
7/26/2012 1:28 PM
IMO, the situation makes it a slam dunk veto, but I'd probably veto it anyway, cause even if I don't know what exactly he's going to do with the money, I'm not going to assume the owner getting the money is an idiot, and if he's not an idiot, it's worth way more to him than a player like Shaw.
7/26/2012 1:29 PM
Posted by stevehoggett on 7/26/2012 12:13:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 7/26/2012 12:08:00 PM (view original):
Trades are supposed to be of somewhat equal value.   Otherwise, you end up with collusive deals being made and worlds going to ****.

So the real question should be:   "What will be done with that 5m?" and "Is Paul Shaw of equal value to that?"

The 5mil would go to a team that spent 27.8m on an IFA signing bonus and now can not afford to sign a first round selection of a pitcher that has multiple time allstar ratings. 75-95 in stamina, control, splits, 1st,2nd pitch.

Newton's Third Law: for every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction.

If sombody blows their entire prospect budget (and then some) on a high-price IFA, they should not be enabled by other owners in that world, by way of bailing them out financially, to ALSO sign their stud draft pick.

If they have the money to do that by themselves, then fine.  But if other owners are sending them money to sign the draft pick, then that's messed up.

You have money for either the high-ticket IFA or the stud draft pick.  But not both.  Pick one.  Pass on the other.
7/26/2012 1:30 PM
I'm in the world and I approved the trade. It didn't bother me. I also didn't know that the cash was needed because there was a misallocation of funds. If an experienced owner blows their entire budget on an IFA and doesn't have the money to sign their own drafted players then that is nobody's fault but their own and must deal with the consequences. That person knows that they are leaving themselves open to the possibility of this happening...epsecially if they've played the game for some time. 

That said, if two owners come to an agreement and find equal value in the trade then I will approve the trade. I have just as much right to approve and anyone else has to veto. My first thought in clearing cash isn't to trade for cash straight up and that is obviously the issue here. I'd be willing to bet that if a bad contract exchanged hands in this deal instead of straight cash, it may have been a different story. Either way, I see both sides of the argument.
7/26/2012 1:31 PM
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Player for cash discussion Topic

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