Damn, 99 Public world openings Topic

Right. I'm modeling it based on pj's premise that the individual is cash strapped, and can't lay out $89.95 at one time.
5/29/2014 2:14 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 5/29/2014 12:09:00 PM (view original):
It's about a quarter a day.    Not to be an ******* but, if a quarter a day is cost -restrictive to you, playing silly internet games shouldn't be on your to-do list.
It's not about whether it's cost-restrictive to the individual or not, it's about how the pricing fits into the marketplace.  People don't think of it as a quarter a day, I'm sorry they just don't.  That's not the psychology of the consumer.  $25 for 1-season, $100 for a batch of 5, $200 for a batch of 20 or whatever hurts the product imo.  I'd like to see the ratio of visitors to sales. I bet an overwhelming % of ppl see those numbers and hit the -x- on their browser because there's other ways to spend time for free, as well as more-rewarding outlets for $$ like fanduel, UK gambling websites, etc. 

The initial hook of the software itself is pretty addictive, but I think the overall long-term cost ends up hemorraging users

fwiw I only play on this site because I have One friend who plays and we like to engage in competitive activities but don't live near each other anymore so it gives us a place to hang out.  He asked me to manage his teams when he got married and went on vacation and it was enough to get me involved. For my $ I can handle my two teams and give them the TLC they need, but if the cost was lower I'd spend the same amount of money over the same amount of time but I'd be willing to throw it around on more teams in more leagues.  Maybe that experience is not unique to just me, u know?
5/29/2014 2:49 PM
176 worlds
$19.20 per player X 4 seasons a year X 32 players = ~$433K in revenue a year. Not profit. Revenue.

What PJ is saying, is that if you cut down that revenue by over a third, WiFs will leap with joy if they can get back to that revenue number by having 550 worlds.
5/29/2014 3:34 PM
Well, as a long-time user with a lot of free time, I can tell you that it's impossible to give the required attention to more than x-number of teams.   For me, and many like me, the money isn't the problem.   It's the time required.   Maybe, if every team was $5, I'd run 20 instead of 4(my time constraints make me feel comfortable with about 3.5 teams.  I've had 7 at one time).   So, for the same $100 every three months, I'd have 20 teams.   However, I'd still only have time for 4.  

What do you think happens with the other 16?
Do you think neglected teams are good for HBD?
Do you think more people would neglect/abandon poor teams/disappointing worlds if the cost of a team was $5? 
5/29/2014 3:34 PM
I've often equated it to food.

You order a burger off Wendy's dollar menu.  You drive away and, 5 minutes later, you take a bite.  Tastes like ****.     Most people throw that dollar burger in the trash and go to Burger King.

You order a $100 steak from Morton's.  You take a bite and it's undercooked.   Most people send it back and say "Fix my **** right."

The difference?   About $95 worth of food.   

Making HBD $5 is a turning into a dollar menu item you can take or leave.   Unfortunately, if you leave it, 31 other people suffer. 
5/29/2014 5:52 PM
Hee hee. Allow me to put it another way, using my own experience.

I knew of HBD long before I tried it; did not try it because it advertised itself as a deep game and everything I saw in the forums indicated it would indeed be a deep game, one which would demand more of my involvement than the usual sim.

When I finally got to the point that the regular sim stuff wasn't doing it for me anymore, then I had to get over the price. And that was the intro price. And the decision was, if I'm going to pay more than for the other stuff, am I going to get into it and stick with it?

I always saw the obstacles as bring there for a reason, that HBD wouldn't be for everyone by design.
5/29/2014 6:21 PM
They should put something in place for regular Sim Baseball, where you get a $1 HBD credit for every completed sim league team. Or something like that.
5/29/2014 8:21 PM

Just saw this while reading a sitemail.  Ive never seen it... is this a new logo?  
5/29/2014 9:03 PM
I've always felt like their isn't much out there this deep and entertaining for less than $8 a month.
I think most people pi$$ away more than that every month easily.
6/1/2014 12:44 PM
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