Who wins the superbowl?!?! Topic

Sincere congratulations to the champion Denver Broncos.  Congrats also to the Panthers organization on a hard-fought game.  Best wishes for a happy and rewarding retirement to Peyton Manning, a class guy.
2/7/2016 11:13 PM
Posted by jsajsa on 2/7/2016 11:13:00 PM (view original):
Was disappointed in Cam. He showed he has a lot of growing up to do. Spent most of the 2nd half pouting.
He's such a fake *** front runner.  All laughs and smiles when things are going good.  Hell, ANYONE can do that.  It's how you act when things AREN'T going your way, when you have to deal with adversity, that show your true colors.  Cam is showing the world he's a fraud.

To quote Cam from his own commercial:  "Too bad they don't sell band-aids for feelings".  The way he's acting though, a damn Kotex would be far more appropriate than a band-aid.

Cam Newton may have as many physical skills as any quarterback in the league, probably the most to be truthful.  But what he showed tonight shows me that were I an NFL GM, I would NEVER consider starting a franchise around that sorry *** pouter.

I'd take Andrew Luck over Cam Newton every day of the week and damn twice, THREE times, on Sunday.***

***Disclaimer:  I am a pretty die hard Colts fan.  By proxy, that also makes me a pretty big Peyton Manning fan and though Denver won in spite of his play tonight instead of because of it, congrats anyway on the second ring and a perfectly fitting way to end a career.

2/7/2016 11:27 PM (edited)
Cam Newton could learn some lessons on being gracious in defeat from Luke Kuechly and Josh Norman.  Josh Norman might be a bit hot headed at times on the field but he acted like a true professional during his presser.  He told the press up front that he didn't feel like being out there, but he sucked it up and answered the questions anyway, gave Denver the credit where it was due, and handled himself with great composure through a very difficult press conference.  Hats off to him.  I know it doesn't matter one bit but the man earned some of my respect for that.
2/7/2016 11:39 PM
I don't know that it's fair to say that the Broncos won in spite of Peyton Manning.  He didn't do anything to win the game for them, but he didn't do much to lose it, either, outside of the bad read on a D lineman dropping in coverage.  He made the throws he was supposed to make, which is really all he's supposed to do playing with that defense.  The same could not be said of Cam, who missed open receivers too often, especially in the first half.  I'd really say it's obvious which quarterback did more to hurt his team in this game.  Both defenses played their hearts out.  You can't take anything away from the Carolina defense from this game, they didn't give Manning anything easy all day.
2/8/2016 3:28 AM
Kinda Monday morning QB'ing in this thread...and poorly. The game wasn't lost by Newton. The game was lost by special teams and the offensive coordinator. The plays that turned the game were that punt coverage fail and missed field goal. Those completely changed field position.

The O.C. = Mike Shula. He does a very good job developing players and scheming, but under pressure, he will get nervy and conservative. He will dive the ball dead into the line until it's third and long, then call a long developing pass route that hangs his O'line out to dry. That was his m.o. at Alabama & Tampa Bay and that came out under pressure last night too. Completely overmatched by Wade Phillips.

2/8/2016 6:25 AM
Posted by rogelio on 2/8/2016 6:25:00 AM (view original):
Kinda Monday morning QB'ing in this thread...and poorly. The game wasn't lost by Newton. The game was lost by special teams and the offensive coordinator. The plays that turned the game were that punt coverage fail and missed field goal. Those completely changed field position.

The O.C. = Mike Shula. He does a very good job developing players and scheming, but under pressure, he will get nervy and conservative. He will dive the ball dead into the line until it's third and long, then call a long developing pass route that hangs his O'line out to dry. That was his m.o. at Alabama & Tampa Bay and that came out under pressure last night too. Completely overmatched by Wade Phillips.

Don't forget the fumble six, and the fumble that put them on the 5 yard line. Those were the plays that resulted in Denver scoring their touchdowns, without them the score would have been 10-9.
2/8/2016 7:04 AM
Posted by dahsdebater on 2/8/2016 3:28:00 AM (view original):
I don't know that it's fair to say that the Broncos won in spite of Peyton Manning.  He didn't do anything to win the game for them, but he didn't do much to lose it, either, outside of the bad read on a D lineman dropping in coverage.  He made the throws he was supposed to make, which is really all he's supposed to do playing with that defense.  The same could not be said of Cam, who missed open receivers too often, especially in the first half.  I'd really say it's obvious which quarterback did more to hurt his team in this game.  Both defenses played their hearts out.  You can't take anything away from the Carolina defense from this game, they didn't give Manning anything easy all day.
As I said before, I like Peyton Manning but you and I must have watched different Super Bowls last night.  You say it's obvious which QB did more to hurt their teams, but if you look at numbers like QBR (16.9 for Cam, 9.9! for Peyton) or even just QB rating (55.4 for Cam but only 56.6 for Peyton) and you throw in the costly INT and fumble that Peyton had, then I'm not sure how you can say it was really obvious.  The "eye test" would make it seem as if Cam had more to do with his team losing, but had Denver's D not bailed Peyton out time after time, all we'd be hearing about for the rest of eternity is how he chokes in the big games.

Peyton looked like a shell of his former self and I actually said to the person watching the game with me that it "was painful to watch".  To know that Peyton had been so good at one point and had fallen that far, it's just painful to see.  Denver's defense was OUTSTANDING and their special teams and running game did just enough to get by and get the win but Denver "did" win in spite of Peyton's play, not because of it.

2/8/2016 12:31 PM
I'll go back a few years with this reference but watching the Broncos D "carry" Manning in a way reminded me of Weekend at Bernie's
2/8/2016 1:01 PM
I really hope Peyton announces his retirement and goes out on top.  Couldn't think of a more fitting way to end such an illustrious career.
2/8/2016 1:28 PM
I was unimpressed by either QB play.....Newton's receivers are awful though....The fact that JEricho Cotchery still plays in the NFL is astounding to me.
2/8/2016 1:58 PM

Not to jump on the Cam Newton dog pile too much, but it seems like during the first drive, he realized something he forgot about.  Denver's Defense has some talented, big, fast, Black guys on their team also.  It's not like the Carolina Panthers have a monopoly on big fast black players.


2/8/2016 2:22 PM (edited)
Manning will retire.  His physical condition makes it necessary.  Retiring as a champ, just like Elway.  Congratulations to both of them.
2/8/2016 2:21 PM
Posted by skinndogg on 2/8/2016 2:22:00 PM (view original):

Not to jump on the Cam Newton dog pile too much, but it seems like during the first drive, he realized something he forgot about.  Denver's Defense has some talented, big, fast, Black guys on their team also.  It's not like the Carolina Panthers have a monopoly on big fast black players.


Wow!  Really?  Did you really just go there? 
2/8/2016 3:45 PM
Neither team had a lot of open receivers.  Would Colts Manning have been able to force some throws into spaces and make some things happen?  Maybe so.  But I think a lot of his lack of effectiveness was a result of the defense's play.  You have to keep in mind that these 2 teams both held opponents to 6.2 yds/attempt this year, well ahead of the rest of the NFL.  The Panthers also led the NFL in interceptions.  Look what they did to Carson Palmer 2 weeks ago.
2/8/2016 3:52 PM
Posted by dcy0827 on 2/8/2016 3:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by skinndogg on 2/8/2016 2:22:00 PM (view original):

Not to jump on the Cam Newton dog pile too much, but it seems like during the first drive, he realized something he forgot about.  Denver's Defense has some talented, big, fast, Black guys on their team also.  It's not like the Carolina Panthers have a monopoly on big fast black players.


Wow!  Really?  Did you really just go there? 
Was the user-ID "jimmythegreek" already taken?

Seriously, somehow he got placed behind a drop-curtain on the other side of which was Chris Harris bloviating about the Broncos' gameplan and he reacted poorly.  The "journalists" acted as though he had personally insulted them and have fueled the hate being displayed against him today.  I don't pity him for making himself into a well-paid lightning rod for that crap, but even Mike Wilbon is going all Bill Cosby on him.  Nice. 
2/8/2016 9:30 PM
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