Draft a Legacy League I RESULTS Topic

Sorry for the delay. Just got back home.

Astros SP
3/17/2016 4:14 AM
NO! There goes my team.

I'm not going to break the trend.

Braves SP
3/17/2016 7:48 AM
Posted by calhoop on 3/17/2016 4:14:00 AM (view original):
Sorry for the delay. Just got back home.

Astros SP
Welcome back, calhoop.
3/17/2016 8:57 AM
Posted by Robin4 on 3/17/2016 7:48:00 AM (view original):
NO! There goes my team.

I'm not going to break the trend.

Braves SP
...and so the streak continues!

We are on the clock today. Please indicate whether a sitemail has been sent after making your selection. If not, I am happy to do it for you.
3/17/2016 8:57 AM
My catholic guilt getting the best of me here...

We CANT change the rules now in the middle of a draft so don't take this the wrong way-- but it seems to me now that the decision to protect a SP before the wild card picks gives a huge advantage to people like myself who picked early in the round. We're basically choosing 20% of our team this round... a very critical 20%. And there is a BIG difference in the quality of players available with the first 5 picks and the last 5 picks. It is conceivable that someone picking late in the round could recover a little bit by using their wild card on a high IP starting pitcher with 5 good seasons... but very few of those types will be left unprotected.

I think it would have been good for the sake of parity if we had made a rule that SP could not be protected until after round 2. Of course if we had used that rule, I would have drafted differently.

Not complaining here, but just making an observation.
3/17/2016 9:58 AM
Pirates pitchers
3/17/2016 10:06 AM
I could see 5-7 teams swooping in and taking all top Chi/LA/Giant or whomever pitchers to decrease the value of that said team.................But i figured that could happen anyhow going into this type draft with a WILD-CARD out there. The only thing you could do is say if someone takes a LA starting pitcher then that team cannot have another Wild Card taken from them. Limit 1 per team taken in both Starting and Relief Pitching for each team.
3/17/2016 10:53 AM
Posted by dcmatcheck on 3/17/2016 9:58:00 AM (view original):
My catholic guilt getting the best of me here...

We CANT change the rules now in the middle of a draft so don't take this the wrong way-- but it seems to me now that the decision to protect a SP before the wild card picks gives a huge advantage to people like myself who picked early in the round. We're basically choosing 20% of our team this round... a very critical 20%. And there is a BIG difference in the quality of players available with the first 5 picks and the last 5 picks. It is conceivable that someone picking late in the round could recover a little bit by using their wild card on a high IP starting pitcher with 5 good seasons... but very few of those types will be left unprotected.

I think it would have been good for the sake of parity if we had made a rule that SP could not be protected until after round 2. Of course if we had used that rule, I would have drafted differently.

Not complaining here, but just making an observation.
SP are the most important part of a team but if the A's had been taken I likely would've considered taking an OF. Though there's one other SP group that I'm surprised is still available, so maybe not.
3/17/2016 11:00 AM
These "on the clock" times...? What time zone are we talking? I'd hate to miss my pick because I was operating under the wrong assumption as to "local time."
3/17/2016 11:53 AM
Posted by mars2010 on 3/17/2016 11:53:00 AM (view original):
These "on the clock" times...? What time zone are we talking? I'd hate to miss my pick because I was operating under the wrong assumption as to "local time."
Eastern time. My apologies for not specifying.
3/17/2016 11:57 AM
I agree, there should be a limit of one player per franchise position taken each round.
3/17/2016 11:57 AM
Posted by Robin4 on 3/17/2016 11:57:00 AM (view original):
I agree, there should be a limit of one player per franchise position taken each round.
Please don't change the rules in the middle of the draft. Knowing that there is that kind of exposure out there plays into the strategy of who you draft and when!
3/17/2016 12:07 PM
Posted by dcmatcheck on 3/17/2016 9:58:00 AM (view original):
My catholic guilt getting the best of me here...

We CANT change the rules now in the middle of a draft so don't take this the wrong way-- but it seems to me now that the decision to protect a SP before the wild card picks gives a huge advantage to people like myself who picked early in the round. We're basically choosing 20% of our team this round... a very critical 20%. And there is a BIG difference in the quality of players available with the first 5 picks and the last 5 picks. It is conceivable that someone picking late in the round could recover a little bit by using their wild card on a high IP starting pitcher with 5 good seasons... but very few of those types will be left unprotected.

I think it would have been good for the sake of parity if we had made a rule that SP could not be protected until after round 2. Of course if we had used that rule, I would have drafted differently.

Not complaining here, but just making an observation.
All good commentary.
3/17/2016 12:21 PM
Thanks to all those who made commentary and observations above. I am not going to change the rules mid-draft but this is why I advertised the league as the Draft a Legacy League 1.1. I agree that those picking early in first round have a slight advantage but sound strategy can overcome the built-in advantage of an early draft pick. The reason I left the amount of wildcards taken from one "franchise position" unlimited was in part to mitigate some of that advantage.

Please note this rule from 3rd paragraph on first post - "Once an owner has lost a player in a single round that owner can no longer be raided in that particular round." This does not mean that owner cannot lose another player from same pool in a later round but that owner is protected for that round. I will edit the rules page to make them easier to follow.

Also, remember that starting in round 2 you must wait to submit your keeper until end of round completion, unless that keeper is coming from current round's selection or you have already been raided by another owner that round.

I figured by 2.1 there would be some adjustments made and we would learn from first draft what worked well and what did not work well.

Keep in mind the rules that are in place right now for your draft strategy and keep sending suggestions because I am going to create a separate thread for FAQ and suggestions for 2.1.
3/17/2016 12:41 PM (edited)
Posted by shysters3 on 3/17/2016 10:06:00 AM (view original):
Pirates pitchers
Presumably this is the Pirates Starting pitchers
3/17/2016 1:01 PM
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Draft a Legacy League I RESULTS Topic

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