Right-wing reactionaries - fight the real enemy Topic

Posted by tangplay on 6/14/2020 11:50:00 PM (view original):
I agree with every part of this except for "Biden is the perfect candidate right now", which I wholeheartedly disagree with. If you wanted a moderate, there are better options (Pete Buttigieg, anyone?). If you wanted someone who could unite multiple factions, Yang would have been your man. Biden isn't a good candidate.

The difference goes further than popularity. It's dangerous to equate the far left and the far right. The far left is young and naive, but the far right is fascist. One is clearly worse than the other.
Yes, Buttigeig really did a good job of courting minority voters...? Yang, I mean God, great guy to discuss politics with over a beer but running the country, come on. Unite multiple factions, oh, like Joe is and literally no evidence says Yang could?

The polls that show Biden doing better than Obama in 2012 disagree with you saying he's not a good candidate.

And I believe I've said there's no equivalence between the far right aka the GOP and the far left.
6/15/2020 12:05 AM
I'm not confident that Biden's lead will be maintained throughout the summer. Obviously you may be right and this is speculation, but Biden has the lead he has by hiding and letting Trump make a fool of himself. Eventually Biden is going to have to make an affirmative case for himself, and I have seen zero evidence that he's capable of that. What happens when the country re-opens? Biden is going to have to pray that coronavirus stays in the news and keeps ******* with the country, because otherwise Trump is going to be boosted by an uber-positive national mood post-reopening. Biden also has shown a major liability in his proneness to gaffes. Any mistake is critical, because the right-wing fearmonger machine is scary when in full swing. Trust me, we haven't seen what the good people at Fox are capable of. Come July/August, their political machine will be in full-swing. This not even factoring in the inevitable "October surprise" that is going to **** Biden over. Prepare for a massive "revelation" in Obamagate, or Burisma, or whatever else scandal is manufactured between now and November.

Even then, it will only take one health slipup to completely ruin Biden, and that's no guarantee either.

If, in mid-October, he's leading by 8 points nationally and 6 points in Wisconsin, I'll swing to your side. Maybe I'm still traumatized by 2016. Either way, Democrats would have done well by nominating someone with less potential to **** up.

The major positive of the protests will hopefully be to wake up the dumbass rose Democrats to Trump's fascism and cause them to vote for Biden out of fear.

6/15/2020 12:25 AM
Perhaps Biden has the "Trump gene", through which his old supporters make him completely immune to gaffes and criticism, but I doubt it.

12 years of Democratic establishment political incompetence has made me completely jaded to hopefulness. They'll find a way to **** it up.
6/15/2020 12:26 AM
You're almost there...the Democratic establishment is no better than Republicans. Why else do you think we were given a choice between two old white straight men? Defund the system. Defund the police.
6/15/2020 9:45 AM
Posted by coreander on 6/15/2020 9:45:00 AM (view original):
You're almost there...the Democratic establishment is no better than Republicans. Why else do you think we were given a choice between two old white straight men? Defund the system. Defund the police.
It's super cool that you're fine with erasing the votes of black people who overwhelmingly supported Biden. They're a large base of the party, not white ivy leaguers on Twitter complaining about student loans.

You're nowhere near there, college kid. Get out of your bubble. "The Democratic establishment = the Republican establishment," you don't have a clue. But kudos for regurgitating talking points that got Trump elected.
6/15/2020 10:50 AM (edited)
well said U of A2!
6/15/2020 11:26 AM
We weren't "given" two old white straight men. We chose them. We could have chosen an Asian, or one of many women, or a person of color. The issue is young voters like us not showing up. That's why the old people are dominating the political realm right now.
6/15/2020 11:52 AM
Ben Shapiro is crying today
6/15/2020 11:58 AM
Why? Is he a trannyphobe?
6/15/2020 12:02 PM
He hates the gays
6/15/2020 12:16 PM
6/15/2020 2:00 PM
Someone with an unnatural fear of, or who is unusually annoyed by a "tranny".
A "tranny" is a human that publicly displays themselves as a female when actually (shall we say) "endowed".

As far as I'm aware the term is NOT applicable in reverse.
Seriously, things have gotten so "confusing" that I really don't know what to call a female who is publicly presenting as a male.

LOLA's story (the Kinks for the younguns) was bad enoughh but can you imagine all the scenarios for the reverse situation?
Kind of puts a weird twist on the whole Sadie Hawkins move thing.

Asks the PYT to dance hoping to get in a good belt buckle rubbing............... and NOTHING!
What a DRAG!
No pun intended.
6/15/2020 4:02 PM

Seriously, things have gotten so "confusing" that I really don't know what to call a female who is publicly presenting as a male.

Ask what they want to be called and call them that. It's really not very confusing at all, if you respect decency.

6/15/2020 4:04 PM
It changes everyday. Last I heard it was LGBDT or something like that.
6/15/2020 4:06 PM
Today, a protester in Albuquerque was shot by a far-right militia group for... attempting to take down a statue of a Conquistador who literally got exiled from his own colony for being cruel. Not even mentioning his brutalization of the native peoples. Might as well have been every single conservative who ganged up and shot him. What has America become? I'm outraged and never voting Republican again.
6/15/2020 11:52 PM
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Right-wing reactionaries - fight the real enemy Topic

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