“You can't try to impose a minority (less than half, nothing to do with anything else) "better" on everyone.”

10/7/2020 10:13 AM
I'm taking all3's answer as a yes, they shouldn't try to make the country better in their view because it goes against the white interest, so they should leave.
10/7/2020 10:14 AM
Typical genius response from our lying laughingstock. I'd love to hear his justification for why the "better" of a lesser number of people should overrule the "better" of more people. (This should be good - if he even tries.)
10/7/2020 10:15 AM
And I can't even imagine what tang twisted that answer into in his warped mind. As always, no point in reading.
10/7/2020 10:17 AM
Posted by coreander on 10/7/2020 10:09:00 AM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 10/6/2020 9:12:00 AM (view original):
I gotta wonder how many colored folks living elsewhere this Canuck FOOL has EVER met or spoken with?
On just WHAT BASIS does HE claim that the U.S. or Canada are the 2 BEST places for black folks to live!!

I'd bet a fair amount of money that there are 10's of MILLIONS of Black folks that like living where they are just fine, and wouldn't want anything to do with living in Canada or the US!
Is this the 1930s? Why the hell do you still refer to POC as "colored folks"? So unbelievably racist
Quoting this because I hold people responsible for racist language. This is a learning moment Bob, stop using outdated and offensive language
10/7/2020 10:22 AM
Posted by all3 on 10/7/2020 10:15:00 AM (view original):
Typical genius response from our lying laughingstock. I'd love to hear his justification for why the "better" of a lesser number of people should overrule the "better" of more people. (This should be good - if he even tries.)
Oh, I’m pretty sure the people with brain cells get the irony there, Jack. That you don’t is, per usual, hilarious.
10/7/2020 10:31 AM
Hey trolleander, why is it OK for POC to call each other much worse than "colored folks", if it's so wrong?
What about the POC I've called the N-word for decades, and he still calls me Wigger, do I need to change, even though he's perfectly fine with it? If so, can he keep calling me that.
Since you're so judgementmental of everything and everybody, just want your input on these questions.

(I thought Uofa's answer was going to be amusing, but of course he didn't even try. This will hopefully be much better.)
10/7/2020 10:31 AM
Posted by tangplay on 10/7/2020 10:14:00 AM (view original):
I'm taking all3's answer as a yes, they shouldn't try to make the country better in their view because it goes against the white interest, so they should leave.
It’s been quite the couple weeks for him and basically every Trump supporter.
10/7/2020 10:32 AM
Wow, tang certainly didn't disappoint with how far he twisted just about every single word of my answer to his question. Hey, whatever he has to tell himself to make it through the day. It is "cute" how his little apprentice twister always feels the need to kiss his *ss though. Of course I'm still waiting for that joke of a human to try to seriously answer a question, but I'm pretty sure he never will.
10/7/2020 10:36 AM
"If you support a position held by a group other than the (white) majority, leave."

"I want to overturn Roe v Wade."

10/7/2020 11:06 AM
Posted by all3 on 10/7/2020 10:36:00 AM (view original):
Wow, tang certainly didn't disappoint with how far he twisted just about every single word of my answer to his question. Hey, whatever he has to tell himself to make it through the day. It is "cute" how his little apprentice twister always feels the need to kiss his *ss though. Of course I'm still waiting for that joke of a human to try to seriously answer a question, but I'm pretty sure he never will.
You’re losing your mind. Try logging off for awhile.
10/7/2020 11:14 AM
I kinda like the trolleander label. That's a good un.

I DO apologize to any POC around these parts that have been offended at ANY time by my mis-usage of the correct English language. From time to time I revert to my (old) character/self of not giving a pinche **** of HOW I come off with the redneck terms, regional slang, and just plain old "basin blabber" us backwoods folks discourse with.

We use terms round these parts that SOME PC pinche tight-panty folk find somehow well..............pantie bunching.
We don't MEAN to cause em no problems, but we's just discoursing.
Anyway, I'll take your note of advise seriously and try and remember............for the "woke" crowd, the correct term for non-white folks is POC. We musn't use the previously accepted terms anymore. Negroes, Orientals, Meskins, etc........... they're all now POC. That's OK with me, mind you but you gotta cut some slack to us. My ancestors used other terms such that "black" was a serious improvement, and "colored folks" was considered downright inclusive and totally respectful and a compliment in some regions!

But I guess I should try and cut you some slack for being so young, inexperienced, and thus ignorant.
I recall you didn't know the difference between "tonto" and "Tonto"

Now, that I've apologized I would appreciate it if you'd stop causing us problems by riling up our wimmenfolk with all your nonsense equality pinche bullpucky. We have enough trouble trying to get em to cook and clean, and open up when we request it.
So, please. I'd appreciate the return generosity beings as how I apologized and all.

Meanwhile, I'll just keep reading and laughing at all your pinche tonto reckonings.
I gotta admit..............sometimes, you is pinche funny, iff'n a tad beyond batshit loco.
Peace out!
10/7/2020 11:20 AM (edited)
its funny how colored is derogatory but person of color is not

pinche tonto is a new one for me

long live the long lived words
10/7/2020 11:26 AM
It's funny how every person over 35, pretty much, is an unabashed racist in the way they speak ? Interesting take
10/7/2020 11:35 AM
i went to a benihana today for lunch and the poc behind the mask weren't no japo dude

he was a pinche tonto with a job and some late night shtick

like all beaner cooks there is no such thing as too much oil butter or fat

i got the 22 oz 10% beer and some greeze rice steaklets

these guys have pretty much ruined omelets
10/7/2020 11:37 AM
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