Political Predictions Topic

I am predicting that upon conviction Mr. Trump will receive a sentence of 30 years.
And a job in the prison laundry.
I predict that the trial date will be May 15.
8/3/2023 5:08 PM
Bold Prediction

If the trial date is tight and it is going to be scheduled with plenty of time before the election the only way he might be able to delay it is by faking a heart attack.
8/3/2023 8:59 PM
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Posted by lostnfound74 on 8/4/2023 10:22:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 8/3/2023 5:08:00 PM (view original):
I am predicting that upon conviction Mr. Trump will receive a sentence of 30 years.
And a job in the prison laundry.
I predict that the trial date will be May 15.
I will predict that he will be found not guilty, as always.also, that he will be POTUS in '24
He will be king of his domain in 24.
He will be in a zoo flinging feces like a monkey and he will be a very very broken man who could end up like Epstein and I’m not talking about Juan.

As far as the math.
In 20 he got what 48-52?
He can’t get on the luckiest day more then 85% of his prior support which would yield 41%.

If the republicans senators had balls and brains they would have convicted him and he would not have been allowed to run.
He will win the primaries and he will be the candidate.
8/4/2023 11:13 PM (edited)
I can see Chaney and Kinzinger and some others form a new 1990 - 2004 style Republican Party for the 2028 campaign.
They could screw the party until it takes its medicine.
And The Lincoln Project is here to stay and never trumpers will evolve into never trumpism.
8/4/2023 11:18 PM
I predict that over the next 12 months the ufo controversy will heat up around the world and information will be forced out.
It seems to me that there could be a conspiracy between a hidden government agency and a contractor that takes possession of what is retrieved.

If you are not following the news major people in congress like Shumer and Rubio and others are in belief.

The people coming forward are people with very high clearances and information that has been secret has been revealed to some in congress. This is not a joke.
Follow the news articles and the hearings. The intelligence inspector general is in.

It will soon be time to put the executive branch on the spot.
8/5/2023 12:11 AM
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I also will suggest the UFO thingy will be pumped like mad, by the governments, and the media.. to divert us from the real issues.. for eg: Washington State trying to pass a bill that would let the government take your children if they don't go along with the transgenders garbage.. and the idea will be to reprogram their minds. Imagine, the government kidnapping your children. It can happen. Orwell was under rated
8/6/2023 6:10 AM
how do you know there are no aliens? Did God tell you that? You want to reprogram our childrens' minds to be more like yours. Why should the government be different?
8/6/2023 7:41 PM
I think there is a collision course between trump and concrete threats and intimidation and some type of confinement.
tomorrow is an order for protecting discovery from being disclosed to the public. It has nothing to do with threats or free speech. Discovery in the criminal case is supposed to be only in the 2 camps and not in the public domain.

The threats will be responded to by the J in stages.
Trump won’t stop and he will push it. To the limit.
8/6/2023 11:14 PM
If he forces the judges hand he would probably get strict home confinement but if violence is involved and especially if committed because of Trump, that could very likely lead to some type of jail.
8/6/2023 11:17 PM
To the anti science people - those who fight the efficacy and need for vaccines and mock climate change and other things of other scientific consensus I say -

go live on an Amish farm. No AC no computers or cell phones or electricity or television or pharmaceuticals or cars etc.
Forego what science has done for you and you accept.

Become an Amish and toss around bales of hay
all day.
8/6/2023 11:24 PM
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 8/6/2023 11:25:00 PM (view original):
To the anti science people - those who fight the efficacy and need for vaccines and mock climate change and other things of other scientific consensus I say -

go live on an Amish farm. No AC no computers or cell phones or electricity or television or pharmaceuticals or cars etc.
Forego what science has done for you and you accept.

Become an Amish and toss around bales of hay
all day.
You are so convinced that the whole Co 19 thing was handled so well. You cannot see anything not quite right anout how this was foisted upon the people? Many who vaxxed had died from side effects. I probably have more science than 3/4 of this site.. and I am anti BAD science.

by y do I waste my breath??. You are too young to remember all the b..s. psushed on us in 1970 to 78.. THEY told us we would be in an ice age by the 21st century/ AND it was some of the same people who are pushing this bullshit on us ... but you believe whatever the lefties feed you l I don't care, but quit thinking you are the only smart person in this room

I have two questions for you.
  1. Who gained from this vaccine thing? Meaning who made all the money?
  2. Who championed this whole lockdown thing? W.H.
As for tha Amish and A/C: Did you know there is talk from the dem's about banning air conditioning? After all, they use electricity. and Elx is generated by fossil fuel plants. As for Climate,

I doubt you know the first thing about it.

A group of 'Climate experts were asked this question: 'What percentage of the Earth's atmosphere is C O 2? Not one had an answer that even came close. And YOU are 'worshipping' these idiots

Go serve your master (s)

8/7/2023 4:45 AM
Posted by wylie715 on 8/6/2023 7:41:00 PM (view original):
how do you know there are no aliens? Did God tell you that? You want to reprogram our childrens' minds to be more like yours. Why should the government be different?
Give it up. Your 2 questions clearly prove that you are clueless. Maybe you are a chat bot after all

8/7/2023 4:47 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 8/7/2023 4:45:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 8/6/2023 11:25:00 PM (view original):
To the anti science people - those who fight the efficacy and need for vaccines and mock climate change and other things of other scientific consensus I say -

go live on an Amish farm. No AC no computers or cell phones or electricity or television or pharmaceuticals or cars etc.
Forego what science has done for you and you accept.

Become an Amish and toss around bales of hay
all day.
You are so convinced that the whole Co 19 thing was handled so well. You cannot see anything not quite right anout how this was foisted upon the people? Many who vaxxed had died from side effects. I probably have more science than 3/4 of this site.. and I am anti BAD science.

by y do I waste my breath??. You are too young to remember all the b..s. psushed on us in 1970 to 78.. THEY told us we would be in an ice age by the 21st century/ AND it was some of the same people who are pushing this bullshit on us ... but you believe whatever the lefties feed you l I don't care, but quit thinking you are the only smart person in this room

I have two questions for you.
  1. Who gained from this vaccine thing? Meaning who made all the money?
  2. Who championed this whole lockdown thing? W.H.
As for tha Amish and A/C: Did you know there is talk from the dem's about banning air conditioning? After all, they use electricity. and Elx is generated by fossil fuel plants. As for Climate,

I doubt you know the first thing about it.

A group of 'Climate experts were asked this question: 'What percentage of the Earth's atmosphere is C O 2? Not one had an answer that even came close. And YOU are 'worshipping' these idiots

Go serve your master (s)

Almost the entire percentage of Americans who died from Covid were the unvaccinated and a small number who had gotten vaccinated within a few weeks before covid killed them. The vaccine needs 3 weeks to become effective and is unable to stop the effects of those already infected or those who become infected during the window.

The vast vast majority of the 20-65 group who were not vaccinated and ded were republicans.

The above is a public service announcement.
Not written for one who took too much acid in his time and now suffers from right wing jabberwalky.
8/7/2023 9:21 AM
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