Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

6/16/2017 6:12 PM
6/16/2017 6:18 PM

6/16/2017 6:24 PM
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Who's the guy with the peach colored glasses and the skimpy Van Dyk?
6/16/2017 7:02 PM
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Posted by bad_luck on 6/16/2017 5:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 6/16/2017 3:51:00 PM (view original):
Either sounds like political death on the surface. But Trump supporters aren't wavering. I think mobilizing them would be better than doing the same thing he campaigned against.
There are some dedicated cult followers (moy) but there aren't enough of them to be worth tying your fate to trump. The shine has worn off.
I recall, in early November of 2016, that you felt there weren't enough to keep Hillary from winning in a landslide.

Doing nothing in DC is what got Trump to the finish line. Doing nothing for the next 18 months is not a good campaign strategy.
6/16/2017 7:25 PM
One thing I'll give Dougie...dude likes his drink. Hats off to that, but I ain't reading that drivel...or looking at pictures more than likely.

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You are blocking the author of this post, DougOut.


You are blocking the author of this post, DougOut.


You are blocking the author of this post, DougOut.


You are blocking the author of this post, DougOut.


You are blocking the author of this post, DougOut.


You are blocking the author of this post, DougOut.


You are blocking the author of this post, DougOut.


You are blocking the author of this post, DougOut.


You are blocking the author of this post, DougOut.


You are blocking the author of this post, DougOut.


You are blocking the author of this post, DougOut.


You are blocking the author of this post, DougOut.


You are blocking the author of this post, DougOut.


You are blocking the author of this post, DougOut.

6/16/2017 8:04 PM
The original core group of Trump supporters have been galvanized. Some by his actions good or bad. ALL by the attacks we've never experienced before in our lifetimes. It has really opened the eyes of America. We've never seen this level of sustained organized funded violence. We see our police murdered. Universities trashed. Cities burned. Citizens beaten. Free speech taken away. Anger doesn't describe our reaction. It only identifies the movement of the liberal cancer of sanctioning deviancy down. And it's not my idea or observation. It comes from a Democrat Senator we knew...when they still had some. I'll come back later with his name and exact phraseology. Patrick M.

Anger is not our primary reaction to this parade of horror and de-evolution. We are frightened. For our neighbors and communities and our children.

And so we bite our lip and swallow hard and wait and pray. We pray the next time we are allowed to have our wishes acted upon instead of ridiculed or ignored. And we pray those silent or unaware the last time now see the dark side of the new FAKE REALITY foisted upon us by the POLITICAL ELITE and their PROPAGANDA FAKE NEWS water boys and girls. Graduates of good and formal liberal education or crossovers from a former political life. Hanging on to unfunded pensions and insurmountable debt playing the political Ponzi game and inventing new ways to shift debt and guilt. FAKE NEWS populated by ignorant graduates transferred from fantasy into the bubble. And whatever brief brush with reality might have occurred, they will now most certainly defend their new territory of success and advancement in the hope of a natural death before an unnatural demise due their very actions.

And as a new generation of ignorance borne of the failed social and educational policy of the never satisfied or erring left continues to mastitis into the ever changing bucket of humanity we call home, we trust in a bigger and more powerful base replenished by those we have managed to nurture and protect and even more who, upon further reflection and years of firsthand experience, decide to flee their former liberal masters and join their long suffering free and beleaguered brothers and sisters. Survivors of the Swamp.

And we as good and faithful citizens and lovers of art and humanity and Western civilization and Cats and all things beautiful and allowed to us by a generous God in a functioning and civil and just society, will find each other.

In other words ... we get it. The FAKE NEWS amuses us. We were smart enough to figure it out. We are patient enough to see our numbers grow.

And as the Majority we see fit to forgive those who have shamed themselves before us.....repeatedly.

Thanks to all the players looking to the future and enjoying all the new good stuff and opportunity happening everyday around us.

It's not about Trump. It's about us.

Take care of yourself.

6/16/2017 8:19 PM
Plusewise Taint is a poopy head.
6/16/2017 8:23 PM
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6/16/2017 8:37 PM
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I understand why some people choose to block others but why must you brag about having a closed mind? You hope that Mike will not bully you or is there a reason I missed?
6/17/2017 2:14 PM
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Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

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