2016 Presidential Race Topic

Posted by moy23 on 7/6/2016 7:20:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 7/6/2016 6:23:00 PM (view original):
Trump supporters can't be objective about Clinton. Clinton supporters can't be objective about trump. I don't support either one of them. Neither deserves to be president. Unfortunately, one of them will be.
I'm objective about hillary..... She is a complete and utter dumbass for using her own server and she's deep in the pockets of Wall Street.

I'm objective about Trump too.... he's a total ***, but I dig that he's willing to be unpopular to call out PC bullshit.

Are you really "willing to be unpopular" when you're doing something a ridiculous amount of people like?

I HATE the prospect of a Hillary presidency. However, Trump turned the Repub race into MTV Road Rules without the alcohol-fueled rants. He did them sober and others followed. When you roll in **** with pigs, you come out smelly(or something like that). Do I want Puck as President? Uh, no.
7/7/2016 8:38 AM
Biggest thing on Trump's side is that people relate him to change. It may not be good change, but there will be change, and given the way things have gone in this Country the last couple decades, people are willing to risk that any change is better than status quo. Even if he's a disaster, maybe good change follows. Sure it's a big risk, but is it a bigger risk than doing (or not doing) what we have been?
7/7/2016 9:29 AM
Yes, it is.

Trump can DESTROY our standing in the international community on a scale that would make Obama look like he actually earned his Nobel Peace Prize.

"Even if he's a disaster, maybe good change follows".

I don't think a "maybe" is worth the possibility (or probability) of a disaster as President.
7/7/2016 9:37 AM
Of course it's a bigger risk. Change is always riskier than same old, same old.

I'm not against change. I'd like to see some of the gridlock destroyed. The end of partisan politics. Trump isn't that guy. We, conservatives, called Obama divisive. Trump can divide his "own" party. There are still rumblings of a contested convention. I can't recall that in my lifetime. Why?
7/7/2016 9:44 AM
Nobody knows if Trump will be "better" or "worse" than Clinton. There has never been a President like Trump, so there is no basis at all for anybody's assumptions. I find it sad and pathetic that people think a sh!tty status quo is preferable to trying something new. Good thing are ancestors didn't take that stance, or we'd have no Country. The fact people in other Countries are voting to try new things after decades while we're too d@mn scared just shows what a p*ssified group we Americans have become.
7/7/2016 11:09 AM
Most people listed to what Trump says and realize what a trainwreck it would be to have him in the White House. It's not about trying new things, it's about knowing a con man when you hear one.

I agree with you that Hillary is unelectable, but there's far better than the orange skinned con out there. Sanders, Stein, Johnson, any of them.
7/7/2016 11:28 AM (edited)
There's nothing wrong with trying something different, to get away from the status quo. In fact, that's what's desperately needed in this country, shaking things up a bit, getting away from the Democratic (Clinton) and Republican (Bush) oligarchies that have been controlling our country for the past 3 or 4 decades.

But Trump is NOT the person to entrust the country to. He has a long and proven track record of failure. The rhetoric, bigotry and misogynistic comments he's made throughout the course of his campaign have been despicable at best. There's every reason to believe that he would be the worst embarrassment of a President that we've ever had, and that he could potentially destroy our foreign relations far worse than Obama has (and he's set the bar pretty low).

Change is good, provided that it's not Trump.
7/7/2016 11:26 AM
"Try something new" is what you do with a new Gatorade flavor or McRib Sandwich. It's not the foundation on which to build a logic for electing a "wild card" as POTUS.

If "try something new" is the best reason you can come up with to vote for Trump, you should not be allowed to vote. Plain and simple.
7/7/2016 11:36 AM
You seem relatively conservative. Let's try this:

Me: Hey, all3, are you hankering for something new?
You: Yes, I'm tired of the ****** status quo. Change is needed.
Me: OK, try homosexuality for the next 4 years!!

You down?

If not, is it because you value your rectal region more than the welfare of the country?
7/7/2016 12:02 PM
Deciding to vote for Trump because you don't like the status quo is like getting food poisoning from a restaurant and deciding to only eat paint going forward.
7/7/2016 12:19 PM
7/7/2016 12:49 PM
Posted by tecwrg on 7/7/2016 9:37:00 AM (view original):
Yes, it is.

Trump can DESTROY our standing in the international community on a scale that would make Obama look like he actually earned his Nobel Peace Prize.

"Even if he's a disaster, maybe good change follows".

I don't think a "maybe" is worth the possibility (or probability) of a disaster as President.
The international community is savvier that that. They know its a 4 year term. They'd let it run its course, plow money into his 2020 opponent, and it would be business as usual.

The real question is - during those 4 years, how much could he screw things up? And would congress let it happen?
7/7/2016 1:15 PM
Posted by sjpoker on 7/7/2016 1:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tecwrg on 7/7/2016 9:37:00 AM (view original):
Yes, it is.

Trump can DESTROY our standing in the international community on a scale that would make Obama look like he actually earned his Nobel Peace Prize.

"Even if he's a disaster, maybe good change follows".

I don't think a "maybe" is worth the possibility (or probability) of a disaster as President.
The international community is savvier that that. They know its a 4 year term. They'd let it run its course, plow money into his 2020 opponent, and it would be business as usual.

The real question is - during those 4 years, how much could he screw things up? And would congress let it happen?
The Middle Eastern countries, especially the ones in which ISIS already have a strong foothold, are not going to be "savvy" or patient. A Trump Administration is just going to play into their hands of building up support for ISIS and similar Islamic fundamentalist groups to hate American even more than they already do with Obama (who the right already accuse of bending over backwards in catering to Muslims).
7/7/2016 1:53 PM
Posted by sjpoker on 7/7/2016 1:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tecwrg on 7/7/2016 9:37:00 AM (view original):
Yes, it is.

Trump can DESTROY our standing in the international community on a scale that would make Obama look like he actually earned his Nobel Peace Prize.

"Even if he's a disaster, maybe good change follows".

I don't think a "maybe" is worth the possibility (or probability) of a disaster as President.
The international community is savvier that that. They know its a 4 year term. They'd let it run its course, plow money into his 2020 opponent, and it would be business as usual.

The real question is - during those 4 years, how much could he screw things up? And would congress let it happen?
And I wouldn't trust Congress to be a rational "checks and balances" against a potentially out-of-control, or total ****-up Trump. They've proven to be just as dysfunctional whether under Democratic control or Republican control over the past eight years.
7/7/2016 1:55 PM
My hope is that the Senate and House are completely opposed to the Prez. Nothing gets done and we start over in 2020.
7/7/2016 2:10 PM
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2016 Presidential Race Topic

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