Right-wing reactionaries - fight the real enemy Topic

He was so angry I was in the league that he ambushed the league.
9/30/2020 11:37 AM
Oh c'mon man! lol

I don't think Boris would do that just because YOU were in a league.
9/30/2020 11:40 AM
Posted by all3 on 9/29/2020 8:40:00 PM (view original):
I always laugh at internet tough guys, but I also have to laugh at the ensuing actions/comments of others who called that childish. I'm sure the extreme irony is lost on those folks.
Just like the fact that Donald Trump is a miserable excuse for a human being and POTUS is lost on you.
9/30/2020 12:05 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 9/30/2020 12:05:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 9/29/2020 8:40:00 PM (view original):
I always laugh at internet tough guys, but I also have to laugh at the ensuing actions/comments of others who called that childish. I'm sure the extreme irony is lost on those folks.
Just like the fact that Donald Trump is a miserable excuse for a human being and POTUS is lost on you.
Do any of you guys actually read what I write, instead of just imagining what you want and then arguing that?

Please tell me what good things I have ever said about Trump other than 1) He isn't HRC (in 2016) or a Dem/Liberal puppet (now) and 2) the economy was setting crazy records almost daily before Covid and he, as standing POTUS deserved some credit for that (despite others here saying it was all former POTUS Obama). I've defended him against what I felt were unfair and/or unfounded accusations. Those are facts that are apparently lost on you, and several others here. No problem, as I'm so used to it that I now 100% expect it.
9/30/2020 12:15 PM
The accusations he has defended are every accusation. So far trump is 100%. right.
everyone with an accusation is wrong.

this guy is a typical trumper.
a mindless believer of autocrats and fairy tales.
9/30/2020 12:23 PM
Posted by all3 on 9/30/2020 12:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 9/30/2020 12:05:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 9/29/2020 8:40:00 PM (view original):
I always laugh at internet tough guys, but I also have to laugh at the ensuing actions/comments of others who called that childish. I'm sure the extreme irony is lost on those folks.
Just like the fact that Donald Trump is a miserable excuse for a human being and POTUS is lost on you.
Do any of you guys actually read what I write, instead of just imagining what you want and then arguing that?

Please tell me what good things I have ever said about Trump other than 1) He isn't HRC (in 2016) or a Dem/Liberal puppet (now) and 2) the economy was setting crazy records almost daily before Covid and he, as standing POTUS deserved some credit for that (despite others here saying it was all former POTUS Obama). I've defended him against what I felt were unfair and/or unfounded accusations. Those are facts that are apparently lost on you, and several others here. No problem, as I'm so used to it that I now 100% expect it.
what YOU felt were unfair and/or unfounded...that does not make them unfair or unfounded. Maybe you haven't said good things about Trump, but you still insist on voting for him. How do you defend him downplaying the seriousness of the virus and contributing to the deaths of thousands of Americans. (I know, I know, Americans are stubborn, but if you honestly think that it would not have made some difference if Trump had said from the start how serious the virus was and that people should wear masks and socially distance, maybe you are as stupid as others say you are).
How do you defend him attacking Biden's son's drug problem? The guy is trying to overcome his addiction and it also has nothing to do with Joe Biden's ability to lead this country. How do you defend his constant lying and bullying? How do you defend his unwillingness to condemn white supremacy groups like the Proud Boys? How do defend his refusing too make his tax returns public as just about every other presidential candidate has done in the past? How do you defend his paying off porn stars to keep quite about his infidelity to his wife (present and past)? THOSE are facts that are apparently lost on you. There is so much he has done that is indefensible to me, but because a couple of dems have ideas you don't like, you will vote for him. I know nothing I (or anyone else) says will change your mind. I just have trouble understanding how someone who seems to be reasonably intelligent can continue to defend him.
9/30/2020 1:37 PM
Again, do you actually read what I post or just fake it and go to arguing? You haven't seen where I've repeatedly said Trump has mismanaged the whole Virus thing and probably did contribute to some deaths, just not what many here try to make it. Did you conveniently disregard all those because it doesn't fit your narrative or what? Did you also conveniently accidently forget all the times I have posted that I hate his lying and name-calling and such? I haven't defended any of those other things either. I'm not sure why you keep insisting I've said these things when the FACT IS I HAVEN'T. When you learn what a FACT is, maybe we can converse better. I fear what the Dems/Libs will do to this Country. It's that simple. Not at all hard to understand. You may certainly disagree, but saying you don't understand is yes, beyond my comprehension.
9/30/2020 3:59 PM
I for one am interested in knowing what the lib dems will do to the country specifically what will they do.

the platform is yours.
spew forth.
9/30/2020 4:50 PM
All3 being a rapper is like Malcolm x singing with pat boone.
9/30/2020 4:55 PM
Posted by all3 on 9/30/2020 3:59:00 PM (view original):
Again, do you actually read what I post or just fake it and go to arguing? You haven't seen where I've repeatedly said Trump has mismanaged the whole Virus thing and probably did contribute to some deaths, just not what many here try to make it. Did you conveniently disregard all those because it doesn't fit your narrative or what? Did you also conveniently accidently forget all the times I have posted that I hate his lying and name-calling and such? I haven't defended any of those other things either. I'm not sure why you keep insisting I've said these things when the FACT IS I HAVEN'T. When you learn what a FACT is, maybe we can converse better. I fear what the Dems/Libs will do to this Country. It's that simple. Not at all hard to understand. You may certainly disagree, but saying you don't understand is yes, beyond my comprehension.
Do you actually read what I post or just assume it says what you think it says? Yes, you have said numerous times, that you don't like his lying, or his bullying and you have admitted his mishandling of the virus, but YOU ARE STILL VOTING FOR HIM!! That is my point. You know he is a liar. You know he is a bully. You know he mismanaged the virus and is at least partially responsible for the 200,000 plus deaths from the virus in the US. You'll vote for a lying, bullying conman over a democrat because some dems (not many) have ideas you don't like that may never come to fruition. You can say you don't support him all you want. As long as you are voting for him, you are supporting him. I know what a fact is. You apparently do not know what a miserable excuse for a human being Trump is, or you just don't care because you think the dems want open borders (they don't. No prominent democrat I know of has called for wide open borders), the dems want to abolish the police (they don't. Some have said defund the police, which, while not the best way to phrase it, is not the same as abolishing the police. A better way to phrase it would be train the police better and maybe redirect some of their funding towards training) and want to give everything away for free(some do, but we agree there is no such thing as a free lunch. Someone is going to pay for it, and that someone is us.)
You worry about what the dems MIGHT do to the country but you're not worried by what Trump is already doing to the country??? How is that possible?
10/1/2020 1:20 AM (edited)
Long dumb paragraph vs long smart paragraph

i want to see the dangers of the Dems in specific policies alt3 Ss speaks of.
9/30/2020 6:54 PM
Is a miserable excuse for a human somebody who would run around damaging others' property, or claiming all straight white men should be killed, or wanting parts of our Country's History erased, or falsing accusing our POTUS of things they have no evidence to support?
10/1/2020 8:54 AM
Biden isn’t doing any of those things, I love that you’re so focused on what a WIS troll thinks, you can’t erase history, and there’s evidence for everything the president is accused of; you just don’t want to hear, read, or believe it.

cue your one and only “rebuttal”
10/1/2020 9:13 AM
Law enforcement officials "were directed to make public comments sympathetic to Kyle Rittenhouse" in internal DHS talking points, NBC reports. One of these is that he "took his rifle to the scene of the rioting to help defend small business owners."
10/1/2020 9:26 AM
Posted by all3 on 10/1/2020 8:54:00 AM (view original):
Is a miserable excuse for a human somebody who would run around damaging others' property, or claiming all straight white men should be killed, or wanting parts of our Country's History erased, or falsing accusing our POTUS of things they have no evidence to support?
Ladies and Gentleman,
10/1/2020 9:37 AM
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Right-wing reactionaries - fight the real enemy Topic

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