NCAA Tourney: Kentucky or The Field? Topic

I could care less about UMass or Memphis .. but both of those situations had nothing specifically to do with Calapari.

Marcus Camby took cash from an agent.  When that happened with guys signing merchandise for cash recently, why did the Media and the NCAA hold the players, and not the school not accountable ... because it is the player's fault and responsibility to follow the rules.  Camby cheated .. not Calipari.

In the Derek Rose case, the school told the NCAA everything they knew and the NCAA Cleared Rose to play .. then after the fact, the NCAA changed their minds.  The incident happened before Rose came to Memphis and it was alleged cheating on a standardized test in high school.  Again, not Calipari.

So, exactly HOW is Calipari cheating again?

What Calipari is doing is recruiting prima donna recruits .. enough for 2 teams .. and convincing them to play 20 instead of 40 minutes and they will still be able to get into the NBA after one or two years.  It is not his fault that no one else can sell that to players.

3/4/2015 10:58 PM (edited)
Posted by terps21234 on 3/4/2015 9:06:00 PM (view original):
Posted by plane129 on 3/4/2015 2:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by terps21234 on 3/4/2015 1:57:00 PM (view original):
Posted by kneeneighbor on 3/3/2015 11:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by oldave on 3/3/2015 10:55:00 PM (view original):
anyone care to change thier wager?  ;-)
Haters gonna hate.

Upsets happen on the tournament when superstars slump or get in foul trouble or the team has a bad shooting night. Kentucky has too many superstars and their defense is amazing which will cover up for any bad shooting night.
Cheaters gonna cheat
terps, many programs, including Kentucky, have been guilty of 'cheating' in the past; that's no proof they still are.  
I assume you're a Maryland fan?  Are you old enough to remember this?

 “The Maryland men's basketball program was banned from postseason play in 1991 and 1992 and placed on three years' probation by the NCAA on Monday for major violations that occured during the three-year tenure of Coach Bob Wade.

Maryland was cited for a lack of institutional control over the program, which was found guilty of 18 rules violations

The sanctions are Maryland's punishment for violations that included providing recruits with free clothing, providing a car for a student-athlete and the sale of complimentary ACC tournament tickets.

The most serious violations committed by Wade were providing a leased car, making cash payments and giving rides to former Terrapin guard Rudy Archer, who played the 1987-88 season at Maryland; and giving free or greatly discounted clothing to Alonzo Mourning and Brian Williams while they were being recruited.

Wade was also found guilty of providing false information to investigators, and assistant coach Jeff Adkins was found guilty of selling complimentary tickets for players to the 1988 ACC tournament."

Maryland was also found guilty of major or secondary violations in 2000, 2003, 2011, and 2013.   I guess
'Cheaters gonna cheat."


You're absolutely right about maryland cheating under Wade. When Williams took over program was in shambles. Give me proof of 2011 and 2013 cause I don't believe you. Williams never went AAU and never bought recruits. Those violations couldn't of been that bad because they were never on probation. Every school calipari left was found guilty because of him and put on probation. Prove Duke cheats in getting recruits. Never been proved even though I can't stand Duke. Prove Wooden cheated. UNC cheated only on kids already there with tests not getting them. So nice try on you all defending the biggest ******* in college basketball. And no the team that doesn't cheat doesn't finish in last place.
The issue isn't whether Duke willingly cheats.  The issue for me is that the NCAA has assigned them 'Golden Boy' status.   Take Corey Maggette, who admitted taking money from an AAU coach/agent while he was being recruited.   That coach also paid players who ended up at UCLA, Missouri, and Oklahoma St.   Each of those schools had to return NCAA money and vacate the results.  The investigation took 4 months.  And Duke?  4 years later, the NCAA was still investigating. The end result was that Duke DIDN"t have to vacate their RU finish, for the exact same crime that cost UMass their run under Calipari. 

In 2010, Lance Thomas led Duke to the championship.  In court documents, he admitted placing a $30,000 downpayment on $100,000 of jewelry.  He's from a single-mother home and he paid CASH for the jewelry.  He was clearly ineligible to play for Duke in the tournament. Did they have to vacate their championshp??? Nope,  Even though the precedent had been set with UMass, Memphis, UCLA, etc, etc.,  the NCAA let Duke keep their title.

As for Maryland, you can believe it or not. But they self-reported minor violations in both 2011 and 2013. In one of those cases, they forced players to practice longer than allowed by the NCAA. This reduced their study hall time,  negatively  influenced their grades, and  probably prevented  them from being accepted into the more  elite graduate school programs.
3/5/2015 5:50 AM (edited)
Posted by terps21234 on 3/4/2015 9:06:00 PM (view original):
Posted by plane129 on 3/4/2015 2:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by terps21234 on 3/4/2015 1:57:00 PM (view original):
Posted by kneeneighbor on 3/3/2015 11:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by oldave on 3/3/2015 10:55:00 PM (view original):
anyone care to change thier wager?  ;-)
Haters gonna hate.

Upsets happen on the tournament when superstars slump or get in foul trouble or the team has a bad shooting night. Kentucky has too many superstars and their defense is amazing which will cover up for any bad shooting night.
Cheaters gonna cheat
terps, many programs, including Kentucky, have been guilty of 'cheating' in the past; that's no proof they still are.  
I assume you're a Maryland fan?  Are you old enough to remember this?

 “The Maryland men's basketball program was banned from postseason play in 1991 and 1992 and placed on three years' probation by the NCAA on Monday for major violations that occured during the three-year tenure of Coach Bob Wade.

Maryland was cited for a lack of institutional control over the program, which was found guilty of 18 rules violations

The sanctions are Maryland's punishment for violations that included providing recruits with free clothing, providing a car for a student-athlete and the sale of complimentary ACC tournament tickets.

The most serious violations committed by Wade were providing a leased car, making cash payments and giving rides to former Terrapin guard Rudy Archer, who played the 1987-88 season at Maryland; and giving free or greatly discounted clothing to Alonzo Mourning and Brian Williams while they were being recruited.

Wade was also found guilty of providing false information to investigators, and assistant coach Jeff Adkins was found guilty of selling complimentary tickets for players to the 1988 ACC tournament."

Maryland was also found guilty of major or secondary violations in 2000, 2003, 2011, and 2013.   I guess
'Cheaters gonna cheat."


You're absolutely right about maryland cheating under Wade. When Williams took over program was in shambles. Give me proof of 2011 and 2013 cause I don't believe you. Williams never went AAU and never bought recruits. Those violations couldn't of been that bad because they were never on probation. Every school calipari left was found guilty because of him and put on probation. Prove Duke cheats in getting recruits. Never been proved even though I can't stand Duke. Prove Wooden cheated. UNC cheated only on kids already there with tests not getting them. So nice try on you all defending the biggest ******* in college basketball. And no the team that doesn't cheat doesn't finish in last place.
Just because there is no proof doesn't mean it doesn't happen.  Because I didn't get a ticket driving in to work this morning doesn't mean I wasn't speeding.
3/5/2015 10:38 AM
Posted by plane129 on 3/5/2015 5:50:00 AM (view original):
Posted by terps21234 on 3/4/2015 9:06:00 PM (view original):
Posted by plane129 on 3/4/2015 2:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by terps21234 on 3/4/2015 1:57:00 PM (view original):
Posted by kneeneighbor on 3/3/2015 11:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by oldave on 3/3/2015 10:55:00 PM (view original):
anyone care to change thier wager?  ;-)
Haters gonna hate.

Upsets happen on the tournament when superstars slump or get in foul trouble or the team has a bad shooting night. Kentucky has too many superstars and their defense is amazing which will cover up for any bad shooting night.
Cheaters gonna cheat
terps, many programs, including Kentucky, have been guilty of 'cheating' in the past; that's no proof they still are.  
I assume you're a Maryland fan?  Are you old enough to remember this?

 “The Maryland men's basketball program was banned from postseason play in 1991 and 1992 and placed on three years' probation by the NCAA on Monday for major violations that occured during the three-year tenure of Coach Bob Wade.

Maryland was cited for a lack of institutional control over the program, which was found guilty of 18 rules violations

The sanctions are Maryland's punishment for violations that included providing recruits with free clothing, providing a car for a student-athlete and the sale of complimentary ACC tournament tickets.

The most serious violations committed by Wade were providing a leased car, making cash payments and giving rides to former Terrapin guard Rudy Archer, who played the 1987-88 season at Maryland; and giving free or greatly discounted clothing to Alonzo Mourning and Brian Williams while they were being recruited.

Wade was also found guilty of providing false information to investigators, and assistant coach Jeff Adkins was found guilty of selling complimentary tickets for players to the 1988 ACC tournament."

Maryland was also found guilty of major or secondary violations in 2000, 2003, 2011, and 2013.   I guess
'Cheaters gonna cheat."


You're absolutely right about maryland cheating under Wade. When Williams took over program was in shambles. Give me proof of 2011 and 2013 cause I don't believe you. Williams never went AAU and never bought recruits. Those violations couldn't of been that bad because they were never on probation. Every school calipari left was found guilty because of him and put on probation. Prove Duke cheats in getting recruits. Never been proved even though I can't stand Duke. Prove Wooden cheated. UNC cheated only on kids already there with tests not getting them. So nice try on you all defending the biggest ******* in college basketball. And no the team that doesn't cheat doesn't finish in last place.
The issue isn't whether Duke willingly cheats.  The issue for me is that the NCAA has assigned them 'Golden Boy' status.   Take Corey Maggette, who admitted taking money from an AAU coach/agent while he was being recruited.   That coach also paid players who ended up at UCLA, Missouri, and Oklahoma St.   Each of those schools had to return NCAA money and vacate the results.  The investigation took 4 months.  And Duke?  4 years later, the NCAA was still investigating. The end result was that Duke DIDN"t have to vacate their RU finish, for the exact same crime that cost UMass their run under Calipari. 

In 2010, Lance Thomas led Duke to the championship.  In court documents, he admitted placing a $30,000 downpayment on $100,000 of jewelry.  He's from a single-mother home and he paid CASH for the jewelry.  He was clearly ineligible to play for Duke in the tournament. Did they have to vacate their championshp??? Nope,  Even though the precedent had been set with UMass, Memphis, UCLA, etc, etc.,  the NCAA let Duke keep their title.

As for Maryland, you can believe it or not. But they self-reported minor violations in both 2011 and 2013. In one of those cases, they forced players to practice longer than allowed by the NCAA. This reduced their study hall time,  negatively  influenced their grades, and  probably prevented  them from being accepted into the more  elite graduate school programs.
Admittedly, I am a Duke fan and I think the whole Corey Maggette situation stinks to high heaven.  But to say that " In 2010, Lance Thomas led Duke to the championship" is to really strain credibility.  Lance Thomas was nothing more than a glorified role player on that team, if even that.

That team was led by Jon Scheyer, Kyle Singler, and Nolan Smith with Lance Thomas and Greg Koubek doing the dirty work by setting screens, rebounding, and playing defense.  I also think that more came out on the Lance Thomas story later on, though I could be mistaken.  One thing for sure though, Lance Thomas did not lead the Blue Devils to that title.  The aforementioned trio of Scheyer, Singler, and Smith led that team.

Edit**  Lance Thomas was on the all-ACC Defensive First team, so there is that.  But I stand by my statement that he was still just a glorified role player on that squad.  After looking quickly, the NCAA apparently cleared Thomas of any wrongdoing involving the jewelry, although it does appear that the case was more "swept under the rug" than actually "investigated".

3/5/2015 3:49 PM (edited)
Two other quick opinions.  One, there is/are cheating and rules infractions at every major college (and probably several of the smaller ones), especially when it pertains to the high profile sports like football and basketball.  Every.  Single.  One.  To think otherwise is simply being naive.

Two, to expect the head coaches to know what each and every one if their players are doing, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week is ludicrous.  Short of making a circle and holding hands for every minute of the day, there is no way that a coach (or his assistants) can know what these kids are doing at all times of the day, evening, and night.  It's just...not...possible.  Now I'm not absolving coaches of having to take responsibility for their player's actions.  After all, they are the ones who recruited them and they know what their job entails when they sign that contract to be the head coach.  Same basic concept in the military, a line soldier screws up, both he and his commanding officer can bet on taking the hit.  It's just how institutions like this work.  Is it right or not?  Well, that's a whole different discussion.

3/5/2015 3:58 PM
Posted by steviescott on 3/4/2015 10:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by terps21234 on 3/4/2015 9:06:00 PM (view original):
Posted by steviescott on 3/4/2015 8:22:00 PM (view original):
"Nine out of 10 schools are cheating.  The other one is in last place."
Not true.
It's a Jerry Tarkanian quote.  Thought it was appropriate for the discussion.  That is all.
Oh. Sorry. Lol
3/5/2015 6:01 PM
Posted by cburton23 on 3/5/2015 10:38:00 AM (view original):
Posted by terps21234 on 3/4/2015 9:06:00 PM (view original):
Posted by plane129 on 3/4/2015 2:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by terps21234 on 3/4/2015 1:57:00 PM (view original):
Posted by kneeneighbor on 3/3/2015 11:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by oldave on 3/3/2015 10:55:00 PM (view original):
anyone care to change thier wager?  ;-)
Haters gonna hate.

Upsets happen on the tournament when superstars slump or get in foul trouble or the team has a bad shooting night. Kentucky has too many superstars and their defense is amazing which will cover up for any bad shooting night.
Cheaters gonna cheat
terps, many programs, including Kentucky, have been guilty of 'cheating' in the past; that's no proof they still are.  
I assume you're a Maryland fan?  Are you old enough to remember this?

 “The Maryland men's basketball program was banned from postseason play in 1991 and 1992 and placed on three years' probation by the NCAA on Monday for major violations that occured during the three-year tenure of Coach Bob Wade.

Maryland was cited for a lack of institutional control over the program, which was found guilty of 18 rules violations

The sanctions are Maryland's punishment for violations that included providing recruits with free clothing, providing a car for a student-athlete and the sale of complimentary ACC tournament tickets.

The most serious violations committed by Wade were providing a leased car, making cash payments and giving rides to former Terrapin guard Rudy Archer, who played the 1987-88 season at Maryland; and giving free or greatly discounted clothing to Alonzo Mourning and Brian Williams while they were being recruited.

Wade was also found guilty of providing false information to investigators, and assistant coach Jeff Adkins was found guilty of selling complimentary tickets for players to the 1988 ACC tournament."

Maryland was also found guilty of major or secondary violations in 2000, 2003, 2011, and 2013.   I guess
'Cheaters gonna cheat."


You're absolutely right about maryland cheating under Wade. When Williams took over program was in shambles. Give me proof of 2011 and 2013 cause I don't believe you. Williams never went AAU and never bought recruits. Those violations couldn't of been that bad because they were never on probation. Every school calipari left was found guilty because of him and put on probation. Prove Duke cheats in getting recruits. Never been proved even though I can't stand Duke. Prove Wooden cheated. UNC cheated only on kids already there with tests not getting them. So nice try on you all defending the biggest ******* in college basketball. And no the team that doesn't cheat doesn't finish in last place.
Just because there is no proof doesn't mean it doesn't happen.  Because I didn't get a ticket driving in to work this morning doesn't mean I wasn't speeding.
Well to be honest, if you didn't get caught it didn't happen. You didn't speed that morning because there is no proof. That's how the world thinks today, prove I did it or it didn't happen. :)
3/5/2015 6:18 PM
Not in all circumstances obviously.  If you murder someone and don't get caught, someone is still murdered.  It happened.  The family of the victim would probably tend to agree, don't you think?  For example, there was never anyone convicted in the JonBenet Ramsey case, but that poor little girl is still deader than hell.

Relax before you go off on me, take a deep breath.  I was simply giving you an example as to why I don't necessarily agree with the attitude you mentioned.  Unfortunately, like you, I do think that a very large number of people think like that in today's world.

3/6/2015 5:26 AM (edited)
And I do think that most "big time" players (both Basketball and Football) at most "big time" schools cheat with respect to money and class work.  I don't think that at every school it is as apparent as it was at UNC, but I am sure it happens.  Some of the players are actually very good students, but for the ones that aren't .. sports classes and other very minimal requirements are used.  Anything they can get away with is going to be done.

But, not everyone has a problem with that.  Are College Basketball and College Football REALLY for student athletes or are they free Minor League services for the NFL and the NBA?  I personally think that not enough college players take advantage of their free college.  It is hard to make it at the professional level and that degree could mean something a few years down the road.

3/6/2015 8:38 AM
read the recent ban placed on Syracuse:
3/6/2015 1:13 PM
Posted by oldwarrior on 3/6/2015 1:13:00 PM (view original):
read the recent ban placed on Syracuse:
And Duke gets to keep their championship and their NT money...pathetic
3/6/2015 6:58 PM has been tracking UK's odds of going 40-0. Looks like now just over 30%. Those are really good odds. 

3/9/2015 11:43 AM
love the work those guys do...
from the article, although i think they just stole it from someone else, was a 43% odds of the cats running the table in the NT. pretty high odds there, not far from the 50% contemplated in this thread.
3/9/2015 12:16 PM
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NCAA Tourney: Kentucky or The Field? Topic

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