Newton... Topic

Happy to help you feel empowered, Mike. Control your safe space!
1/29/2016 3:04 PM
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Posted by MikeT23 on 1/29/2016 11:45:00 AM (view original):
Unblocking you even for a moment always proves to be a stupid move.   willgibson started being insulting and off-topic.    moranis has disagreed with me throughout.

Which one got redlined?

The one you don't know how to answer. You feel it's fine for you to be crass and insulting to others, but you can't take it when others do the same to you. It's like the grade school bully who runs to the teacher when someone hits him back. I'll never knock anyone's desire to share their opinions on anything, but when they feel the need to do it in such a ridiculous manner, I'm going to point it out. Now, what kind of air freshener were you trying to spray on that pile of Newton-related fertilizer you shoveled-out before?
1/29/2016 3:44 PM
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Here's the thing that stumps me:   It's readily apparent that I'll hit the button.   Why create a post over a couple of words that will bring that on?  It's just dumb.
1/29/2016 3:48 PM
I stopped reading when she got to "Johnny Manziel".    He got DESTROYED for showboating in college.    DESTROYED. 

All that said, Rodgers/Watt certainly get their fair share of criticism and their theatrics are far shorter than Newton's dance routine.   The guys jumping in the stands are celebrating with fans much like Newton giving the ball to children.  Is anyone trashing Newton for that?

I'm not familiar with Nancy Armour but there are media-types that make their living by screaming RACISM!!! at every corner.   Whitlock, Cowherd, Lebatard, Steven A, Bomoni Jones, etc, etc.   Is she one of those?

1/29/2016 5:05 PM
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Stay on topic.
1/29/2016 5:35 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 1/29/2016 3:47:00 PM (view original):
OK, nothing but insults before I stopped reading. 

Basically, willgipson said "How racist is MikeT?" and started a poll.   How does that further discussion?

I blocked him years ago for that.   I blocked you because you never posted anything worth reading. 

lol -- talk about revisionist history. I actually said I didn't know whether you were racist but Newton's success made you look like a plank given your early dismissal of him. Apparently I used a trigger word that unleashed some kind of trauma from your childhood because you began redlining all my posts. It's behaviour worthy of a teenaged girl upset about somebody dissing her favourite boy band in YouTube comments but it's your prerogative. FWIW, I don't spend a lot of time on these forums. If site staff want to me ban me, that's fine. But your behaviour is completely embarrassing for somebody who claims to be an adult, particularly one who's sucked and blown as much as you have on these forums.
1/29/2016 6:12 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 1/29/2016 3:47:00 PM (view original):
OK, nothing but insults before I stopped reading. 

Basically, willgipson said "How racist is MikeT?" and started a poll.   How does that further discussion?

I blocked him years ago for that.   I blocked you because you never posted anything worth reading. 

Calling being names and degrading them is not what anyone other than you would call a "worthy read". I guess all the people you block have problems, and it's not you. I'm sure you'll red line this too, since that's the kind of coward you are - don't want anybody to read anything negative about you, so you get rid of it, while you continue to feel free to post whatever negative you want about others. (Reposted, as I will continue to do until the "bully" stops running to the principal.)

Seriously, wouldn't it be much simpler to just say "I was wrong about Newton."?
1/29/2016 6:23 PM
Posted by all3 on 1/29/2016 6:23:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 1/29/2016 3:47:00 PM (view original):
OK, nothing but insults before I stopped reading. 

Basically, willgipson said "How racist is MikeT?" and started a poll.   How does that further discussion?

I blocked him years ago for that.   I blocked you because you never posted anything worth reading. 

Calling being names and degrading them is not what anyone other than you would call a "worthy read". I guess all the people you block have problems, and it's not you. I'm sure you'll red line this too, since that's the kind of coward you are - don't want anybody to read anything negative about you, so you get rid of it, while you continue to feel free to post whatever negative you want about others. (Reposted, as I will continue to do until the "bully" stops running to the principal.)

Seriously, wouldn't it be much simpler to just say "I was wrong about Newton."?
I suspect that would be too much for Mike and his inferiority complex to handle. You really need to go back a few years and look at some the eye-bleedingly stupid stuff he posted on Newton in the NFL forums, particularly in measuring him against other quarterbacks. There's an awful large body of work that Mike would have to walk back. Its far easier for him to bridge to "Newton doesn't act like a quarterback" and invoke his "old school" aversion to "selfishness", "arrogance" and all Newton's other alleged "character" flaws in Mike's mind.

Mike's allegation of a widespread media conspiracy to quash criticism of Newton's behaviour by labelling it as "racist" is almost as bizarre as his claim that there's an anti-Christian conspiracy that is keeping Tim Tebow from playing quarterback in the National Football League. There's been plenty of criticism of Newton's celebrations -- I heard Willie McGinest discuss how he didn't like some of Newton's on-the-field antics. At the same time, McGinest has praised Newton's maturity and performance. Perhaps Newton's detractors and fans filter what they hear in the media about him.

Here's what I do know. Mike spends so time theorizing about conspiracies in the media and elsewhere that he either misses a lot of what actually takes place on the field or it's lost on him after it runs through his filter seeking out "PC" attitudes or whatever Glenn Beck is telling him to watch out for when it comes to media or institutional bias. It's pretty bizarre stuff but it takes all kinds I guess. I'm sort of looking forward to seeing how site staff respond to all these redlines. 
1/29/2016 7:34 PM
Title of the thread is "NEWTON". People have been expressing their thoughts about him. Some of those thoughts have been ridiculously wrong. Wouldn't it just be easier to admit that than calling people names and degrading them? That is not what anyone other than you would call a "worthy read". I guess all the people you block have problems, and it's not you. I'm sure you'll red line this too, since that's the kind of coward you are - don't want anybody to read anything negative about you, so you get rid of it, while you continue to feel free to post whatever negative you want about others. (See about 100 other threads for literally thousand of examples.)
1/30/2016 8:41 AM
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Posted by all3 on 1/30/2016 8:41:00 AM (view original):
Title of the thread is "NEWTON". People have been expressing their thoughts about him. Some of those thoughts have been ridiculously wrong. Wouldn't it just be easier to admit that than calling people names and degrading them? That is not what anyone other than you would call a "worthy read". I guess all the people you block have problems, and it's not you. I'm sure you'll red line this too, since that's the kind of coward you are - don't want anybody to read anything negative about you, so you get rid of it, while you continue to feel free to post whatever negative you want about others. (See about 100 other threads for literally thousand of examples.)
Don't you realize this thread is actually about Mike's attempt to work out his feelings about Cam Newton? He's trying to explain why he dislikes him without sounding like a racist by claiming the media have a "strategy" to label any criticism of Newton as "racist." Or something.

Now iI actually spent 15 years in the media as a working journalist before selling out to work with the press at a major oil company for the past decade. And in my 25 years of working with reporters, the notion that the media can organize itself to shape public opinion is laughable. While there's some form of "groupthink" in some segments in the media on some issues (climate change, abortion, etc.) most reporters couldn't organize themselves to gather for lunch, let alone agree on a deal to protect a public figure. There's a much greater diversity of voices in journalism today.

This theory -- along with Mike's anti-Christinan Tebow conspiracy -- really say more about what he does and doesn't read. And sadly, he's not alone -- there's an increasingly number of people who live in echo chambers, only seeking out information that confirms their opinions rather than broadens their understanding. It's easy to do this because of the proliferation of online "news" sources that provide confirmation bias and provide comfort and approvel for dumbassery like what Mike attempted to peddle in this thread.

If Mike decided to have a look around the media landscape, he'd find Newton has his critics and it wouldn't take very long, either. But it's far more comforting for him to imagine Newton is getting a free pass and slam "the media" based on something whatever Nolan Nawrocki influences him. It also allows him to shift the goalposts from discussing Newton's performance -- which was the subject of some pretty embarrassing posts on his part --  to discussing his behaviour, which apparently offends his "old school" values. It's ridiculous and more than a little pathetic but it clearly bothers Mike given he'll redline any post that offends his sensibilities. I guess he's got a lot more invested in a debate on an internet forum. It's probably best that he floats this kind of stuff here in a safe space that he can control. Well, at least until site staff get around to reviewing al these redlined posts.
1/30/2016 10:40 AM
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