Recruiting Not Working Properly Topic

By the way we are talking the #100 ranked SG and unranked overall player here. By no means a world-beater. Its not like it is a Top 100 overall player or something.
1/17/2017 1:02 AM
Posted by kashmir75 on 1/17/2017 12:48:00 AM (view original):
Posted by npb7768 on 1/17/2017 12:34:00 AM (view original):
Posted by kashmir75 on 1/17/2017 12:17:00 AM (view original):
Posted by npb7768 on 1/17/2017 12:09:00 AM (view original):
You'll need 2 or 3 cycles of 80 AP's...
Also, curious as to what prestige the Div-3 team is at?
I've wanted to ask that since the start of this thread but was afraid that doing so would totally derail this thread. I almost asked what "Kind" of D1 recruit we were talking about too, but didn't for the same reason.
Right, the more information that's provided to us, the better idea all of us will have on this process going forward.

To me, i think assuming the Div-3 team put boatloads upon boatloads of effort into this player, then the Div-1 should have to make some solid effort. For all this recruit knows, he'll sit on the bench 4 years at Kentucky, which some kids might choose not to do.

Also, i've been against allowing D-3 schools to recruit D-1 players, but I'm not extreme against it.
My thought since the start is that this D3 in in it to the max. I might be way overboard thinking it should be a slam dunk for the D1 school, but I have a hard time believing it can't be done. I do think he should have to put effort into beating any other school that has poured attention into a kid from the start, even if it is a D3 school. As for being a bench rider at UK, my guess is that isn't what the kid wants and this D3 has a great set of match up variables to go along with his efforts.

On your last point, I think they might have to clean up their definition of D1 projected kids. I've seen many D1 projected kids that I wouldn't allow on my D3 team. I've seen D1 walkons that outshine some of these D1 projected recruits.
my preferences for the player are Very Good, Good, Bad, and Good. I can't imagine the DIII schools have something way better than that. Sure they could be similar but it carries more weight since I am DI.

"As for being a bench rider at UK, my guess is that isn't what the kid wants"...ummm I have 5 players, and did you not see I guaranteed him 15 minutes. Even if these artificial recruits actually had a brain to actually think like that, why in the world would guaranteeing him 15 minutes make him think he would be a bench rider??? Hell he is likely to end up playing 20+.

At this point I'm not worried about not landing him but to think that the effort of a CV, 15 minutes, scholly and 100+ AP isn't enough for a kid to pick a A- DI over DIII schools is laughable, I don't care if the DIII schools had prostitutes on his campus visit.
1/17/2017 1:10 AM
I don't disagree with you that you should win. I think it highly unlikely that any D3 team beat a power 6 Human school in recruiting for ANY recruit.

I DID see that you promised the kid 15 min. It's possible the D3 threw 25 at him. Who really knows what the weighting of that is NOW, not previously. I had a recruit I was after that had matched preferences the were Very good in 6 of the possible 7 and the 7th preference was PT, Adding a promised start to an already promised 15 mins of PT knocked 1 D1 simmy down from high to moderate and another 2 from moderate to very low. The simmy's were low level D1, not power conference teams, and they all showed up toward the end of 1st recruiting period. Lucky for me the recruit had a "Late" signing preference. He was the #74 ranked SF, no overall ranking. Very good, but not top tier D1 talent by any means. Believe me, I was very seriously worried a D1 human would show up because I was certain I'd get bounced quick if that happened.

The recruit :

The whole point of this update was to completely revamp recruiting to make it more challenging and less like a draft and they have certainly succeeded in that. We are all adjusting to the changes and learning how the new system works. Whether it's realistic or not the system we have is what we have to work with. There's a lot more layered strategy in this version of the game, people will have to learn to adapt to that.
1/17/2017 1:53 AM
Posted by kashmir75 on 1/17/2017 1:53:00 AM (view original):
I don't disagree with you that you should win. I think it highly unlikely that any D3 team beat a power 6 Human school in recruiting for ANY recruit.

I DID see that you promised the kid 15 min. It's possible the D3 threw 25 at him. Who really knows what the weighting of that is NOW, not previously. I had a recruit I was after that had matched preferences the were Very good in 6 of the possible 7 and the 7th preference was PT, Adding a promised start to an already promised 15 mins of PT knocked 1 D1 simmy down from high to moderate and another 2 from moderate to very low. The simmy's were low level D1, not power conference teams, and they all showed up toward the end of 1st recruiting period. Lucky for me the recruit had a "Late" signing preference. He was the #74 ranked SF, no overall ranking. Very good, but not top tier D1 talent by any means. Believe me, I was very seriously worried a D1 human would show up because I was certain I'd get bounced quick if that happened.

The recruit :

The whole point of this update was to completely revamp recruiting to make it more challenging and less like a draft and they have certainly succeeded in that. We are all adjusting to the changes and learning how the new system works. Whether it's realistic or not the system we have is what we have to work with. There's a lot more layered strategy in this version of the game, people will have to learn to adapt to that.
I agree it should be more challenging that it used to be in recruiting. And I am all for increased competition for recruits amongst teams in the same division which this update has done. Where I disagree with is I think at most you should only be allowed to recruit 1 level above you.

So DIII would only be able to get DII guys. And maybe DII would only be able to get DI guys that are ranked top 100 or lower at their respective position something like that. By the time it gets to the 2nd session there is barely anyone left to recruit at DI. Alot of the guys sign in the 1st cycle or 2 with DII schools before you can even open the scholarship. And now I come to learn that it isn't even easy to knock off a DIII school.

I imagine the game is much more fun to play at DII and DIII now because you can recruit anyone, but at DI it is no fun at all and you can clearly tell by the amount of owners leaving the game.
1/17/2017 2:03 AM
Fun isn't a word I'd choose to describe what D3 is becoming. Different is one. Stressful is probably the most accurate. It's a fuckin arms race right now. I'm all for better recruits, but I'm not certain they should be Top 100 position players. The highest I've managed so far is a #34 SF on a team I no longer coach, mostly because I didn't want to be overwhelmed while I learn how this new system is going to work. Before, I had to worry about Top tier D3 coaches prestige-bouncing me and the occaision terrible D2 coach reaching for the low hanging fruit. NOW, I have to worry about every damn team in every division. I have NO CHOICE except recruit D1 talent or D3 scrubs who stand no chance. I can't compete against D1 players with D3 players anymore than you could.
1/17/2017 2:18 AM
Posted by kashmir75 on 1/17/2017 2:18:00 AM (view original):
Fun isn't a word I'd choose to describe what D3 is becoming. Different is one. Stressful is probably the most accurate. It's a fuckin arms race right now. I'm all for better recruits, but I'm not certain they should be Top 100 position players. The highest I've managed so far is a #34 SF on a team I no longer coach, mostly because I didn't want to be overwhelmed while I learn how this new system is going to work. Before, I had to worry about Top tier D3 coaches prestige-bouncing me and the occaision terrible D2 coach reaching for the low hanging fruit. NOW, I have to worry about every damn team in every division. I have NO CHOICE except recruit D1 talent or D3 scrubs who stand no chance. I can't compete against D1 players with D3 players anymore than you could.
Pretty similar to how I feel. I simply don't see how removing the caps on recruiting makes D3 a better game. There weren't issues with D3 in 2.0 (I think) so why did we need to change? Removing postseason cash and rollover reduced the impact of super conference teams and superclasses - which I'm totally cool with. But why do we need to be able to recruit D1 players for it to be fun?

Some teams are pulling in classes now that are making eyeballs pop out, it's crazy. The biggest difference is now some teams are VERY deep and are recruiting players with ratings that are already very high instead of starting with low starting ratings with high potentials. That's the biggest difference I see right now.

1/17/2017 2:31 AM
Posted by kashmir75 on 1/17/2017 2:18:00 AM (view original):
Fun isn't a word I'd choose to describe what D3 is becoming. Different is one. Stressful is probably the most accurate. It's a fuckin arms race right now. I'm all for better recruits, but I'm not certain they should be Top 100 position players. The highest I've managed so far is a #34 SF on a team I no longer coach, mostly because I didn't want to be overwhelmed while I learn how this new system is going to work. Before, I had to worry about Top tier D3 coaches prestige-bouncing me and the occaision terrible D2 coach reaching for the low hanging fruit. NOW, I have to worry about every damn team in every division. I have NO CHOICE except recruit D1 talent or D3 scrubs who stand no chance. I can't compete against D1 players with D3 players anymore than you could.
I honestly did not understand this post at all sorry...especially at the end "I can't compete against DI players with D3 players anymore than you could"

what does that mean?

Also you only have to worry about every damn team in every division because you choose to recruit at a higher level like DI.

Man I would love it if they let the DI teams recruit players from the fictional NBA teams...I mean they let the other divisions recruit above their level so why not DI?
1/17/2017 2:32 AM
Posted by Benis on 1/17/2017 2:31:00 AM (view original):
Posted by kashmir75 on 1/17/2017 2:18:00 AM (view original):
Fun isn't a word I'd choose to describe what D3 is becoming. Different is one. Stressful is probably the most accurate. It's a fuckin arms race right now. I'm all for better recruits, but I'm not certain they should be Top 100 position players. The highest I've managed so far is a #34 SF on a team I no longer coach, mostly because I didn't want to be overwhelmed while I learn how this new system is going to work. Before, I had to worry about Top tier D3 coaches prestige-bouncing me and the occaision terrible D2 coach reaching for the low hanging fruit. NOW, I have to worry about every damn team in every division. I have NO CHOICE except recruit D1 talent or D3 scrubs who stand no chance. I can't compete against D1 players with D3 players anymore than you could.
Pretty similar to how I feel. I simply don't see how removing the caps on recruiting makes D3 a better game. There weren't issues with D3 in 2.0 (I think) so why did we need to change? Removing postseason cash and rollover reduced the impact of super conference teams and superclasses - which I'm totally cool with. But why do we need to be able to recruit D1 players for it to be fun?

Some teams are pulling in classes now that are making eyeballs pop out, it's crazy. The biggest difference is now some teams are VERY deep and are recruiting players with ratings that are already very high instead of starting with low starting ratings with high potentials. That's the biggest difference I see right now.

Sounds like it would be good for both DI and DIII if DIII werent allowed to recruit DI players.
1/17/2017 2:33 AM
A good fix might be:

only allow DIII to recruit DII and DIII

DII can recruit DI but they would change to how DIII is now - where the recruit doesn't sign with them until the final day. This would also help DI teams with early entries to possibly get in on these guys before they sign with DII teams like they currently are in the 1st or 2nd cycle of the 2nd session
1/17/2017 2:36 AM
Posted by skinzfan36 on 1/17/2017 2:32:00 AM (view original):
Posted by kashmir75 on 1/17/2017 2:18:00 AM (view original):
Fun isn't a word I'd choose to describe what D3 is becoming. Different is one. Stressful is probably the most accurate. It's a fuckin arms race right now. I'm all for better recruits, but I'm not certain they should be Top 100 position players. The highest I've managed so far is a #34 SF on a team I no longer coach, mostly because I didn't want to be overwhelmed while I learn how this new system is going to work. Before, I had to worry about Top tier D3 coaches prestige-bouncing me and the occaision terrible D2 coach reaching for the low hanging fruit. NOW, I have to worry about every damn team in every division. I have NO CHOICE except recruit D1 talent or D3 scrubs who stand no chance. I can't compete against D1 players with D3 players anymore than you could.
I honestly did not understand this post at all sorry...especially at the end "I can't compete against DI players with D3 players anymore than you could"

what does that mean?

Also you only have to worry about every damn team in every division because you choose to recruit at a higher level like DI.

Man I would love it if they let the DI teams recruit players from the fictional NBA teams...I mean they let the other divisions recruit above their level so why not DI?
He means that if he wants to have a good team at D3, he needs to go after D1 players exclusively. I don't necessarily agree with this 100%. I think some teams are getting REALLY good players and other teams are getting VERY GOOD players. Both increasing how 'good' they are.

But I think if you want to build a Final Four type team, you will need to go for at least D2 rated players. I know TJ is giving it a shot to see if it can be done with D3 players so maybe he can do it. But I think it's difficult.
1/17/2017 2:45 AM
Posted by skinzfan36 on 1/17/2017 2:33:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 1/17/2017 2:31:00 AM (view original):
Posted by kashmir75 on 1/17/2017 2:18:00 AM (view original):
Fun isn't a word I'd choose to describe what D3 is becoming. Different is one. Stressful is probably the most accurate. It's a fuckin arms race right now. I'm all for better recruits, but I'm not certain they should be Top 100 position players. The highest I've managed so far is a #34 SF on a team I no longer coach, mostly because I didn't want to be overwhelmed while I learn how this new system is going to work. Before, I had to worry about Top tier D3 coaches prestige-bouncing me and the occaision terrible D2 coach reaching for the low hanging fruit. NOW, I have to worry about every damn team in every division. I have NO CHOICE except recruit D1 talent or D3 scrubs who stand no chance. I can't compete against D1 players with D3 players anymore than you could.
Pretty similar to how I feel. I simply don't see how removing the caps on recruiting makes D3 a better game. There weren't issues with D3 in 2.0 (I think) so why did we need to change? Removing postseason cash and rollover reduced the impact of super conference teams and superclasses - which I'm totally cool with. But why do we need to be able to recruit D1 players for it to be fun?

Some teams are pulling in classes now that are making eyeballs pop out, it's crazy. The biggest difference is now some teams are VERY deep and are recruiting players with ratings that are already very high instead of starting with low starting ratings with high potentials. That's the biggest difference I see right now.

Sounds like it would be good for both DI and DIII if DIII werent allowed to recruit DI players.
Yes, that's been my opinion since Day 1 of Beta. Of course I hope D1 is fun but I am more concerned about D3 since that's where everyone starts and that's where my two favorite teams are at.
1/17/2017 2:47 AM
On the topic of sitting the bench at Kentucky, I should have said that (besides academics, or a family situation that requires the kid to stay close to home) the only logical real life reason for picking D3 over Kentucky would be based on lack of playing time... this isn't an issue with you in this case.
1/17/2017 2:49 AM
Posted by Benis on 1/17/2017 2:45:00 AM (view original):
Posted by skinzfan36 on 1/17/2017 2:32:00 AM (view original):
Posted by kashmir75 on 1/17/2017 2:18:00 AM (view original):
Fun isn't a word I'd choose to describe what D3 is becoming. Different is one. Stressful is probably the most accurate. It's a fuckin arms race right now. I'm all for better recruits, but I'm not certain they should be Top 100 position players. The highest I've managed so far is a #34 SF on a team I no longer coach, mostly because I didn't want to be overwhelmed while I learn how this new system is going to work. Before, I had to worry about Top tier D3 coaches prestige-bouncing me and the occaision terrible D2 coach reaching for the low hanging fruit. NOW, I have to worry about every damn team in every division. I have NO CHOICE except recruit D1 talent or D3 scrubs who stand no chance. I can't compete against D1 players with D3 players anymore than you could.
I honestly did not understand this post at all sorry...especially at the end "I can't compete against DI players with D3 players anymore than you could"

what does that mean?

Also you only have to worry about every damn team in every division because you choose to recruit at a higher level like DI.

Man I would love it if they let the DI teams recruit players from the fictional NBA teams...I mean they let the other divisions recruit above their level so why not DI?
He means that if he wants to have a good team at D3, he needs to go after D1 players exclusively. I don't necessarily agree with this 100%. I think some teams are getting REALLY good players and other teams are getting VERY GOOD players. Both increasing how 'good' they are.

But I think if you want to build a Final Four type team, you will need to go for at least D2 rated players. I know TJ is giving it a shot to see if it can be done with D3 players so maybe he can do it. But I think it's difficult.
Yes, that's what I meant. Most D3 coaches are attempting to load up on D1 players, quite a few are succeeding. To be clear, the vast majority of these players are NOT really D1 players, they are mostly what once was a tweener who would be recruited by D2 teams or a crappy bottomfeeder D1 team. But there are MANY who are D1 caliber. Even with a D2 powerhouse I was NEVER able to get higher than #166 (by position). I have 4 legit D1 recruits right now (2 PG's # 136, 147) from what was once a 5 man class. I redshirted the #127 SF, because I already had the #74 SF promised a start and 15. (In what reality does that guy take a redshirt for a D3 team? LOL.)

Honestly, I was watching the chatter coming back from the beta threads and I knew it was coming so I just went for it right from the start. If you have to aim high to compete, why not just go as high as you possibly can? I DO think that guys who are NOT projected D1, can play and compete, but they will have to be top of the line types (per division) with outstanding potential. And I'm not sure a whole team of them can seriously compete with a whole team full of GOOD D1 projected guys. All the variables would have to fall just right (Class, IQ, development, etc.) because these D1 guys are starting at D3 Sr ratings. I think THE most important aspect going forward for any recruit is going to be potential, even more now than ever.
1/17/2017 3:07 AM
And the stressful part is that I bombed my recruiting 2 straight seasons. This past season I managed a late miracle signing but otherwise I got stomped 2 straight seasons. Every season is now a risk.
1/17/2017 3:13 AM
I think running FB/Press kind of forces you to be more risk averse in recruiting now. If recruiting doesn't go well, you can't take a couple walkons and be fine (typically). So for my CNU team, I don't want to go for D1 players only because I could really screw myself. I'm having good success going for D2 players though and I've gotten some gems.
1/17/2017 4:45 AM
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