seble - do ONE thing that will show you care Topic

Posted by MikeT23 on 8/29/2017 1:33:00 PM (view original):
Posted by kcsundevil on 8/29/2017 1:29:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 8/29/2017 1:21:00 PM (view original):
It's not a problem for me either but, if I'm new to the game, doing nothing for 1/3 of the season isn't very enticing, no?

Or do you think NEW USERS aren't that important so screw 'em anyway?

Sometimes it's not all about you.
You're a weird guy.
Because I crapped all over your argument?

Everyone agrees HD needs more users but this thread indicates they'd rather have a quick fix that has no meaning whatsoever to new users. Personally, I feel like I'm the only person around here thinking big picture about 90% of the time. I mean, hell, you wanted the name "fixed" at one of your schools? Really? That's a priority of any sort?
You're a weird guy.
8/29/2017 1:44 PM
8/29/2017 1:47 PM
existing customers are often a key path to new customers - keeping existing customers enthusiastic - esp if doable with tiny effort - is a good idea for most businesses
8/29/2017 2:05 PM
Posted by Trentonjoe on 8/28/2017 8:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by zagsrulez on 8/28/2017 4:34:00 PM (view original):
Forget all that little stuff seble. Hire me as as your junior developer! I'm young, hungry, and willing to put in work. As a plus I am able to put up with the constant bullshit from these "HOF" coaches. Not only do I have an impressive resume, but I am also an average HD coach.!/careers
Just trolling on here. I'm already employed in an IT department where I accomplish so much and only come on WIS in my free time at work ;).

There needs to be a backlog of needed improvements that are sorted by priority and level of effort to implement. Updating the champions list is low priority but probably easy to implement. Is that honestly what you guys want? Something of low value?
8/29/2017 2:08 PM
Posted by fd343ny on 8/29/2017 2:05:00 PM (view original):
existing customers are often a key path to new customers - keeping existing customers enthusiastic - esp if doable with tiny effort - is a good idea for most businesses
Do you think new customers care about Champions/Considering lists? Do they even know what they are?
8/29/2017 2:18 PM
except for Naismith, where the champions list is of critical importance, you are right it is of low significance.

But, I think it would be smart for WIS to accomplish something in HD that signals that the new ownership management is energized. Low hanging fruit.
8/29/2017 2:19 PM
Seble responded to a world not rolling this AM. They are paying attention. Doing something of low/no significance to the entire HD population/new users is just fluff. I'd rather have substance. Responding within minutes to a world not rolling is substance.
8/29/2017 2:24 PM
Truth is, HBD is in a lot more trouble than HD. Worlds can't roll until full of humans. Downtime in HBD, in the worst worlds, can be months. That should be looked into before HD is even considered. Especially a fluff "fix".
8/29/2017 2:28 PM
thats terrible in HBD - had no idea. Yes, that demands priority attention.
8/29/2017 2:30 PM
I mean bottom line - yes, some of the things suggested here can wait and aren't 'critical'.

However, everyone is just reacting to months of inaction after we were assured that "whoever" and "someWISguy" were going to be much more active in the forums and 1st order of business was to fix jobs. People just want something, anything to happen.
8/29/2017 2:43 PM
It did. Crum didn't roll. He fixed it within the hour.

FWIW, HBD isn't a problem for me either. 2 of my worlds roll quickly and the 3rd I knew what I was getting into. But it's a problem for this site(32 users, 150ish worlds) means about as many play HBD/HD. And, if you're not playing, you're not buying that next season.

Overall, the SITE needs more users. Seble and gang should figure out how to make that happen then start on the minor/major repairs while maintaining what's here(like he did with Crum). To me, that's showing us more than a fluff fix.
8/29/2017 3:07 PM
Without reading any of the above, it has been mentioned that Seble is now overseeing all of WIS, right?

I don't think HD is going to get even the smallest of updates/changes for at least a few months while he gets settled and prioritizes. He might prioritize some clean-up before March Madness, but that's at the absolute earliest--so I'd assume even the slightest changes would be targeted for late January/early February.

He's got a lot of work to do beyond HD.
8/29/2017 4:58 PM
Posted by sol_phenom3 on 8/29/2017 4:58:00 PM (view original):
Without reading any of the above, it has been mentioned that Seble is now overseeing all of WIS, right?

I don't think HD is going to get even the smallest of updates/changes for at least a few months while he gets settled and prioritizes. He might prioritize some clean-up before March Madness, but that's at the absolute earliest--so I'd assume even the slightest changes would be targeted for late January/early February.

He's got a lot of work to do beyond HD.
Yup Agree.
8/29/2017 5:41 PM
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Posted by fd343ny on 8/29/2017 2:19:00 PM (view original):
except for Naismith, where the champions list is of critical importance, you are right it is of low significance.

But, I think it would be smart for WIS to accomplish something in HD that signals that the new ownership management is energized. Low hanging fruit.
Oooh I get it. Congrats on the title with Maryland!
8/29/2017 9:29 PM
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seble - do ONE thing that will show you care Topic

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