Leahy- U of Pennsylvania 4 sale Topic

Posted by TBill7 on 2/24/2018 3:54:00 PM (view original):
I'm still not sure that I can really assume he is trying to profit, at all. To me, the profit angle is interesting. What if somebody offered $60 for three great seasons? Is it ethical to profit? If you say no, then what about if someone offered him $30 for his team and an extra $30 for extensive coaching advice? To me, it's still largely a matter of intent.
Thank you TBill, No I am not trying to make a profit. I was just hoping to find someone that would love Penn like I have over the many seasons I have had it. When I went to Penn, we had the likes of Steinrat (May he rest in peace), 85bears, bulldogchief, duckfan95, nelsonba25, rcain, how_roark, ram_tough1, nigbrunyee, to name just a few. Penn had not won anything at that point and I have built it into the most dominate team in Leahy DIAA. We have even won exhibition games against some of the elite DI schools in the past (Notre Dame, Florida, to name just a couple) The game has not changed or improved and has become stale. I am not trying to bypass or take advantage of anything or anyone. My track record has proven my character to those that know me. kcsundevel, DeBegue, and anyone else that would like to accuse me of cheating doesn't know me and hasn't had any dealings with me. Like I stated, MY track record speaks for itself. As well as those that I have helped in the past.

I will not be put into a category with the likes of tigerpark or JConte, both of them should be removed from the record books with in the games for their cheating.

DeBegue, the heat in the kitchen is just fine, because I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of. I was just trying to not let what has happened to so many great teams happen with Penn.

kcsundevil, I now remember what I had you blocked in my forums. Your all about controversy, judging, rulesy, and really just suck the life out of things. You must be an attorney. You really should try to get a life.

If I was trying to do something wrong, I would not have posted in the forums. I just thought this would be the best place to find someone to take over the team. Don't worry, I will be gone soon and I like many of the other great coaches, wont be back. We have been here since the beginning or almost the beginning and have seen many changes thru the company being sold, changes in programmers, etc.....I have been a part of the beta tests as well as working with others on various help aids. I will miss the relationships I have made thru this game, but I wont miss those that just want to be judge, jury, executioner(one of the reasons I usually stayed out of the forums).

2/25/2018 6:38 AM
Posted by donald3030 on 2/25/2018 6:38:00 AM (view original):
Posted by TBill7 on 2/24/2018 3:54:00 PM (view original):
I'm still not sure that I can really assume he is trying to profit, at all. To me, the profit angle is interesting. What if somebody offered $60 for three great seasons? Is it ethical to profit? If you say no, then what about if someone offered him $30 for his team and an extra $30 for extensive coaching advice? To me, it's still largely a matter of intent.
Thank you TBill, No I am not trying to make a profit. I was just hoping to find someone that would love Penn like I have over the many seasons I have had it. When I went to Penn, we had the likes of Steinrat (May he rest in peace), 85bears, bulldogchief, duckfan95, nelsonba25, rcain, how_roark, ram_tough1, nigbrunyee, to name just a few. Penn had not won anything at that point and I have built it into the most dominate team in Leahy DIAA. We have even won exhibition games against some of the elite DI schools in the past (Notre Dame, Florida, to name just a couple) The game has not changed or improved and has become stale. I am not trying to bypass or take advantage of anything or anyone. My track record has proven my character to those that know me. kcsundevel, DeBegue, and anyone else that would like to accuse me of cheating doesn't know me and hasn't had any dealings with me. Like I stated, MY track record speaks for itself. As well as those that I have helped in the past.

I will not be put into a category with the likes of tigerpark or JConte, both of them should be removed from the record books with in the games for their cheating.

DeBegue, the heat in the kitchen is just fine, because I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of. I was just trying to not let what has happened to so many great teams happen with Penn.

kcsundevil, I now remember what I had you blocked in my forums. Your all about controversy, judging, rulesy, and really just suck the life out of things. You must be an attorney. You really should try to get a life.

If I was trying to do something wrong, I would not have posted in the forums. I just thought this would be the best place to find someone to take over the team. Don't worry, I will be gone soon and I like many of the other great coaches, wont be back. We have been here since the beginning or almost the beginning and have seen many changes thru the company being sold, changes in programmers, etc.....I have been a part of the beta tests as well as working with others on various help aids. I will miss the relationships I have made thru this game, but I wont miss those that just want to be judge, jury, executioner(one of the reasons I usually stayed out of the forums).

Ok, but why didn't you just set your team to "Not renew"?
2/25/2018 9:27 AM
Donald, I have no beefs with you and acknowledge what you have done at Penn. I have to agree with kcsundevil in that it is not up to you to choose your successor. From what I have seen in the past is that most coaches that have a great team and want to see a good coach take it over post in the forums as you did, but they just let everyone know that they are leaving instead of offering it up for money. That way maybe some good coaches who were not really planning on leaving their current team might consider it but would not have looked at the jobs menu. As much as you like your Penn team, you either need to stick with it and ride it out or just let it go!
2/25/2018 10:22 AM
Posted by kcsundevil on 2/25/2018 9:27:00 AM (view original):
Posted by donald3030 on 2/25/2018 6:38:00 AM (view original):
Posted by TBill7 on 2/24/2018 3:54:00 PM (view original):
I'm still not sure that I can really assume he is trying to profit, at all. To me, the profit angle is interesting. What if somebody offered $60 for three great seasons? Is it ethical to profit? If you say no, then what about if someone offered him $30 for his team and an extra $30 for extensive coaching advice? To me, it's still largely a matter of intent.
Thank you TBill, No I am not trying to make a profit. I was just hoping to find someone that would love Penn like I have over the many seasons I have had it. When I went to Penn, we had the likes of Steinrat (May he rest in peace), 85bears, bulldogchief, duckfan95, nelsonba25, rcain, how_roark, ram_tough1, nigbrunyee, to name just a few. Penn had not won anything at that point and I have built it into the most dominate team in Leahy DIAA. We have even won exhibition games against some of the elite DI schools in the past (Notre Dame, Florida, to name just a couple) The game has not changed or improved and has become stale. I am not trying to bypass or take advantage of anything or anyone. My track record has proven my character to those that know me. kcsundevel, DeBegue, and anyone else that would like to accuse me of cheating doesn't know me and hasn't had any dealings with me. Like I stated, MY track record speaks for itself. As well as those that I have helped in the past.

I will not be put into a category with the likes of tigerpark or JConte, both of them should be removed from the record books with in the games for their cheating.

DeBegue, the heat in the kitchen is just fine, because I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of. I was just trying to not let what has happened to so many great teams happen with Penn.

kcsundevil, I now remember what I had you blocked in my forums. Your all about controversy, judging, rulesy, and really just suck the life out of things. You must be an attorney. You really should try to get a life.

If I was trying to do something wrong, I would not have posted in the forums. I just thought this would be the best place to find someone to take over the team. Don't worry, I will be gone soon and I like many of the other great coaches, wont be back. We have been here since the beginning or almost the beginning and have seen many changes thru the company being sold, changes in programmers, etc.....I have been a part of the beta tests as well as working with others on various help aids. I will miss the relationships I have made thru this game, but I wont miss those that just want to be judge, jury, executioner(one of the reasons I usually stayed out of the forums).

Ok, but why didn't you just set your team to "Not renew"?
I think he answered that kc. Having left myself once before with successful programs but not to the extent that he has, I hated to watch them wither. It is like giving a pet you love to someone you don’t know.
2/25/2018 12:12 PM
The pet analogy stirs the heartstrings, but it's apples to oranges.

If you don't want your imaginary Penn team to wither, keep coaching it. You can't have it both ways.
2/25/2018 12:37 PM
It’s not apples to oranges imho, but you are allowed yours. If WIS allows the action, you can have it both ways. Ultimately, it is their call, not mine, yours, or his.

2/25/2018 3:46 PM
Didn't swamphawk22 get in trouble for something similar?
2/25/2018 6:01 PM
Posted by holdaway on 2/25/2018 3:46:00 PM (view original):
It’s not apples to oranges imho, but you are allowed yours. If WIS allows the action, you can have it both ways. Ultimately, it is their call, not mine, yours, or his.

You're right, but it took 2 years of user complaints for WIS to do something about tigerpark. Then they banned him.

And yes, unfortunately, that is the category we're working in here.
2/25/2018 6:50 PM
Posted by bfkfraser on 2/25/2018 6:01:00 PM (view original):
Didn't swamphawk22 get in trouble for something similar?
Was he the one who tried to sell his account on eBay? That was a hilarious sequence of events that WIS put a stop to, but I don't remember the user names involved.
2/25/2018 6:58 PM
To clarify, we do not allow selling accounts. We reserve the right to close the account if we find out it's been sold. Thanks.
2/26/2018 10:10 AM
Topic closed. (Seble drops mic....exits stage left)
2/26/2018 11:54 AM
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Hello Dolly . Namaste.
Here is the I bought gallon of milk and drank 1.5 glasses of it and then found it was sour so my stomach hurt so much that finally I wanted a refund - and the repayment of my hospital costs for pumping my stomach .
I hope I presented my argument "clearly, logicly and concisely" !(what argument neither you nor I know. Just thought I could rant a little using the gallon of milk theory :)
2/28/2018 9:09 AM
"what seble is saying is that when a customer purchases a pack of seasons and chooses to not play the game anymore, that person can not find a way to get back that money?" That's not what he is saying at all.

"I am left with...what?" Well, if you are a petulant child, "Dumping the team out of spite? Abandonment? Screwing with other teams (a.k.a Tigerpark)."
If you are an adult, walk away or contact WIS to politely inquire whether some refund or other options are available.

Now drink your milk .
2/28/2018 11:28 AM
Posted by dalailama12 on 2/28/2018 7:05:00 AM (view original):
Not to defend Donald here (we have been knocking heads in Leahy for a while), but what seble is saying is that when a customer purchases a pack of seasons and chooses to not play the game anymore, that person can not find a way to get back that money? That rubs me the wrong way. I get the whole selling accounts thing, but to get some cash back, seems a bit off. So, now I am Donald (who by the way will NEVER do this), I can not sell my account, I can not transfer my account to someone else who will then pay me on the side for the seasons I have remaining, I am left with...what? Dumping the team out of spite? Abandonment? Screwing with other teams (a.k.a Tigerpark)? What if Donald needs to scrape together money for cancer treatment for this mom/wife/brother?

Now before everyone jumps on the "I buy a gallon of milk, drink 2 glasses of it and want a partial refund" analogy, think about this. The marginal cost of adding seasons is ZERO for WIS, therefore if the WIS policy is "once bought, always bought" when it comes to seasons, Donald can do whatever the hell he wants with the account, if he is not allowed to transfer it, and those who then winge and whine about it can thank WIS for this issue. Hell, if I didn't hate Penn so much, I'd sitemail Donald and get the account for my 12 year old son, who by the way is currently running my Concord team. Am I now in breach because he uses my email and password to log in?

Bottom line: I am proud to be a member of this community, and subject to a few jackasses who occasionally pop-up, most here are just folks looking to find like-minded folks who enjoy simulations. And on the whole, WIS is a damn good one. Lets just try and stop acting like every minor thing is a McCarthy Hearing or Salem Witch Hunt. Behind every one of these stupid user IDs is a person. A real flesh and blood person. Sometimes as a community we forget that.

Refund Policy for Dynasty Games. You may be eligible to receive a refund for unused Dynasty Game (with the exception of Hardball Dynasty Game, which is governed by C.1 above) seasons if the request comes before the renewal deadline for the current Dynasty Game season you are participating in. If the unused seasons were purchased as part of a multi-pack, the maximum refund you may receive will be for the balance of the purchase amount minus the used seasons at the non-discounted price. For example, if you purchase a 10 pack of Hoops Dynasty seasons for $99.95 and use 5 of those seasons and request a refund for the remaining 5 seasons, you would receive a refund of $35.20 ($99.95 - (5 x $12.95)).
2/28/2018 11:56 AM
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Leahy- U of Pennsylvania 4 sale Topic

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