My Red Sauks team is surprising the s@*t out of me! I did a major reconstruction last draft.......... 11 new players if I remember right.

It kinda seems Christie and Hillary are in that same "boat"............ everyone believes they "did it" but nobody/few really want to go the the stinky process of trying to convict them. It's done.............. he ain't Governor any/much longer.......... what's the point?

It's kinda like Joe Arpaio down in Maricopa County. He's under indictment............ so what? It's a likely maximum sentence of probation. The voters voted him out/gone/kaput........... why spend our tax dollars prosecuting him for no real meaning. He got his biggest punishment............ His ego was hurt. He lost soundly. I don't even think Trump would be goofy enough to appoint a publicity hound seventy something sloppy loud-mouth to any position.............. Oh, wait. At least I hope not!
11/17/2016 2:38 PM
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Sessions is more likely to get the Sec of Defense post...Romney is a money guy. Either Treasury, or an advisory role. Not sure if he makes it into the inner circle. This meeting might just be to smooth things over between them. Gingrich is likely a finalist for Sec of State. Don't underestimate his smarts. Very knowledgeable guy...
11/17/2016 7:05 PM (edited)
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The only spots announced so far are Priebus and Bannon. Everything else is rumor...
11/17/2016 9:13 PM
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He was House Speaker. Not a clown. Infidelity issues sunk his career.
11/18/2016 7:04 AM
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served his wife with divorce papers while she was in the hospital battling cancer with her life on the line....nice.
11/18/2016 11:17 AM
Things I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving season:
1) WW3 with Russia has been called off.
2) Western culture will cease being displaced in the United States at least for a while.
3) Obamacare will be repealed.
4) We should get some Supreme Court justices who will actually do their job, correctly interpreting law and providing a check against the abuse of power of the other two branches, rather than these nutjob progressives who think that the constitution is a postmodern document that says anything you want it to.
5) Not sure how seriously Trump will take the national debt, but we know that the other party does not consider debt a problem at all.
11/18/2016 12:09 PM
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Bill Clinton had Republican legislators and an excellent economy. Do you think Bill Clinton would support an amendment to the constitution requiring a balanced budget? Well, if he had progressive justices, the amendment wouldn't matter I guess...

George Bush was a terrible president. The Bush family thinks that the Ring of Power is a wonderful tool that can be wielded to make the world a better place. I do not. I hope for your sake, if you ever appear in court, that the judge presiding over your case doesn't view the law as a "living document" and shoots you straight. There is literally no point in passing laws or declaring rights if society isn't willing to adopt a consistent interpretation of those laws/rights. I've been to places in the world where the "law" changes day to day and no one is sure what the rules are. Not fun.

The government shouldn't be involved in health care.

I really enjoy other cultures too and enjoy spending time overseas in those cultures. I do not wish, however, for multiple cultures to squabble over who has control over my family and our resources. People vote for their culture's/people's interest, and continue to do so generation after generation. The more distinct cultures you have in a country, the more squabbling factions you get competing for power. African Americans, for example, have been in this country for hundreds of years, but still vote as a group for their interests and their interests alone. Multiplying that conflict by importing as many cultures as possible is self destructive.

Additionally, concerning culture, western culture is uniquely responsible for the wonderful first world you live in. It is unique in its fight for small government, unique in its fight for individual freedoms like free speech, freedom of conscience, and various freedoms from tyranny. It is unique in its tolerance and respect for all of its members, notably women. If you displace western culture, you get rid of many, though not all, of the features that has made America so wonderful and prosperous. If culture is irrelevant, then the question must be asked why most other countries in the world are not as prosperous and advanced in virtue as the US. The question must be asked, if we import tens of million of, say, Mexicans, why would we not expect our country to become more and more like Mexico?

You can't surrender if you aren't in a war. You can, however, have peace, safety, and a booming economy.
11/18/2016 1:50 PM (edited)
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So, in the course of debate, right here in this thread, I've been called a "true left-wing liberal" (which in the STRICT interpretation of course, is no insult as our Constitution is, at it's core, a liberal document).........but to demonstrate how such labels have become completely meaningless, and serve only to further the divide between us Americans I'd like to point this out. I quote from an above poster (whom I think it's safe to assume leans toward the right):

"Additionally, concerning culture, western culture is uniquely responsible for the wonderful first world you live in. It is unique in its fight for small government, unique in its fight for individual freedoms like free speech, freedom of conscience, and various freedoms from tyranny. It is unique in its tolerance and respect for all of its members, notably women. If you displace western culture, you get rid of many, though not all, of the features that has made America so wonderful and prosperous. If culture is irrelevant, then the question must be asked why most other countries in the world are not as prosperous and advanced in virtue as the US. The question must be asked, if we import tens of million of, say, Mexicans, why would we not expect our country to become more and more like Mexico? "

I agree completely with Boogerlips statement. Does that make me a racist? Of course not? What am I?
An American, that's all. No more, no less.
However, I think MOST Americans want to "absorb" and integrate the BEST of Mexican "culture" and integrate it INTO our own culture......... for our own benefit. Kinda like Pizza, or Chow Mein lol

I like Tacos, and Mexican Senoritas. I don't like squalor, disease, corruption, and poverty. Why can't we have one, without the other?
I think we can. We have nothing to fear from the "say, Mexicans" nor anyone else. Our culture is secure. The whole world wants it. Even normal Iranians.
Our movies are watched and desired, as is our music, etc. We've absorbed much from others' culture and made it into our own.
What's the problem? Who is it, you think, that wants to "displace Western Culture"? Certainly NOT us true left-wing liberals. I love my culture and my freedom. And I understand why others would want to share in it--by living here. They are welcome to the same freedom I have. Again, no more and no less.
The jihadists hate us BECAUSE of our culture, our ability to sponge ideas and ways of doing and thinking from everywhere and turning out a better stew.
They're AFRAID of us. They think they must exterminate us. That is useless. It doesn't work. You can't exterminate a way of life. Ask any Indian.

America is like a stew. As Ed Abbey told us, you've gotta stir it, to keep the scum from rising to the top.
Right now, the "Right" think Trump is their "stir"............... Hopefully they are right.

If not......... then there's a big stir coming. The Republicans have a lot of folks to make happy and a lot of problems on their hands.
The repeat of another failed and corrupt Republican administration (think 1972 or so) NOW, in this age of all day all the time media would be catastrophic I think.

In that case, we better hope the stir doesn't become a tempest.
11/18/2016 2:50 PM (edited)
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