The Second Greatest Thread in Forum History. Topic

I needed to amp up my street cred fast. What could I say to impress him? "I'm looking worse than Carl Weathers", "you've just bent my All lives matter button", " I'm on close speaking terms with caesari", "can't we all just get along", "I just rode all the way down here with The Well dressed man drinking PABST BLUE RIBBON, f--k" I needed Josey Wales. If he told this thug "dyin' ain't much of a livin' boy" I would be clean out of trouble.
11/2/2016 8:20 PM
Blackness. All was blackness. And Darkness. Blackness and Darkness. And Emptiness. Blackness, Darkness, Emptiness. Could Elliot Ness be too far behind? Or Loch Ness? But no, that was the delirium talking.

Then came the pain. Excruciating, unendurable pain. Pain that is not just felt, not just experienced. Pain was existence. Existence was Pain. Resistance was futile. Mercifully the blackness returned.

This cycle repeated itself, time and time again, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, years. Time was a vague memory, an abstraction, a concept held by a long dead - or dying - sense of being. Pain. Blackness. Pain. Blackness. Pain... Pain... Pain.... Slowly, awareness returned. Something far in the distance. Out of reach, but coming closer. Grasping, clawing, desperately reaching for that sense of being... and there it was again. A sound. A.... voice?

"Is that a Farm Burger under Bob's face?" 2Chair asked, stumbling through the smoke and wreckage of Air Force 2Chair.
11/2/2016 8:21 PM
TBill7 drifted in and out of consciousness in a foggy haze in which the horrors of his nightmares was exceeded only by the excruciating misery of his reality. Thinking TBill7 unconscious, Mr. T was watching Joanie Loves Chachi reruns.

"Fools!" Mr T was yelling at the TV. "This show is funny! Why was it cancelled?"
Suddenly, TBill7's pain eased a bit. He thought he heard ... was it ... something by Ennie Morricone? Yes! So beautiful...TBill7 felt his coat being pulled over him. Looking over, he saw Blondie from The Good The Bad and The Ugly leaning over him. Blonde put a cigarette to TBill'7's mouth. "Am I dying" he whispered despite his parched throats and agonizing pain.
"Wake up baby,"said a woman's voice.
TBill7 realized the coat and cigarette from Blondie had been a dream. Now Blondie from The Clermont Lounge in Atlanta was kneeling over him. "You want a table dance, baby?"
Although Blondie's hair was blonde, she was an African American lady.
"Are you a natural blonde?" he asked Blondie groggily.
"$10.00 to see it all," said Blondie.
"FOOL!" yelled Mr T. "This my table dance! I pity the fool who steals my table dance!"
Mr T knocked TBill7 back into blessed unconsciousness.
11/4/2016 1:40 PM (edited)
The boys from South Park were reading this thread. "What a douche" said Kyle. "Yeah" replied Cartman "That TBill can't beat up anybody" "No. no." said Kyle, "2chair is the douche. He's sadistic and writes lots of mean things" Cartman: "No. no TBill is the douche, he can't beat up anybody" "Look" said Stan, "Nobody is a douche." "2chair is having fun and nobody is getting hurt" "TBill is the center of attention and nobody is getting hurt" Chef, being the oldest and wisest knew how to solve this. "Any of you boys got $10? I wanna go see Blondie."
11/4/2016 8:31 PM
Why didn't anyone from South Park think Mr T was a douche? Mr T likes Joanie Loves Chachi!! Mr T was in DC Cab!!!

Oh, and he beat TBill7's face into something that resembled raw Spam.

But come on! Joanie Loves Chachi?
11/5/2016 10:23 AM
The South Park kids, being kids and having short attention spans were quickly on to something else, with the exception of Stan who still had thoughts about Heidi Klum. Kyle liked bhazelwood but had temporarily forgotten everything except the new Iron Man 4 1/2 Series action figures that were being incessantly advertised his favorite cartoon show. Butters was ****** (to the limited extent that Butters can be pizzed) "Geez fellas, why couldn't I have been in the last post, darn" The underground brain trust, having realized what a good job Dennis Hopper had done, were deciding how to use him next. caesari said "We should send him out as the "Well dressed Man He's the greatest manaic I've ever seen." bhazelwood: "Maybe we should save him as the closer. What do you think 2chair?......
11/5/2016 12:33 PM (edited)
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