$52 Million Commentary LVIII Topic

I SM'd beach some of my thoughts too, but if it could help anyone else I'll add a brief summary.

Like everyone is saying, Beach is saying a lot of smart things. If I were to add anything, it would be this: As a person who does mentor HS students, I would just encourage all parents to have relationships with other adults that the parents trust. Sometimes, it's just easier for kids to talk to an uncle, aunt, coach, etc... about certain things. It takes a village.
5/10/2017 1:45 PM
Thanks, fellas. I really appreciate the thoughtful thoughts.
5/10/2017 1:46 PM
Why do you guys assume that whoever she got weed form is 'bad news'? I think that's more dangerous than anything else, to be honest. Stereotyping and prejudging are more dangerous to our society than anyone smoking weed. Obviously, you guys don't smoke.... People who smoke know other people who smoke and they know people who grow. They all get it for each other, whenever the need may arise. The 'gangster weed dealer' is a figment of propaganda.. Idk where any of you live- but seriously, you make me laugh with the 'dangerous drug dealer' sh1t. Old people and retired doctors and lawyers grow weed- trust me. Gangs deal real drugs that people get addicted to and fiend for.. bc they know the customer supply will never run out- and they will do anything to get the money... Weed isn't like that- it just isn't.... She probably got it from the straight A students who grabbed a little out of her grandma's bag when she wasn't looking. Which is FAR less concerning than if she had some of grandma's opioids/opiates....
5/10/2017 1:48 PM
For clarity, my girlfriends brother also smokes and she has him buy it for her and she pays him after because the dealer is a sketchy person in general. Not every source is going to be someone who is sketchy, but the potential is clearly there, hence why there should always be concern for the unknown.

Final add in. I've known and know a lot of drug dealers personally and I am certain I've been around more drugs than most. Obviously I know who I associate with, but not everyone would know the kind of people that they are dealing with.
5/10/2017 2:09 PM (edited)
I take your point, miles, and I won't make any assumptions about the source but I can imagine either scenario. Of course I know some very innocuous people who use a lot of the stuff. Of the few people I've known who clearly grew and distributed it, most were pretty innocuous and a few were also dealing in much more serious stuff and involved in transactions with a much rougher crowd.

Anyway, I didn't mean to hijack this thread. I'm grateful for the responses.
5/10/2017 1:55 PM
And I hope my team gels. I've got four players I've never used before, at least at this cap level.
5/10/2017 1:56 PM
Miles, what you are explaining above is adults getting weed.
A teenager getting weed does not have the same resources and my experience the ones who sell to teenagers are the ones that need to be slapped. Sure there is the cool aunt/cousin that will share their stash, but the overall point was to rule out where she got it.
Nobody is saying she got it from some gangsta, but glad we could provide a laugh.
5/10/2017 2:01 PM
Posted by bkbillups on 5/10/2017 2:01:00 PM (view original):
Miles, what you are explaining above is adults getting weed.
A teenager getting weed does not have the same resources and my experience the ones who sell to teenagers are the ones that need to be slapped. Sure there is the cool aunt/cousin that will share their stash, but the overall point was to rule out where she got it.
Nobody is saying she got it from some gangsta, but glad we could provide a laugh.
5/10/2017 2:07 PM
Posted by beachhouse on 5/10/2017 2:09:00 PM (view original):
For clarity, my girlfriends brother also smokes and she has him buy it for her and she pays him after because the dealer is a sketchy person in general. Not every source is going to be someone who is sketchy, but the potential is clearly there, hence why there should always be concern for the unknown.

Final add in. I've known and know a lot of drug dealers personally and I am certain I've been around more drugs than most. Obviously I know who I associate with, but not everyone would know the kind of people that they are dealing with.
The point I was making is that she probably didn't get it from a 'pot dealer'... Are there 'pot dealers'? Yeah there are... But that's not how it really works in most communities- most of the time.. She won't get caught in the presence of a drug dealer unless shes hanging out at a drug dealer's house... If she's hanging out at drug drealers' houses- then that's different from having a dime bag in her sock drawer.. Isn't it??? Anyway- it's very unlikely she got it from a 'drug dealer'. I started smoking when I was 24... I smoke very occasionally before then- first time I was 14 or 15. I smoke everyday. I have a job that allows me to work 6 months out of the year and make a decent living- I work part time the other 6 months, just to keep busy and have extra money-- I'm not wealthy by any means.. I've always done well in school- before and after I started smoking- always made A's on every test- and I am considering going to a specialized school for a specialized career- haven't decided.. Anyway.... Old, retired people are the growers... The 'dealers' are there friends who get enough from them for themselves and 'maybe' 3 of their best friends... And those 3 best friends do the same for him and each other... They don't carry guns and they aren't in trouble with the law... They are respectable people who are sigmatized because a corrupt government in the pocket of lobbyists have decided to outlaw a plant with medicinal qualities, to protect the profits of timber, lumber, oil, and pharmaceutical companies... Yeah- 'IF' the girl is hanging out with drug dealers- then that's not goods news- but let's be real, here? What are the chances of that, opposed to the chances that one of her friends got a little bit from a friend who got a little bit from a friend who got a little bit from a friend.. Or who took a little out their brother/mother/grandma's stash??? Sorry to go on, but I truly do find it ridiculous.... TV is the worst drug of all- For real. It manipulates the brain and makes people believe unbelievable things... I could go on forever about that- but part of that is stereotyping...
5/10/2017 2:11 PM
I don't live in your country. I have friends who smoke weed, sell weed, do coke etc. I understand your point about stigma. Guns aren't an issue where I live anyways, so that wasn't really my point. I never said anything about the effects on brain function FWIW.

Source and Supplier doesn't equal dealer. There are so many people who get their weed from somewhere else and then they sell it for profit or to break even. Think about it in terms of this aspect. I buy a pound of weed for 600 (random number) then I turn around and sell 1/2 of that myself and make 600. So I smoke a 1/2 for free and break even. In most cases, those people are the sketchiest people. At least in my experience.
5/10/2017 2:24 PM (edited)
I speak with experience miles, not with an aggenda.
5/10/2017 2:18 PM
I'm a criminal defense attorney. I see people dealing with the direct and collateral consequences of marijuana possession on a weekly basis. Most of these people are in their teens and twenties. Older people tend to be discreet enough to stay out of trouble.

If I discovered one of my kids was carrying around and stashing pot, my biggest fear would be him getting caught. As enlightened and tolerant as we may be, I can assure you that your local cops, prosecutors, judges, and probation officers are not. I've had countless parents who've tried the scared straight approach (literally calling the cops on their kids) eventually calling my office to find out if the probation, community service, expensive drug and alcohol counseling, etc. will ever end. Happens all the time.
5/10/2017 3:12 PM
Posted by uptowngbv on 5/10/2017 3:12:00 PM (view original):
I'm a criminal defense attorney. I see people dealing with the direct and collateral consequences of marijuana possession on a weekly basis. Most of these people are in their teens and twenties. Older people tend to be discreet enough to stay out of trouble.

If I discovered one of my kids was carrying around and stashing pot, my biggest fear would be him getting caught. As enlightened and tolerant as we may be, I can assure you that your local cops, prosecutors, judges, and probation officers are not. I've had countless parents who've tried the scared straight approach (literally calling the cops on their kids) eventually calling my office to find out if the probation, community service, expensive drug and alcohol counseling, etc. will ever end. Happens all the time.
Another good point guess it depends what state you live in on how they deal with possession

And Milest about where she got it from part. I think what we were trying to say (at least how I took it) is that where she got it was an unknown. Yes it could of been a straight A student and a good kid or something completely opposite. And I would think that would need to be found out.

I don't anyone of us meant it in the way you are saying
5/10/2017 3:51 PM
I've made sacrifices to get there, but I'm proud of my 54.3 orb% through the first 4 picks.
5/10/2017 3:52 PM
ltb....you might enjoy watching south parks "my future self n' me"

5/10/2017 4:11 PM
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