Are you leaving if YATZR tool will no longer work Topic

Posted by bagchucker on 7/23/2018 10:48:00 AM (view original):
Your ignorance is astounding! PHFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT
Mr. Linder, are you saying Pann, Pam, Pomb, Pans? Call Jr to solve the Pam, Pan dilemma.
7/23/2018 3:16 PM
I will most likely depart if yatzr tools are not working. I've said it before...his tools make the game "playable" for me. My entire method of coaching is based on the use of his tools. Without them, its like the Athletic Director just fired my whole staff of assistant coaches, leaving me to do it all alone. Not going to happen.
7/23/2018 5:52 PM
Leaving when prepaid seasons are gone.
7/23/2018 9:27 PM
Might be changing my mind. I just tried to use the game analyzer and it didn't work. I use that more than the recruiting tool.
7/23/2018 9:35 PM
Has someone emailed him to find out if he plans on changing his tools to work with the revised site? What is his email?
7/24/2018 10:54 AM
Honestly, what is so time consuming about recruiting without the Yatzr tool?

You set your Role Ratings.

Search by role rating with a secondary category of Work Ethic (if you want to view anything else you didn't set your Role Ratings correctly). You can use the filters if you want but they really aren't needed.

Look at the list, choose a few guys you want to recruit for each position and send them an AC scout.

Don't be a douche and spam out AC calls to Undecided players.

Then go through the emails and find the high potential players. This part is the most time consuming, it takes about 5-10 minutes after the first cycle to do this depending on how many scouts you sent out (usually about 3x the # of scholarships).

Recruit the guys you want to recruit with campus visits. Tip: if you are pressed for time, send them in groups of 5.

So it takes about 10-15 minutes in the first cycle to find the guys you want to recruit and then send them AC scouts. There is a 24 hour window for this step.

10-15 minutes in the second cycle to go through the emails and recruit the high potential guys.

Every cycle after that takes less than 5 minutes and can easily be done through cell phone. I'll agree that if you need to do those first two parts on mobile, they will take a bit longer but you weren't using these tools on mobile before either. It's hard to see people complain about how much time recruiting takes without the Yatzr app and then you look and they are running a team in every world.
7/24/2018 12:25 PM
Posted by marlove on 7/22/2018 9:10:00 AM (view original):
Gone, dropping all 4 of my teams.
Right on! Because how will you continue to dominate D3 in four worlds without a bot to give you a fair chance against the n00bs?
7/24/2018 12:35 PM
Posted by jeffn48 on 7/24/2018 12:25:00 PM (view original):
Honestly, what is so time consuming about recruiting without the Yatzr tool?

You set your Role Ratings.

Search by role rating with a secondary category of Work Ethic (if you want to view anything else you didn't set your Role Ratings correctly). You can use the filters if you want but they really aren't needed.

Look at the list, choose a few guys you want to recruit for each position and send them an AC scout.

Don't be a douche and spam out AC calls to Undecided players.

Then go through the emails and find the high potential players. This part is the most time consuming, it takes about 5-10 minutes after the first cycle to do this depending on how many scouts you sent out (usually about 3x the # of scholarships).

Recruit the guys you want to recruit with campus visits. Tip: if you are pressed for time, send them in groups of 5.

So it takes about 10-15 minutes in the first cycle to find the guys you want to recruit and then send them AC scouts. There is a 24 hour window for this step.

10-15 minutes in the second cycle to go through the emails and recruit the high potential guys.

Every cycle after that takes less than 5 minutes and can easily be done through cell phone. I'll agree that if you need to do those first two parts on mobile, they will take a bit longer but you weren't using these tools on mobile before either. It's hard to see people complain about how much time recruiting takes without the Yatzr app and then you look and they are running a team in every world.
Well for those of us that like to factor in recruit work ethic and recruit for particular roles the tool makes that easier than modifying every role rating within gd. Also we all know that early campus visits are often declined so sending them 5 at a time is risky .. send them 1 at a time so you have a better chance of getting on the recruits radar.

Spamming AC calls may be frowned upon by some but it is a valid recruiting action and is easier via the tool.

Reading the messages is time consuming especially since the next and previous buttons seem to navigate you randomly through the mailbox and won't even get to every message (is it just me?). And then when you are done reading them there is no where in gd to make notes on player potential so you are forced to either remember it, record that somewhere else, refer back the message, or use your priority list for that purpose.
7/24/2018 1:45 PM
You use the second search parameter to define work ethic, so when you are looking through recruits to target you see 2 things: role rating and work ethic. Just don't target the guys with low work ethic.

In the reports, you only need to read the top line. Have one window open with the emails, and another with your recruiting board. When you read an email that gives you one of the high potential lines, move the player to high priority. Don't take any action and click to the next email if its not a high potential message.

You're right regarding the emails getting out of order sometimes, it's annoying. When that happens just refresh the email page and start again from the last unread scouting report.

Regarding spamming out AC calls, just think what a stupid mess it would make if everyone did it.
7/24/2018 3:46 PM
Posted by jeffn48 on 7/24/2018 3:46:00 PM (view original):
You use the second search parameter to define work ethic, so when you are looking through recruits to target you see 2 things: role rating and work ethic. Just don't target the guys with low work ethic.

In the reports, you only need to read the top line. Have one window open with the emails, and another with your recruiting board. When you read an email that gives you one of the high potential lines, move the player to high priority. Don't take any action and click to the next email if its not a high potential message.

You're right regarding the emails getting out of order sometimes, it's annoying. When that happens just refresh the email page and start again from the last unread scouting report.

Regarding spamming out AC calls, just think what a stupid mess it would make if everyone did it.
Sure you can muscle through recruiting without yatzr tool. It just isn't as efficient. It also takes away a layer of strategy and tactics, which is a big part of the game for me. A good recruiting year for me is acquiring decent players without wasting money on expensive battles.

I can always tell when someone isn't using yatzr. They waste money on battles they will most likely lose, through a combination of factors. Having less scholarships, distance isn't in their favor, they are spending money on other battles vs a team that has their scholarships filled with greens and aren't involved in any battles. etc etc

Being able to identify a good player that is green with another team, but that team likely wont sign him because they have the position filled or have more greens than scholarships.

It makes recruiting more enjoyable. Both time wise and tactically.
7/24/2018 7:00 PM
Posted by jtimpa on 7/24/2018 10:54:00 AM (view original):
Has someone emailed him to find out if he plans on changing his tools to work with the revised site? What is his email?
I wish Jtimpa left last season, that way he would not have beaten me in the NC. Hehehehhehe.
7/24/2018 9:27 PM
Posted by jeffn48 on 7/24/2018 3:46:00 PM (view original):
You use the second search parameter to define work ethic, so when you are looking through recruits to target you see 2 things: role rating and work ethic. Just don't target the guys with low work ethic.

In the reports, you only need to read the top line. Have one window open with the emails, and another with your recruiting board. When you read an email that gives you one of the high potential lines, move the player to high priority. Don't take any action and click to the next email if its not a high potential message.

You're right regarding the emails getting out of order sometimes, it's annoying. When that happens just refresh the email page and start again from the last unread scouting report.

Regarding spamming out AC calls, just think what a stupid mess it would make if everyone did it.
yea I know how to use the filters but I want to order the recruits using rules by factoring in in a 50 overall with 60 WE > 52 ovr with 45 WE. It is not that I wouldn't take the 45 WE player...its that I would rather have the other. That is something I learned to do last session with yatzr and something that can't easily be replicated with gd ui.
7/24/2018 10:46 PM
Posted by kcsundevil on 7/24/2018 12:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by marlove on 7/22/2018 9:10:00 AM (view original):
Gone, dropping all 4 of my teams.
Right on! Because how will you continue to dominate D3 in four worlds without a bot to give you a fair chance against the n00bs?
Who are you? You seem pretty upset. Were you one of those n00bs that didn't have a "fair chance" with the same tools everyone else has? I pretty much played the game on auto pilot. Most of my effort was spent the first two days of recruiting and since I live in Thailand, that required me to stay awake the whole night (noon EST is 11pm here) or try to wake up and go back to sleep every few hours to recruit before I went to work in the morning. Actually, last month before we knew the tool wouldn't work anymore I told a few people that I would probably be leaving soon. The last couple of seasons I only started recruiting after signings had already started.

So to sum it all up.....EAD.
7/25/2018 11:13 AM
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I am down to 2 teams and likely will hang out with 1. I was on the fence before all of this.

Internet Explorer is the bigger killer, my work requires IE and no other browsers. So no Yatzr and I have to recruit from my phone as well while at work...I just have other things my $40 bucks a month could be used for that do not seem so hard to enjoy.
7/25/2018 4:39 PM
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Are you leaving if YATZR tool will no longer work Topic

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