TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

6/9/2019 7:49 PM
6/9/2019 8:03 PM
he asked for help from a foreign power to win an election

is why he got called up on the carpet

all this bullshit he's dealin with

due to his own big mouth
6/10/2019 12:53 AM
the most hated man in the world - for real.
so much whining.
6/10/2019 1:07 AM
only trump finds a way to only be able to negotiate with the allies by threatening them.
with friends like the usa who needs enemies....or enemas.
6/10/2019 1:11 AM
Posted by DougOut on 6/9/2019 8:03:00 PM (view original):
Didn't you here Doug? Proof is coming "soon".
6/10/2019 8:36 AM
soon is relative. It took over 2 years to "get" Nixon. Experienced liars are GOOD at covering their tracks.

I don't know why I bother to reason with you all3............. your judgment is VERY suspect. YOU pay attention to nutout!
6/10/2019 9:07 AM
i listen..all3 you herd.
6/10/2019 11:13 AM

blockbuster part deaux?
6/10/2019 1:53 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 6/10/2019 9:07:00 AM (view original):
soon is relative. It took over 2 years to "get" Nixon. Experienced liars are GOOD at covering their tracks.

I don't know why I bother to reason with you all3............. your judgment is VERY suspect. YOU pay attention to nutout!
Nixon didn't live in the times we do now. It was much easier to hide things then.
Also, there were nowhere near the same number of people spending every waking moment looking into Nixon as there are Trump.
You're trying to compare apples to oranges.
If you, or anyone, wants to dislike Trump for his policies, his dumb twitter comments, his terse manner, or whatever, that's fine, but I believe hanging on to hope that something is suddenly going to appear and prove Trump guilty of anything, shows FAR more suspect judgement than I ever have.
6/10/2019 2:22 PM
sun glasses after dark......with ear plugs......what did trump say about killing someone on 5th ave and none of his supporters or defenders would mind.
6/10/2019 2:24 PM
nixon still had about 30 % approval up to the day he resigned.....this type is baked in.
6/10/2019 2:27 PM
The debates have been kinda lame lately. So..........

Let me preface this with an attempt at an understanding of the subject.
One of my favorite (among many) Todd Snider songs is "Statistician's Blues" (Youtube it and enjoy!)
And most of us (we ALL should) know the old saying about stats and what they can be made to say.............


The numbers themselves can't be denied. They (the raw data) are FACTS!
You can argue the validity, or whether the numbers are being twisted, or even that the SOURCE is lying.
BUT, you can't deny the (basic) numbers.

Given all that. I have a topic for you to chew on, and some numbers to stir the stew, so to speak.

The numbers (raw data) I got out of an old newspaper article (12/31/1989)
The information the newspaper used came from Harper magazine's "patented" Harper's Index.
Again. You can't deny the raw numbers. THEY are FACT!

Consider this fact.

"During the 1980's our U.S. military aid given to the Gov't of El Salvador amounted to $700.00 each MINUTE" (for the decade!)

The (supposed) reason was to aid the Gov't of El Salvador end an on-going civil war.
The civil war was displacing and inflicting gross offenses against the indigenous people of El Salvador.
The evidence now reveals WE (the U.S. Gov't) were once again (albeit this time by proxy, tacitly) using the long time prescribed METHOD to deal with the indigenous (this time in Central America) peoples of our hemisphere-----Extermination!

Turns out we sent Millions and Millions of our $$$$$ to some tyrant who was going about slaughtering innocent women and children to send a message, and to (hopefully) end the uprising against the the Gov't of El Salvador.
The 1800's all over again. But not Navajos or Apaches, or Cherokees, but indigenous descendants of the Mayans (If I'm not mistaken).
And, (of course!) we got someone else to do the "dirty deeds" that needed done.
Google is your friend.
Try googling Reagan Policy on El Salvador-- "dirty deeds that need done" and see (for yourself) what you get!

What we NOW see on our border is the RESULT of our U.S. Governmental policy of the 70's and 80's.
Those displaced and impoverished indigenous peoples are fleeing and coming HERE looking for asylum.

My point is why aren't we ALL clamoring to KNOW what our $700.00 per minute for a DECADE was spent on??

It quite obviously was not spent effectively if the purpose was to better the people's lives and KEEP them living in their OWN lands, was it?

6/10/2019 3:18 PM
Some more interesting "facts" gleaned from the Harper's Index of late 1989.

1. In 1980 there were 30 soup kitchens in New York City. In 1989 there were 600.

2. In 1980 the U.S. Gov't spent $5.00 on our Military budget for EVERY $1.00 spent on "housing". In 1989 we spent $31.00 on the Military for EVERY $1.00 spent on housing.

3. The INCREASE (in constant dollars) in the median income of an American (since 1980) was $64.00. The INCREASE (in constant dollars) in the median cost of a new home (since 1980) was $16,170.00.

4. in 1981 1,077 "toxic waste sites" were targeted for "clean up" by the EPA Superfund. At the end of the decade 1,047 remained "hazardous". (That's right, exactly 30 were "cleaned up" to whatever extent THAT was determined to be!)

5. Change (in %) since 1980 that the richest 1% of American families payed in Federal Taxes --- -15% (That's minus 15%!)
Change (in %) since 1980 that the poorest 20% of American families payed in Federal Taxes --- 19% (That's plus 19%!)

6. In 1980 the total of ALL outstanding balances on U'S. credit cards was $54,894,000,000.00
on 1/1/1989 the total of ALL outstanding balances on US credit cards was $174,792,000,000.00

I'd honestly hate to know what it is now, given that many of those dollars are held by FOREIGN banks!
Because I grew up on a ranch this one is my favorite.

7. Since 1979 (thru the 80's--until late 1989) there was an 81% DROP in the amount of harvest combines sold in the U.S. Since 1980 (until late 1989!) there was a 130% INCREASE in the amount of "stretch limousines" sold in the U.S.!

Food For Feet!

6/10/2019 3:46 PM
Just who was it that held the presidency for ALL of the 1980's??

And just who did their policies benefit??

Not farmers.
Not the poorest 20% of us.
Not the El Salvadorans.

Just who?

It's pretty easy to decipher.
And is why I can NEVER support the Republican party again, like I (sometimes) used to.
I voted for Reagan.
I was WRONG!!

Never again will I make the mistake of thinking ANY Republican party has the middle class's interest at heart.
Only a blind fool would think that anymore!
6/10/2019 3:53 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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