BIDEN: Damn Fine President Today Topic

i will name the thing

watch me name the thing

i'm not from california how would i know


its their goddam election not mine

9/15/2021 1:11 PM
goddamit coyote
9/15/2021 1:14 PM
And as for the alleged rapist who had the charges dropped, you admit you don't know what reason the charges were dropped. Maybe it was lack of evidence. Maybe the girl refused to testify. Who knows? I don't. You certainly don't. You can find instances like that everywhere. Just because in that one case, the charges were dropped, that does not mean it is a constant thing in California or anywhere else.
9/15/2021 1:14 PM
Plastic Jesus won't give you a blowjob!
9/15/2021 1:19 PM
what is a constant thing in cali is Drive faster cut f*cks off and if a bad thing happens plow into em before the cops get there but turn on your blinker as you die to maintain the fiction
9/15/2021 1:20 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 9/15/2021 1:10:00 PM (view original):
You don't live in California, so how do you know so much about it? I have lived in California for 33 years, and truthfully I would not want to live anywhere else. What have the dems done for California? Why don't you check out our covid rate compared to Florida or Texas? Oh, wait covid is a hoax, right?
I understand why you would like living there. It is a beautiful place. Great climate. Canadians know world geography very well, probably more than most Americans.. by quite a margin. It's just who we are. .. long story.

I like La Jolla. I spent a winter there back in the day. Played a ton of Golf, and it was all good. and my tee shots flew 15 yards further than they do up here (Dry air.. 20% vs 50% humid) So a 6 iron here is a 7 iron there. Leaving Covid out of the conversation though. No point in going there.. Nobody wins, everyone disagrees.

Only thing wrong with California is some of the people who live there (I met some good ones though) . AND their politicians.. Your State Senator is a pervert, and an anti Christ. but... You are blessed to live in a place where you never shovel snow, or even need much more than a heavy sweater.. and the women are awesome.. I am too old for surfing, but it looks like a fun thing, once you get the basics down

What happened to Venice Beach though? Saw a clip of it.. quite long. It looked like a slum with tents of addicts and etc. and the place looked like a garbage dump.. people pooping on the beach, peeing on the walk. and I could smell it from here..1200 miles North of you San Francisco is even worse. This is sad, cuz 'Frisco is a great city, or used to be. Same with Carmel.

Anyways, g t go.

Arguing about Covid is an exercise in futility..
9/15/2021 1:28 PM
Posted by bagchucker on 9/15/2021 1:20:00 PM (view original):
what is a constant thing in cali is Drive faster cut f*cks off and if a bad thing happens plow into em before the cops get there but turn on your blinker as you die to maintain the fiction
I found Californians to be very good drivers. They let you in on the freeways and etc.. In canaduh we are too pig headed to think to do such a thing.. Well, some. Freeways were scary in L.A. , as everyone follows too close..
9/15/2021 1:31 PM
Lostnfound, whatever you do, do NOT look up Trump's history of rape allegations. DO NOT DO IT.
9/15/2021 4:42 PM
Trump was once put in a rape lineup and the victim was brought out and there was a little open window between her and the lineup.
The officer said loudly which one was it.
At that point Trump stepped out of line and said
” Officer - she was the one”.
9/15/2021 5:14 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 9/15/2021 1:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 9/15/2021 1:10:00 PM (view original):
You don't live in California, so how do you know so much about it? I have lived in California for 33 years, and truthfully I would not want to live anywhere else. What have the dems done for California? Why don't you check out our covid rate compared to Florida or Texas? Oh, wait covid is a hoax, right?
I understand why you would like living there. It is a beautiful place. Great climate. Canadians know world geography very well, probably more than most Americans.. by quite a margin. It's just who we are. .. long story.

I like La Jolla. I spent a winter there back in the day. Played a ton of Golf, and it was all good. and my tee shots flew 15 yards further than they do up here (Dry air.. 20% vs 50% humid) So a 6 iron here is a 7 iron there. Leaving Covid out of the conversation though. No point in going there.. Nobody wins, everyone disagrees.

Only thing wrong with California is some of the people who live there (I met some good ones though) . AND their politicians.. Your State Senator is a pervert, and an anti Christ. but... You are blessed to live in a place where you never shovel snow, or even need much more than a heavy sweater.. and the women are awesome.. I am too old for surfing, but it looks like a fun thing, once you get the basics down

What happened to Venice Beach though? Saw a clip of it.. quite long. It looked like a slum with tents of addicts and etc. and the place looked like a garbage dump.. people pooping on the beach, peeing on the walk. and I could smell it from here..1200 miles North of you San Francisco is even worse. This is sad, cuz 'Frisco is a great city, or used to be. Same with Carmel.

Anyways, g t go.

Arguing about Covid is an exercise in futility..
There are awful people who live everywhere...even Canada.
San Fransisco is still a great city. Lived one hour north of there for 30 years. Now I live 1 hour north of San Diego. There are awful politicians everywhere too. Of course the ones I think are awful are probably very different from the ones you think are awful.
9/15/2021 6:29 PM
Posted by DougOut on 9/15/2021 5:50:00 PM (view original):

Remember this guy?

Earlier this year the libs were having a hissy about him. Something about underage sex and sex trafficking and he was going to prison.

What ever happened? The libs got awful quiet about him.

Was Gaetz just another Kavanaugh? Another FAKE NEWS story? Or is he behind bars? Hmmmmm.............
Be patient Dougster.
Good things come to those who wait.
9/15/2021 8:11 PM
man has a fine head o hair
9/16/2021 6:46 AM
I believe that the cooperating witness is yet to be sentenced and another person was also charged and that was not resolved.
They will start case against Gaetz after those things are done.
That is the way these things work when they are setting up their cooperating witnesses.

9/16/2021 8:27 AM
Can you imagine how morally bankrupt a person would have to be, to be defending this Matt Gaetz character??
Or (at the least) completely blinded by bias and stupidity.

NOW you don't have to imagine.
We have our own Gaetz defender.
Dougout................ tells you all you need to know about that poster!
Brain dead, or just morally lacking.
9/16/2021 8:49 AM

Former Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert reaches settlement with man he abused as teenager

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) on Wednesday reached a tentative settlement with a man who accused him of child sexual abuse, suspending an unusual breach-of-contract lawsuit involving the $3.5 million Hastert agreed to pay the man in 2010. Hastert, 79, stopped the hush-money payments at $1.7 million, after the FBI questioned him in 2014 about large cash withdrawals he was illegally concealing, and the man filed suit in 2016, arguing Hastert still owed him $1.8 million from their verbal agreement.

"The hush-money deal would eventually lead to a federal criminal case against Hastert five years later and to public disgrace for the a GOP stalwart who, for eight years as House speaker, was second in the line of succession to the presidency," The Associated Press notes. Hastert served 15 months in federal prison, but because of expired statutes of limitation, he will face no criminal charges for allegedly sexually abusing the plaintiff, referred to as James Doe, and three other male students ages 14 to 17 when Hastert taught and coached wrestling at Yorkville High School decades ago.

The settlement was announced a day before the civil trial was scheduled to start in an Illinois courtroom outside Chicago. Lawyers for Hastert and Doe declined to give any details on the settlement. "A trial would likely have been emotionally draining for both Hastert and the man he abused, both of whom could have been called to testify," AP reports, and the judge in the case said Doe's real name would have been revealed at the trial.

"Frankly, I was looking forward to the trial," Doe's lawyer, Kristi Browne, said after Wednesday's hearing. "I would have loved to try this case. I think it was a good case. ... But this is a resolution my client is comfortable with."

9/16/2021 9:36 AM
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