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Been rejected by a 3rd  D2 recruit. All 3 of these recruits have dropped down from D1. It appears I am being rejected by all D2 recruits that started in D1 ... which I have never seen before.

So after 25 seasons of never having been rejected by a prospect in my own division (no matter what my prestige), now I have 3 in one less-than-24 hour recruiting period with an A+ prestige.
7/14/2011 6:12 PM
Posted by TRrrr on 7/14/2011 6:12:00 PM (view original):
Been rejected by a 3rd  D2 recruit. All 3 of these recruits have dropped down from D1. It appears I am being rejected by all D2 recruits that started in D1 ... which I have never seen before.

So after 25 seasons of never having been rejected by a prospect in my own division (no matter what my prestige), now I have 3 in one less-than-24 hour recruiting period with an A+ prestige.
I would let seble know exactly that. Send a ticket, or nothing will get addressed.
7/14/2011 9:16 PM
Posted by TRrrr on 7/14/2011 6:12:00 PM (view original):
Been rejected by a 3rd  D2 recruit. All 3 of these recruits have dropped down from D1. It appears I am being rejected by all D2 recruits that started in D1 ... which I have never seen before.

So after 25 seasons of never having been rejected by a prospect in my own division (no matter what my prestige), now I have 3 in one less-than-24 hour recruiting period with an A+ prestige.
I'm not really trying to be an ***, but they already admitted it's a glitch.  I know it's annoying, but they already admitted there's a problem.
7/14/2011 10:10 PM

At least CS acknowledged that there was a problem.  My personal opinion is that there are a few more problems than just the one they addressed though.  Too many coaches are reporting issues to think that just the one problem is the only problem.  And it's funny that they all seem to be showing up now.  It may not be true, but it certainly LOOKS like someone was tinkering behind the scenes and created some unintended issues.  And anyone who has been playing for any length of time knows that WIS is notorious for these kind of things.  Just hope they get all the issues worked out soon before it ends up as a major problem.

I guess what bugs me the most is the fact that after all these seasons we're still having issues like the ones that have been reported.  You would think that after this many seasons and this many real world months that the game would be running as smooth as could be.  Alas, not the case, obviously.  I know it's not this bad (at least I hope), but why do I feel like we're in paying-to-beta-test mode again?

7/14/2011 10:10 PM
The real problem to me is that you might then go waste real recruiting money on a guy showing up in your division who will completely ignore your efforts, but might not reject them outright. I rarely use "a simple phone call" alone in a cycle-- when a  recruit drops to me, I recruit him. 
7/15/2011 9:52 AM
This still happening?
7/16/2012 2:44 PM
Posted by valterlaw on 7/16/2012 2:44:00 PM (view original):
This still happening?
well, it was last year...
7/16/2012 4:27 PM
Ha...always love the resurrected posts.
7/16/2012 4:33 PM
A little late to chime in here, but here goes.....

I can't remember honestly if this was an Always thing or a sometimes thing, but the pulling of a scolly being listed in the history as a rejection by the recruit has been around for AGES.  I remember this clearly from the season 10-40 era in tark. TO be honest, the ONLY reason I remember this is because the first time I saw it, I sent a ticket to CS about it. I have also mentored many coaches and this usually came up at some point or another in their experiences.

Also, to chip in on another topic... I can't really say what the new admin is or isn't doing, but I am absolutely certain that Tarek was ALWAYS tinkering with the engine UN-announced. This was always hotly contested in the forums, as some of you will remember but things went screwy too often for that to NOT be happening. For 20 games, your team is cruising as a well oiled machine, and then all the sudden the whole works go flying off the tracks. Usually toward the latter half of conference play or if we were really lucky, right at Conference Tourney time. I didn't imagine this nor was I the only one to notice it. I'm willing to bet that several coaches who've posted here already will remember this as well, not just whoever mentioned it early on either.
7/20/2012 1:33 AM
well, a year later, or whatever, what disturbs me is this:

1) we know there is a bug where players will not take your effort even if they show in your divisional search. a couple years ago seble claimed it was always that way, but apparently by a year ago he realized it was a bug created in the engine rewrite. 

2) we know emy got a response from players, saying, you can NEVER recruit this player - but he could. scholarship pulled or not, that is unsettling. we have all come to believe when you get that message, its impossible to recruit the guy, and it wasn't.

so, are there other players out there, giving us the NO message, who you can recruit? i don't know, but CS is proposing to just use a phone call to sort it out. well, in emy's case, a phone call DOESNT sort it out. so what then? is that the only case?

but, what really bothers me is there is a major glitch in the recruiting system and a year later it hasn't been touched.
7/20/2012 6:52 PM (edited)
Posted by dacj501 on 7/16/2012 4:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by valterlaw on 7/16/2012 2:44:00 PM (view original):
This still happening?
well, it was last year...
I guess that answer might look, dickish? was going for wry and sardonic...

at any rate - I finally went back and reread the thread. There still seems to be an issue...

Here is a rather lengthy (pasted completely) exchange I had with CS regarding the D III not able to recruit player showing on the D III list issue. The "rescind scholarship" demon makes an appearance here as well... (in this exchange I included some sitemail and other posts from other users to try to convince CS I wasn't full of ****. I'll redact their names from this thread.)

Date User
6/24/2011 4:01 PM dacj501
Could you please tell me exactly what the "Projected Level" tag on the Recruiting Search screen does? If I select "Division 3" from this pull down menu what exactly does that mean?
6/24/2011 4:15 PM Customer Support
Thanks for the note. You indicate the talent level of the players that you want to find in your search for recruits.
6/24/2011 4:21 PM dacj501
So if I indicate Division three players, all the results will be available to my Division 3 team?
6/24/2011 9:25 PM Customer Support
Probably 99% of the time, they will be open to your efforts. There are rare cases where a player will drop after not getting any interest and show up in the search even though he won't be interested in going to a school at that level.
6/24/2011 11:35 PM dacj501
That makes sense - If a player starts out on my D III list before recruiting starts he should be available on the first cycle though right?
6/25/2011 12:10 PM Customer Support
6/25/2011 1:48 PM dacj501
In that case there must be an issue. Its well past first cycle now of course, and the player in question is now considering many other teams. BUT, Calvin McCune, a center from NJ, showed on my initial scouting search as a D III player. I took a screenshot. I can send if you need it. I sent him effort between 6 pm and 8 pm on opening day of recruiting. He rejected all phone calls and my scholarship offer out of hand. Before anyone else was considering him or before he could have dropped. No one else was considering him at 8 when he rejected me either, or for another couple cycles after that. I know of at least 1 conference mate suffering the same issue.
6/26/2011 1:55 PM Customer Support
It looks like you withdrew the scholarship, not that he rejected it.
6/26/2011 3:16 PM dacj501
Nope, I've noticed that it says that as well, but it also shows rejected scholarship - it is the third thing from the bottom showing on my recruiting history display for the player. He didn't reject the letters, but rejected phone calls and the scholarship offer. I still have screen shot if you want it.

I think it always shows that message when a scholarship is rejected, but I haven't seen it in a while. My history clearly shows rejected scholarship though, which he couldn't do if I rescinded it.
6/26/2011 4:00 PM dacj501
I'm not looking for any action about returning recruiting money or anything, I moved on and found another player, no worries, but you folks earlier in this exchange agreed that if a player starts on the D III search page he should be recruitable, and this kid wasn't. And a number of other coaches are seeing the same thing. We just want to be acknowledged and not made to feel like someone there thinks we are lying about this or something. If you tell me that there seems to be something, and seble will take a look at it for the next release but in the meantime send a phone call first to D III kids as a work around, I have no problem with that either, I just want to be treated honestly. I sent this kid of mine 40 phone calls and 40 letters and a scholarship between 6pm and 8pm on the first cycle of recruiting. He rejected all the calls and the scholarship, did not reject the letters. Only cost me $700, no big deal. Why would I be going through the trouble of sending this to you if it did not happen? What is the upside for me to make it up? I just want the game that I love and have spent a lot of time and money on to love me back a little and not act like I'm lying to them for no reason...
6/26/2011 7:05 PM Customer Support
Did you get any inbox responses from him? I don't see any. It sometimes helps for us to read the responses.

I'm certainly not accusing you of lying about anything, but often times we get tickets submitted where it's just a misunderstanding or someone looking at something wrong. If there is truly a problem then of course we want to track it down. The more information we have the more likely we'll be able to determine what happened.
6/26/2011 7:23 PM dacj501
I did have some responses, and before I decided to send this in I deleted them, but I think they were just the responses to the letters which weren't rejected. I wish I had them. I feared you'd need them.

I know this is happening, and I get that its hard to find it from your side. I will pay very close attention next season and retain every thing in case it happens again to help you find it.

He definitely was there prior to recruiting and definitely rejected phone calls and scholie though... [REDACTED] had the same thing happen, and I've sent him a sitemail to see if he got any inbox responses.

So far [HIGHLY REGARDED COACH A], [HIGHLY REGARDED COACH B]and [HIGHLY REGARDED COACH C] all have commented either in the forums or on our conference CC that it happened to them too.

Thanks for hearing me and trying to figure it out. If you can't do anything more with what info I have, I'll make sure to try to save it all next time.
6/26/2011 7:52 PM dacj501
[HIGHLY REGARDED COACH B] responded and sent me the messages he got from the two recruits that it happened with:

6/26/2011 7:44:00 PM
RE: do you have the responses

I don't have screenshots from my search screen (because that's not how I recruit, I dump everything into Excel).

But here is what I have for the two in my email. I don't have phone calls because they were rejected.

1. Coach Call

Hey Coach, thanks for the call to chat about Eric Mulligan. I'm just trying to be courteous so don't take this the wrong way - he doesn't even know who you are. May want to move on.

Rory Iorio
Head Basketball Coach
Sierra College

2. Home Visit

It was interesting to hear you talk about [COLLEGE X], but I didn't hear anything that would change my opinion. I'm still going to have to mark you down in the 'NO' column. It's in permanent ink.

Eric Mulligan

3. Scholarship

Coach, I gotta be honest with you - the more I think about playing there, the more I think it's just not for me. Sorry.

Eric Mulligan


1. Coach Call

Hey Coach, thanks for the call to chat about Robert Weinstock. From one coach to another, I don't think you have a shot here. I've never heard him mention [COLLEGE X]- positively.

Joseph Karvonen
Head Basketball Coach
Corning Community College

2. Evaluation Notes (there was nothing in Mulligan's eval that said anything)

Overall, I think with some work, he'll be a decent Division II player - although he would probably sign with the right DIII school - I don't think there's anyway he'll see an offer from a DI school.

BTW, I tried to give him a thumbs up during the game and I'm pretty sure he flipped me off. I don't think that's a good sign.


Overall, I think with some work, he'll be a decent Division II player - although he would probably sign with the right DIII school - I don't think there's anyway he'll see an offer from a DI school.

Just my gut here, but I think we're chasing something we'll never catch. He's convinced he's going to play at a higher level than we can offer. I think he's right.

3. Scholarship

Coach, I gotta be honest with you - the more I think about playing there, the more I think it's just not for me. Sorry.

Robert Weinstock

Hope this helps.

6/27/2011 12:29 PM Customer Support
In your case, he rejected your efforts after a scholarship was withdrawn. He accepted your efforts at the 7:00 cycle on 6/23, but then the scholarship was withdrawn before the next cycle. He rejected everything once that happened.

My guess is that it was an accident, since the withdraw is in the same place as the offer scholarship. Maybe you didn't realize that you'd already offered it once and ended up clicking it a second time.
6/27/2011 4:47 PM dacj501
well, everything for me happened the first cycle - I didn't put anything in after the 8pm eastern cycle (I put all my effort in between 6 pm edt and 8 pm edt) next time around I'll keep a better eye and make sure if it happens again I'll have more info. He accepted the letters but not the phone calls or scholarship. Pretty sure I didn't rescind it, but I'll take more detailed notes next season. Thanks for looking at this, I still believe there is a problem, but I'll need more consistent evidence for you to find it maybe. Hopefully it won't happen next season, but if it does I'll be prepared.
6/27/2011 7:08 PM Customer Support
Sorry, you're right, that did all happen in one cycle. The reasoning still applies though. A withdrawn scholarship immediately gives you major negative feelings from the player. The fact that it's easy to mistaken withdraw is a failure on our part. We'll put that on the list for improvement, to decrease the chances of it happening.
6/27/2011 7:11 PM dacj501
thanks, and I'll pay closer attention.. Appreciate the feedback. Thanks.

A quick followup on that withdraw thing - if I should accidentally withdraw a scholarship in the future, but I do notice it and immediately re-offer, is there still that negative impact? or does the re-offer negate that (kind of like the redshirt notify/retract thing?)
6/28/2011 9:46 AM Customer Support
Currently a scholarship withdrawal is processed immediately, unlike other recruiting efforts. Re-offering helps, but it won't wipe out the negative impact of withdrawing.
6/28/2011 9:17 PM dacj501
good to know - thanks!

7/21/2012 8:45 AM
CS insisted throughout that I withdrew the scholarship. I couldn't go into court and testify that I am 100% positive I didn't. I'm pretty sure I didn't. I got a scholarship rejection response (but had deleted it before I decided to try to get something from CS.) Coach B above had the exact same thing happen, but he kept his responses - they are the ones I used in the ticket. I don't think I got through to CS despite all of my trying there...
7/21/2012 8:49 AM
I wonder why withdrawing a scholarship is processed immediately, while everything else runs on the three hour cycles.
7/21/2012 10:24 AM
I'd really like to see seble respond to that dac. 
7/21/2012 12:50 PM
Posted by emy1013 on 7/21/2012 10:24:00 AM (view original):
I wonder why withdrawing a scholarship is processed immediately, while everything else runs on the three hour cycles.
slowly growing into the zeitgeist?*

* credited to dacj
7/21/2012 2:16 PM
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