Prestige Question Topic

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Posted by skinzfan36 on 1/17/2017 6:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 1/17/2017 6:38:00 PM (view original):
Uh, that's why I quoted THAT post.
A) He was agreeing with you
B) A 2nd agreed
C) A 3rd agreed

That's when I said "I don't have to look but I bet all 4 have A+ D1 teams."

You FOUR were forming a conga line. That's not one, that's FOUR.
just because he said was agreeing with me does not mean it was correct. I guess your reading comprehension is bad. Go back and look at my posts throughout this thread man. You clearly need some help. I did not ever say C schools should have no chance if an A puts in minimal effort.

Just because some guy says he agrees with me doesn't mean what he said in his post is something I agree with. LEARN TO READ!
Yeah, I'm not going back to read your posts. Let's just say it was only THREE. However, let's note that you only asked for ONE.

You seem to have missed ALL THREE posts. Maybe you need to LEARN TO READ!
1/17/2017 7:12 PM
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Posted by skinzfan36 on 1/17/2017 6:59:00 PM (view original):
If you can show me 1 instance of me actually saying A schools should be handed recruits with minimal effort compared to a C school going all-in please show me.

Don't show me a post where another person says he agrees with me but then goes on to say C's should have no chance (because that is not agreeing with what I have consistently said in this thread).
You changed your demand. You asked for one instance of one user saying what he said about A/C. I provided three of them. Don't pretend like you don't recall what you asked.
1/17/2017 7:13 PM
Posted by snafu4u on 1/17/2017 7:13:00 PM (view original):
I'm coming for you MIKET23. Your reign of ignorance is over! Death to the SPUDHOLES!
Imagine the fear in my heart. Welcome to the Little East. Glad to have you.
1/17/2017 7:14 PM
Are you ever gonna list your amazing list of sim game accomplishments? I'd really like to see them. They must be super impressive because you're so proud.
1/17/2017 7:15 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 1/17/2017 7:13:00 PM (view original):
Posted by skinzfan36 on 1/17/2017 6:59:00 PM (view original):
If you can show me 1 instance of me actually saying A schools should be handed recruits with minimal effort compared to a C school going all-in please show me.

Don't show me a post where another person says he agrees with me but then goes on to say C's should have no chance (because that is not agreeing with what I have consistently said in this thread).
You changed your demand. You asked for one instance of one user saying what he said about A/C. I provided three of them. Don't pretend like you don't recall what you asked.
1/17/2017 7:17 PM
Posted by skinzfan36 on 1/17/2017 11:41:00 AM (view original):
0%, should not be able to get past moderate (assuming everything else is equal like you say preferences, effort, all-in on visits), otherwise what the hell is prestige even worth now? The C team shouldn't be that dumb to be going after a guy they know an A+ team will be willing to go all-in on.

That being said with my A+ UCLA squad I have had trouble knocking C prestige teams from High even when I go all-in and have perfect preference match (or at least better than the C team).

I'm not saying guys should just be handed to A+ teams like in the old game but I feel the competition should moreso be coming from B prestige or better squads. I find it crazy how I see some really good players going to SIM schools that these C prestige schools could be cleaning up with but instead they devote all their resources to battling an A+ for a player they have no preference advantage on or anything of that nature. IF they focused on these next tier of guys they could get 1 great class and be on their way to bettering their prestige. It's alot easier for them to get these guys too because most of the A and B schools are focused on battling each other for the very top guys now, instead of in the past where you basically just had to go down the ladder because it was pretty pointless to battle if you were more than a letter grade difference.
What if I told you I was one of those C schools that challenge you! Yep you got Henry Innes from me. I never considered going on a battle against you, i did the research to see you really diversify your targets especially in the guard so I thought you may not prioritize him so much to recruit him and he could be mine. But once I saw that you were giving a push despite all my efforts, that was the time to realize you push to the end and I had no shot, so I had to let go and move on to a new player.

Also It's my first period 1 stage recruitment in the 3.0 version so I never truly experienced the feeling for how the recruiting system works, but even then I went under the 'dont battle A+ school' logic if I knew such school will want to ensure he gets the player.

Anyways no hard feelings, I knew to expect these things and like in life, you just need to expect that you don't always get plan A so move on to plan B.
1/18/2017 11:47 AM
Posted by gjalpert on 1/18/2017 11:47:00 AM (view original):
Posted by skinzfan36 on 1/17/2017 11:41:00 AM (view original):
0%, should not be able to get past moderate (assuming everything else is equal like you say preferences, effort, all-in on visits), otherwise what the hell is prestige even worth now? The C team shouldn't be that dumb to be going after a guy they know an A+ team will be willing to go all-in on.

That being said with my A+ UCLA squad I have had trouble knocking C prestige teams from High even when I go all-in and have perfect preference match (or at least better than the C team).

I'm not saying guys should just be handed to A+ teams like in the old game but I feel the competition should moreso be coming from B prestige or better squads. I find it crazy how I see some really good players going to SIM schools that these C prestige schools could be cleaning up with but instead they devote all their resources to battling an A+ for a player they have no preference advantage on or anything of that nature. IF they focused on these next tier of guys they could get 1 great class and be on their way to bettering their prestige. It's alot easier for them to get these guys too because most of the A and B schools are focused on battling each other for the very top guys now, instead of in the past where you basically just had to go down the ladder because it was pretty pointless to battle if you were more than a letter grade difference.
What if I told you I was one of those C schools that challenge you! Yep you got Henry Innes from me. I never considered going on a battle against you, i did the research to see you really diversify your targets especially in the guard so I thought you may not prioritize him so much to recruit him and he could be mine. But once I saw that you were giving a push despite all my efforts, that was the time to realize you push to the end and I had no shot, so I had to let go and move on to a new player.

Also It's my first period 1 stage recruitment in the 3.0 version so I never truly experienced the feeling for how the recruiting system works, but even then I went under the 'dont battle A+ school' logic if I knew such school will want to ensure he gets the player.

Anyways no hard feelings, I knew to expect these things and like in life, you just need to expect that you don't always get plan A so move on to plan B.
It was pretty hard dropping you to moderate and I used up almost all of my visits (18 HV, 1 CV) plus like 600 AP and I had preference sure seemed like you put in alot of resources on him??? But you're saying you didn't? I could be wrong but I figured you had to have definitely gone all in on visits to stick around that long. Hell I had to offer a start and 20 minutes to him to drop you from High to Moderate. Btw he was my #1 target from the start. I like to go after the top Cali guys because outside of there the distance can start to get kind of far. I knew I was going all out for him and King.

No problem with you going after him though since that is the way the new game works obviously. I just see some real solid players out west getting signed by SIMS and non-west coast schools and I'm like damn some of these mid-level prestige teams could really bring in a great class if they focused on these type of guys.
1/18/2017 11:58 AM
Don't back off this "The C team shouldn't be that dumb to be going after a guy they know an A+ team will be willing to go all-in on" because a user said "That was me."

You do that a lot. Make definitive statements then back off. DON'T...HIT...SEND!!! if you're not willing to stand by your statement.

1/18/2017 12:06 PM
I didn't back off that sentiment. I don't think it is smart for a C to be challenging an A+ for a guy they should know the A+ is going all-in on. The user said he thought I may not go all-in. Once again a different situation...but you have trouble reading, just like you have had trouble reading this entire thread.

Bro, you should not hit send. And no I don't do the alot. You clearly need to improve your reading comprehension.

1/18/2017 12:10 PM
Also I have not backed off of any statements I have made in this thread. I think you pull ideas out of you ***.

Just like yesterday when you thought I said C teams should have no chance against A teams under any circumstances (which I never did, not once).
1/18/2017 12:14 PM
Good lord.

You asked for examples of users saying "C should never beat A". I gave you three and the first said "I agree with skinzfan". Admittedly, you ramble too much so I don't always read your entire posts. I grouped you in with them because the 1st said he agreed with you. Shoot me.

But, yeah, you do it a lot. You think of what effects you, and you alone, and if it's negative, it's not good for the game. You have a myopic view of HD. And that's OK. I just wish you knew it.
1/18/2017 12:21 PM
Posted by skinzfan36 on 1/18/2017 11:58:00 AM (view original):
Posted by gjalpert on 1/18/2017 11:47:00 AM (view original):
Posted by skinzfan36 on 1/17/2017 11:41:00 AM (view original):
0%, should not be able to get past moderate (assuming everything else is equal like you say preferences, effort, all-in on visits), otherwise what the hell is prestige even worth now? The C team shouldn't be that dumb to be going after a guy they know an A+ team will be willing to go all-in on.

That being said with my A+ UCLA squad I have had trouble knocking C prestige teams from High even when I go all-in and have perfect preference match (or at least better than the C team).

I'm not saying guys should just be handed to A+ teams like in the old game but I feel the competition should moreso be coming from B prestige or better squads. I find it crazy how I see some really good players going to SIM schools that these C prestige schools could be cleaning up with but instead they devote all their resources to battling an A+ for a player they have no preference advantage on or anything of that nature. IF they focused on these next tier of guys they could get 1 great class and be on their way to bettering their prestige. It's alot easier for them to get these guys too because most of the A and B schools are focused on battling each other for the very top guys now, instead of in the past where you basically just had to go down the ladder because it was pretty pointless to battle if you were more than a letter grade difference.
What if I told you I was one of those C schools that challenge you! Yep you got Henry Innes from me. I never considered going on a battle against you, i did the research to see you really diversify your targets especially in the guard so I thought you may not prioritize him so much to recruit him and he could be mine. But once I saw that you were giving a push despite all my efforts, that was the time to realize you push to the end and I had no shot, so I had to let go and move on to a new player.

Also It's my first period 1 stage recruitment in the 3.0 version so I never truly experienced the feeling for how the recruiting system works, but even then I went under the 'dont battle A+ school' logic if I knew such school will want to ensure he gets the player.

Anyways no hard feelings, I knew to expect these things and like in life, you just need to expect that you don't always get plan A so move on to plan B.
It was pretty hard dropping you to moderate and I used up almost all of my visits (18 HV, 1 CV) plus like 600 AP and I had preference sure seemed like you put in alot of resources on him??? But you're saying you didn't? I could be wrong but I figured you had to have definitely gone all in on visits to stick around that long. Hell I had to offer a start and 20 minutes to him to drop you from High to Moderate. Btw he was my #1 target from the start. I like to go after the top Cali guys because outside of there the distance can start to get kind of far. I knew I was going all out for him and King.

No problem with you going after him though since that is the way the new game works obviously. I just see some real solid players out west getting signed by SIMS and non-west coast schools and I'm like damn some of these mid-level prestige teams could really bring in a great class if they focused on these type of guys.
Yeah I maximized everything, 20 HV, 1 CV, 25 min & start gurantee plus the maximum of 80 AP for half the possible rounds. I'm in complete rebuilt year so I don't mind giving the guarantee to ensure signing if that's what it takes, I manage to beat a B- team at least for another prospect i really liked and I think sticking to it and going the extra mile did the trick.

I also had nearly perfect preferences on Innes, just he was considered 'Good' in 'Wants Success' and guessing for you it was 'Very Good', and I for sure knew I could get the Very Good on the playing time. I should also consider that Motion & M2M are the most common offense/defense so if a player is considered very good in these, its the same as well for substantial number of teams
1/18/2017 3:13 PM
By the way skinzfan36 i certainly take your advice in the future that as a C team i should wait to see which top prospects are only sought after by Sim AI so I can attain them like John Jordan, he definitely is better than some of the safer choices I went after.

But it's like I said, I had to target safer choices and I didn't see any top 100 players as safe so in my first 3.0 recruiting experience i only targeted those that were top notch on the preferences which John Jordan wasn't one of them, but if I could do this over. I would have waited to observe those other not so sought after players and then snatch them like you suggested.
1/18/2017 3:24 PM
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