I usually only need one.............well, maybe two, depends. On the quality of the stimulus..........blonde?, brunette?, redhead?, tall?, short?, grapefruits?, or bananas? Big difference.
7/26/2019 7:00 PM
Posted by dino27 on 7/26/2019 6:54:00 PM (view original):
he inherited 2008 - dismember that ? - a couple of stimulus' were required.
What did Obama do to curb the debt?
7/26/2019 7:10 PM
here is a meritorious question.

trump says it would be ok for norway to give him information about a nominee biden....so
would it not then be ok for norway to give biden any info however obtained that they have about pres. trump ?
7/26/2019 8:06 PM
the article i mentioned above can be found on drudge report linked.
debt albatross already hurting economy.

also a great link to a wall street journal article that experts think NK may have developed 12 more nukes during trump....DT.
7/26/2019 8:13 PM
When did they get nukes? Who was President? Who gave them......CLINTON?
7/26/2019 8:20 PM
Study: What a conservative echo chamber teaches you, or in other words, delusion:
  • People in border cities are scared of asylum seekers
  • We can't accept people into the country because of our deficit
  • Liberals are illogical and only care about feelings, conservatives are pragmatic
  • The wall is chump change, and is more effective than deploying aid to central america
  • Closing ports of entry somehow affects Mexico
  • Trump didn't dramatically change the immigration law in America
  • The best way to solve for the deficit is by closing the border
  • Asylum is illegal

Stay tuned, folks.
7/27/2019 2:31 PM (edited)
Posted by DougOut on 7/26/2019 8:20:00 PM (view original):
When did they get nukes? Who was President? Who gave them......CLINTON?
im not blaming trump but he brags when he has done nothing.
7/26/2019 11:02 PM
Wow does this guy buy into the entire border madness. " Most people coming through the border are not asylum seekers. WE are scared of the OTHER people."

Is your life that sad that your paranoia has reached this sort of delusion? Just say you hate brown people and be done with it. Say what you REALLY mean. Something like, "I don't like other people coming in to my country." Just be ******* honest about yourself you sad, pathetic man.

I don't know how you guys even converse with dummy. Every time you get the same hard right experience. He's got NOTHING to say other than what he's told to say by (insert hard conservative sites, Limpdick and Faux News here) and he spews it like it's his precious bible. He lectures on "christian values" and forgets that the ENTIRE PREMISE OF THE COUNTRY was FREEDOM OF RELIGION. If you actually knew the Constitution or respected the base expectations of an American society presented in the document then you would open your eyes to exactly how much you go against what you think you are in support of.

7/27/2019 12:38 PM
since the asylum seekers are legals and there are not so many compared to illegals why are they put in cages...with the illegals..
because of racist evil trump....and trumpism.
7/27/2019 12:41 PM
Posted by dino27 on 7/27/2019 12:41:00 PM (view original):
since the asylum seekers are legals and there are not so many compared to illegals why are they put in cages...with the illegals..
because of racist evil trump....and trumpism.
Most of the asylum seekers are liars. The cages they are put into were built by Obama. The laws that put them there were put in place by Obama. The DEMONAZIS have no interest in helping people or solving problems. They refuse to obey existing law. If you say wrong and boring and thanks for your service...I will cry.
7/27/2019 2:04 PM (edited)
wrong and boring.
thank you for your service.
7/27/2019 1:49 PM

7/27/2019 2:04 PM
Posted by DougOut on 7/27/2019 12:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/26/2019 9:22:00 PM (view original):
Study: What a conservative echo chamber teaches you, or in other words, delusion:
  • People in border cities are scared of asylum seekers
  • We can't accept people into the country because of our deficit
  • Liberals are illogical and only care about feelings, conservatives are pragmatic
  • The wall is chump change, and is more effective than deploying aid to central america
  • Closing ports of entry somehow affects Mexico
  • Trump didn't dramatically change the immigration law in America
  • The best way to solve for the deficit is by closing the border

Stay tuned, folks.

1.) People in border cities are scared of asylum seekers.
1A) NOT TRUE. Most people coming through the border are not asylum seekers. WE are scared of the OTHER people.
2.) We can't accept people into the country because of our deficit.
2A) STRAWMAN argument. Classic liberal tactic. Although they more than strain our resources and destroy the future of our children and our Nation, the real reason they are not to be accepted is because of...(wait for it)...THE LAW. And as you know, liberals ignore the law.
3.) Liberals are illogical and only care about feelings, conservatives are pragmatic.
3A) TRUE. Also liberals are ill educated, under educated, mis educated, propagandized, lied to, phished, angry, lost, violent, misguided. cruel, unfair, one sided, racist, gullible and willing to force their ignorance upon others.
4.) The wall is chump change, and is more effective than deploying aidE to Central America.
5.) Closing ports of entry somehow affects Mexico.
5A) I don't know about Mexico but it sure does affect me. LEGAL OR YOU DON'T GET IN.
6.) Trump didn't dramatically change the immigration law in America.
6A) TRUE. Obama did. EVERY LAW PASSED SINCE TED KENNEDY has been pushed for by the democrats. The republicans are also guilty. Trump only went back to pre-obamas. AND OUR LAWS ARE STILL NOT BEING OBSERVED. And that's what they want. Lawlessness until they take over.
7.) The best way to solve for the deficit is by closing the border.
7A) FALSE. That's the first time I ever heard that. IT'S THE NEW STRAWMAN! But I will allow I don't get every piece of information before all of you. I'm just a working stiff trying to survive. Maybe I didn't get the news. On the other hand...let's see if tang can post articles to back his claim.

Doug, I don't think you realize that this post was in reference to my discussion with CCCP in your thread. None of my statements were strawmen, because they were all arguments that Comrade made. In addition, everything that I have and will say on this issue is backed up with many credible sources. I posted a link to many of these also in your thread. Go check those receipts. That said...

2) Actually, it's conservatives who ignore the law. You fail to recognize that asylum is a legal process. Criminalizing asylum is, in fact, showing a blatant disregard for the rule of law.

4) Even the lowest estimates of the cost of the wall have it more pricey than the AFP.

#5) OK, so you should have no issue with asylum seekers, as crossing the border to seek asylum is completely legal.

#6) The Trump tax plan was not pushed for by Democrats. Trump has drastically changed our immigration system. He campaigned on immigration reform.

#7) It's a horrible argument, especially because economists generally agree that immigrants are good for the economy.

If you want me to cite these claims, I can.
7/27/2019 2:40 PM
tangplay is one of the evolved human beings.
he knows moral truths without penalty of law or threat of damnation.
thus ... he is the subject of enmity by those within and without.
7/27/2019 2:46 PM
you have done a good thread.
7/27/2019 2:47 PM
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