Right-wing reactionaries - fight the real enemy Topic

I don't care how many hands he uses to drink water. I care about how he governs the country, which, in my opinion, is not very well.
6/18/2020 2:58 PM
So apparently people are trying to cancel the McDonalds that "mistreated" the McMuffin Cop.

I don't get it.

Ooh, and Matt Gaetz lied about having a son :)
6/18/2020 11:15 PM
The Gaetz thing is weird. I got no opinion on it yet. It's just odd.

The McDonald cop lady is 64 shades of dumb. She pre-ordered it, they don't know you. And I've ate so many sausage egg and cheese biscuits because they misheard me say bacon and gave me the wrong order and shrugged, who cares. Mistakes happen, princess.
6/18/2020 11:25 PM
I think she thought that because the order came in late they were trying to poison her??
6/18/2020 11:41 PM
Posted by tangplay on 6/18/2020 11:41:00 PM (view original):
I think she thought that because the order came in late they were trying to poison her??
Ok, that's even worse then, a late order at McDonalds? Yeah, that's neeeeever happened.

I had read it was the mix up. Whatever, she's a camera hog. It's something a narcissicist you avoid complains about.
6/18/2020 11:51 PM
Posted by coreander on 6/18/2020 1:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by rsp777 on 6/18/2020 1:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/17/2020 11:30:00 PM (view original):
Matt Gaetz got clowned on twice today.
Gaetz is a complete hypocrite bozo grandstander deluxe. He just REEKS of the smell of a guy who has never had his *** properly kicked. Totally reminds me of “Kent” in the movie “Real Genius.” Also “Chet” from “Weird Science.” In fact, Chet may be the more accurate comparison if you go right to the part where Kelly LeBrock evens the score for Chet screwing with Wyatt his whole life.
Woh, tone it down with toxic masculinity, there's more to life than being a "macho man" ;)
Toxic masculinity? Geez are you a candy *** or what dude? Gaetz is a punk stuck in puberty who was never held responsible for his mouth, so he’s exceptionally loud and brave. He’s the definition of a frat boy meathead. A kick in the mouth solves that **** quick down here in the real world. I know that you coreander, as a representative of why people think radical liberals are half crazy hippies, can’t understand the kind of thinking that happens when you actually live outside of a sheltered safe space. It’s a problem your entire generation suffers from. Crying “toxic masculinity” over the thought that Gaetz needs his face redecorated is just straight up FUNNY and a little bit bouncy. Stay in your lane Sir Super Lib. It’s apparently the one for vegan dudes on bikes, but you should feel safe there.
6/18/2020 11:52 PM
Funny because Gaetz is a dictionary definition of toxic masculinity. Watch the argument with Richards. What a joke.
6/19/2020 12:21 AM
Posted by Uofa2 on 6/18/2020 11:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/18/2020 11:41:00 PM (view original):
I think she thought that because the order came in late they were trying to poison her??
Ok, that's even worse then, a late order at McDonalds? Yeah, that's neeeeever happened.

I had read it was the mix up. Whatever, she's a camera hog. It's something a narcissicist you avoid complains about.
I can't tell if people actually thought her order was poisoned or just believe that the mental breakdown is a natural effect of the BLM protests. Regardless, conservative media is a cancer. Kinda the point of this thread.
6/19/2020 12:23 AM
Posted by tangplay on 6/19/2020 12:23:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Uofa2 on 6/18/2020 11:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/18/2020 11:41:00 PM (view original):
I think she thought that because the order came in late they were trying to poison her??
Ok, that's even worse then, a late order at McDonalds? Yeah, that's neeeeever happened.

I had read it was the mix up. Whatever, she's a camera hog. It's something a narcissicist you avoid complains about.
I can't tell if people actually thought her order was poisoned or just believe that the mental breakdown is a natural effect of the BLM protests. Regardless, conservative media is a cancer. Kinda the point of this thread.
6/19/2020 12:57 AM
Trump has now explicitly stated that he does NOT want protesters at his Tulsa rally.

This is the *free speech* president/party.

Also, Republicans are now against curfews? I don't get it.
6/19/2020 4:13 PM
Republicans should always be against curfews. What conservative wants the government telling them what to do, or when to do it?
6/19/2020 4:21 PM
I agree. Just seemed like there were a lot of pro-curfew people during the protests.

Republicans were also anti-strikes on Syria when Obama was President. The second Trump dropped some, they flipped on that.
6/19/2020 6:48 PM (edited)
Tulsa has instituted a curfew in advance of el tonto's rally.
6/19/2020 6:11 PM
Nope... after Trump cry-tweeted, the mayor rescinded the curfew and the supreme court sided with him.
6/19/2020 6:43 PM
Covid cases have been rising in places where Trump won and falling where Clinton won since the initial outbreak. Shows a failure to deal with the crisis in Republican areas, even when they had more time to prepare for it.
6/19/2020 7:22 PM
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Right-wing reactionaries - fight the real enemy Topic

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